Education Publications | Faculty of Education | University of Windsor


Submissions from 2024


Lines of Flight: The Digital Fragmenting of Educational Networks, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Bonnie Stewart, Lenandlar Singh, Sandra Sinfield, Tom Burns, Sandra Abegglen, Keith Hamon, Sarah Honeychurch, and Aras Bozkurt

Submissions from 2023


Teaching About Gender-Based Violence Toolkit, Salsabel Almanssori, Keith Trent-Rennick, Alexandra Lai, and Catherine Vanner


What do you want your teachers to know? Using intergenerational reflections in education research, Catherine Vanner

Submissions from 2022


Literacy Education in the Post-Truth Era: The Pedagogical Potential of Multiliteracies, Lana Parker and Kristy Smith


STEM, iSTEM, and STEAM: What is next?, Atiya Razi and George Zhou


Teach a Person to Fish: An Examination of the Functionalities of Outdoor Classrooms in Windsor-Essex County, Loretta M. Sbrocca

Submissions from 2021


SEM from the Canadian Perspective: Developing Relationships that Enhance Belonging, Student Persistence, and Student Success, Clayton Smith and Susan Gottheil


Faculty Involvement in Strategic Enrollment Management at North American Postsecondary Educational Institutions, Clayton Smith and Lisa Harris


Education about gender-based violence: opportunities and obstacles in the Ontario secondary school curriculum, Catherine Vanner

Submissions from 2020


Using a multiliteracies approach to foster critical and creative pedagogies for adult learners, Susan M. Holloway and Patricia A. Gouthro


A Narrative Inquiry of Chinese Science Teacher Candidates Cross-cultural Learning Experience in Canada, Chunlei Liu, George Zhou, Clayton Smith, and Judy Xu


Plagiarism and Information Literacy Workshops for International Students, Guoying Liu, Zuochen Zhang, Shijing Xu, Karen Pillon, and Haojun Guo


International students and their academic experiences: Student satisfaction, student success challenges, and promising teaching practices., Clayton Smith


The Role of Organizational Change Management in Successful Strategic Enrollment Management Implementation, Clayton Smith


Connecting Best Practices for Teaching Interenational Students with Student Satisfaction: A Review of STEM and Non-STEM Student Perspectives., Clayton Smith, George Zhou, Michael Potter, Deena Wang, Fabiana Menezes, and Gagneet Kaur


Why Don't They Participate in Class? A Study of Chinese Students' Classroom Participation in International Master of Education Program, George Zhou, Glen Rideout, and Clayton A. Smith

Submissions from 2019


Using a multiliteracies approach in adult education to foster inclusive lifelong learning, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway


Mapping a multiliteracies pedegogical approach in adult education and higher education., Susan M. Holloway and Patricia A. Gouthro


Connecting Best Practices for Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse International Students with International Student Satisfaction and Student Perceptions of Student Learning, Clayton A. Smith, George Zhou, Michael Potter, and Deena Wang


Variability by Individual Student Characteristics of Student Satisfaction with Promising International Student Teaching Practices, Clayton A. Smith, George Zhou, Michael Potter, Deena Wang, Miranda Pecoraro, and Renan Paulino


Toward a Definition of Transnational Girlhood, Catherine Vanner

Submissions from 2018


‘This is a competition’: The relationship between examination pressure and gender violence in primary schools in Kenya, Catherine Vanner

Submissions from 2017


Reading the world: Dialogical learning and conversations with fiction, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Jennifer Guy


Stories We Live By: Convergences in Community Narratives of Mennonites and Pentecostals, Natasha Wiebe


More and Better Grant Proposals? The Evaluation of a Grant-Writing Group at a Mid-Sized Canadian University, Natasha Wiebe and Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale

Submissions from 2016


Fictional spaces, learning places: Exploring creative learning sites connected to fiction, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway

Providing Contexts for Understanding Musical Narratives of Power in the Classroom: Music, Politics, and Power in Grenada, West Indies, Danielle Sirek

Submissions from 2014


Teaching Tarleton: A Roundtable, Cam Cobb, Natasha Wiebe, Michael K. Potter, and Bryant Mangum


Adult education and publishing Canadian fiction in a global context: a Foucauldian analysis, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway


Conferences as lifelong learning sites: Engaging with different communities of practice, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway


Visual literacies and multiliteracies: An ecology arts-based pedagogical model., Susan M. Holloway


Women’s experiences in learning to write fiction: Exploring gendered engagement in communities of practice, Susan M. Holloway, Patricia A. Gouthro, and Erin J. Careless


Conversations About Education: Professional Development through a Multi-Epistemic Lens, Roland Karen, Julia Colella, and Blessing Igbokwe


Creating a Knowledge Community: Embedded Professional Practice, Karen Roland

Submissions from 2013


Preparing Teachers to Become Lifelong Learners: Exploring the Use of Fiction to Develop Multiliteracies and Critical Thinking, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway


Lifelong learning and Canadian writers: Fiction writing, citizenship, and learning around identity issues, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Erin J. Careless


Online Tutorial For Beginning Teachers: Storytelling For Professional Practice, Karen Roland


Fictional Characters in Narrative Research Writing, Natasha Wiebe


Mennonite memories of Pelee Island, Ontario, 1925–1950: Toward a framework for visual narrative inquiry, Natasha Wiebe

Submissions from 2012


Critical Literacies and Democratic Learning: Using Fiction Reading and Writing to Engage in Lifelong Learning Connected to Citizenship, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Erin J. Careless


Fiction writing and lifelong learning: reflecting on the role of the educators in fostering well-being and happiness for adult learners, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Erin J. Careless


Visual Literacies: An Ecology Arts-based Pedagogical Model, Susan M. Holloway


But she had to start with her own story: Finding aesthetic distance through a fictional character in a poetic narrative inquiry, C. Hoogland and Natasha Wiebe


Development and use of a Restorative Justice Ideology Instrument: Assessing beliefs, Roland Karen, Glenn Rideout, Geri Salinitri, and Marc P. Frey


‘Doing research was inspiring’: building a research community with teachers, Dragana Martinovica, Natasha Wiebe, Snezana Ratkovic, Colleen Willard-Holt, Terry Spencer, and Maria Cantalini-Williams

Submissions from 2011


Creative pedagogical approaches using fiction to prepare educators to work in international and intercultural contexts, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Erin J. Careless


Fiction writing and learning for critical citizenship: Exploring the potential of reading and writing fiction to foster democratic learning opportunities, Patricia A. Gouthro, Susan M. Holloway, and Erin J. Careless


Literature Circles: Encouraging Critical Literacy, Dual-language Reading, and Multi-modal Approaches, Susan M. Holloway


Literacy Text Selections in Secondary School Classrooms: Exploring the Practices of English Teachers as Agents of Change, Susan M. Holloway and Christopher J. Greig


Creating Inclusive Space for Aboriginal Scholars and Scholarship in the Academy: Implications for Employment Equity Policy, Roland Karen


Reaching across narrative space: Re-interpreting one teacher’s experience with technology, Dragana Martinovic, Jelena Magliaro, and T. Pugh

Submissions from 2010


Reclaiming the radical: using fiction to challenge the "facts" of a neoliberal discourse in lifelong learning, Patricia A. Gouthro and Susan M. Holloway


Associate Teacher Perspectives of the Triumvirate Relationship in Teacher Education: The Role of Faculty Advisors, Roland Karen


Supporting Associate Teaching and Mentoring of Teacher Candidates: Building a Community of Practice, Roland Karen and Clinton Beckford


Pedagogy for mobile learning using videoconferencing technology, Dragana Martinovic, Jelena Magliaro, and T. Pugh


Measuring the Impact of Restorative Justice Practices: Outcomes and Contexts, Glenn Rideout, Roland Karen, Geri Salinitri, and Frey Marc


Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness: Restorying the Russian Mennonite Diaspora, Natasha G. Wiebe

Submissions from 2009


Using Literature in Learning Contexts to Address Contentious Issues of Difference, Culture, Power, and Privilege in the Classroom, Susan M. Holloway

Submissions from 2008


Di Brandt’s Writing Breaks Canadian Mennonite Silence and Reshapes Cultural Identity, Natasha Wiebe


"It gets under the skin and settles in": A Conversation with Miriam Toews, Natasha Wiebe


"Sometimes i just felt i would burst with all of the unanswered questions inside me": Writing breaks the silence and reshapes Canadian Mennonite cultural identity, Natasha Wiebe


Mennocostal Musings: Poetic Inquiry and Performance in Narrative Research, Natasha G. Wiebe


ICT in teacher education: Examining needs, expectations and attitudes., Zuochen Zhang and Dragana Martinovic

Submissions from 2007


Pre-service teachers' preparedness to integrate computer technology into the curriculum, Jelena Magliaro and A. N. Ezeife


Affective pointers in mathematics online help, Dragana Martinovic


Openness in the context of computer networks: Educators’ Perspective, Dragana Martinovic and Jelena Magliaro

Submissions from 2006


"Creating something in order to be somewhere": An interview with Di Brandt, Natasha Wiebe

Submissions from 2002


Canadian Enrollment Leaders' Reflections on the Effectiveness of SEM, Clayton Smith, Susan Gottheil, and Aliyah King


Canadian Enrollment Leaders' Reflections on the Effectiveness of SEM, Clayton Smith, Aliyah King, and Susan Gottheil


Teaching Culturally and Linguistically-Diverse International Students: Connections Between Promising Teaching Practices and Student Satisfaction, Clayton Smith and George Zhou

Submissions from 2000


A paradigm for selecting an institutional software, Diana Kao, Wayne Tousignant, and Natasha Wiebe

Submissions from 1991

An appraisal of Integrated Science as a major innovation in Nigerian education, A. N. Ezeife