A Narrative Inquiry of Chinese Science Teacher Candidates Cross-cultural Learning Experience in Canada

Author ORCID Identifier

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7611-9193 : Clayton Smith

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Winter 3-20-2020

Publication Title

9th International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education

First Page



science teacher candidates, reciprocal learning, cross-culture, narrative inquiry

Last Page



This study conducted a narrative inquiry of the experiences of Chinese pre-service teachers who participated in an exchange program. Data were collected through participant observations, reflective journals, and interviews. Results suggest that key challenges participants experienced included culture shock, isolation, language barriers, and undeveloped time-management skills. Based on these findings, the study recommends that to maximize the benefits of cultural exchanges, it is critical to ensure students understand the nuances of time management and the transformative learning process so as to maximize their time and critical engagement while being abroad. Prior to departure students should learn about Western pedagogical models and the possible challenges related to culture shock.
