Welcome to the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Windsor. Earth and environmental scientists study the composition and structure of Earth, the physical, chemical, and biological processes that shape our planet and environment, as well as the impact that humans have on the environment. Faculty research in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences mostly falls into three main areas of interest: Geofluids, Geochemistry, and Environmental Geoscience.


Submissions from 2006


Factors controlling tidal flat response to sea level rise: Roberts Bank, British Columbia, Canada, A. Shaw, D.G. Lintern, P.R. Hill, and Chris Houser

Submissions from 2005


Climate memory and long-range forecasting of sea ice conditions in hudson strait, W.A. Gough and Chris Houser


Hydrodynamics and sediment transport within the inner surf zone of a lacustrine multiple-barred nearshore, Chris Houser and B. Greenwood


Profile response of a lacustrine multiple barred nearshore to a sequence of storm events, Chris Houser and B. Greenwood


Factors Controlling Tidal Flat Response to Sea Level Rise: Roberts Bank, British Columbia, Canada, Alexandra Shaw, D. Lintern, Philip R. Hill, and Chris Houser

Submissions from 2004


Analysis of velocity profile measurements from wind-tunnel experiments with saltation, B.O. Bauer, Chris Houser, and W.G. Nickling


Backcasting and forecasting biological invasions of inland lakes, Hugh MacIsaac, Julianna Borbely, Jim Muirhead, and Phil Graniero

Submissions from 2003


Section for Geography, Brian Greenwood, Chris Houser, Troels Aagaard, and Jørgen Nielsen


Variations in Sea Ice in the Hudson Strait: 1971-1999, Chris Houser and W.A. Gough

Submissions from 2001


The emission and vertical flux of particulate matter <10 >♂ from a disturbed clay-crusted surface, Chris Houser and W.G. Nickling


The factors influencing the abrasion efficiency of saltating grains on a clay-crusted playa, Chris Houser and W.G. Nickling