The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.
To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.
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This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1972
A multivariate analysis of social and persronal desisrability ratings, Robert James Konopasky
The comparative MMPI performance of compound and coordinate French-English bilingual students., Alan. Krichev
Elastic and inelastic analysis of pretensioned cable-roof structures., T. Kumanan
The light output of thin films of ZnO:Zn under ion excitation, Quoc-Huy Lao
Elastic and plastic behaviour of frozen sand., John S. Lucente
Reaction of urea with diacetyl monoxime and diacetyl., Rosita Yu Si Tan. Lugosi
The young-of-the-year alewife Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) in Lake St. Clair with special reference to food habits and growth., Timothy George. Lutzac
Forward-recursive adaptive control., John Christopher. Luxat
The self-concept of the Children's Aid Society ward, Frederick Macdonald, Constance E. Martin, and Lawrence Quinlan
A comparative study of American and Canadian editorial coverage of the Cuban Revolution., Stephen. Mandel
The effects of muscular and psychological readiness on the reaction time, movement time and force of a whole body response movement., George Wayne. Marino
A study of service delivery in a low-income area from the perspective of the residents., Garth William. Martin
The genesis of Sean O'Casey's later plays., Kevin C. McHugh
The special education teacher in Ontario : analysis of factors influencing recruitment and retention., Rosemary M. McNeil
A kinetic study of the uncatalyzed high pressure oxidation of pseudocumene by sulfur dioxide., Ernest E. Mellanby
A mixed formulation linear and non-linear finite element analysis for anisotropic plates., Mofreh G. Michail
The effect of chroma on line-tilt stimulus control in pigeons., Virginia K. Milam
The repulsive part of the potential between Hg atoms and light atomic projectiles., Bijan. Miremadi-K
The antiviral activity of 2-keto-3-ethoxy butyraldehyde (Kethoxal) against vesicular stomatitis virus., D. Gail Morrow
Application of holographic methods to vibration measurement of turbine discs., Walter J. Pastorius
Margaret Laurence's treatment of the heroine., Barbara Helen. Pell
Suppression of a runway response as a function of delayed shock., Catherine. Petrimoulx
Stereoselective reduction of pyruvate by sodium borohydride in the presence of pyruvate kinase., Timothy M. Phillips