The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.

To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.

To browse major papers, please visit our collection of Major Papers.

This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.

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Theses/Dissertations from 1969


The effect of relational learning on the development of reversal and nonreversal shifts., Robert Edward Rea


Tunnel-diode implementation of high-speed digital logic, Gregory Evan Reynolds


A study in expressive motoric action: A simple key-pressing task as a means of personality measurement, and a Russian "signalling-system" theory as a means of conceptualizing the problem., Thaia Roberts


The development of equipment capable of measuring the density and viscosity of liquids to 50,000 p.s.i. under controlled temperatures., Krishna Kumar Rungta


Theoretical investigation of critical sections in inclined prestressed roof girders., M. A. Saeed


I. Analytical uses of N-bromosuccinimide. II. Distribution studies of palladium in Poa pratensis L., Mohammad Sarwar


Canadian-American interplay in Asia 1945--1968., William M. Scarfia


Beta-gamma directional correlation measurements in the decay of gallium-72., Mohammed M. Seddik


An analytical model of the political decision making process in communist East Europe., Thomas Lyons Seymour


A study of the reactions of fluorspar and phsophate rock with sulphur dioxide, air and water., Ian Griff Sherbin


An alpha-numeric character generator for a computer display., K.G. Sreenivasan


The effects of anaerobiosis on nucleotide metabolism during embryonic development of Artemia salina., Douglas M. Stocco


Scour at the base of spillway buckets., D.L. Strelchuk


Turbulent mixing measurements for single phase air, single phase water, and two-phase air-water flows in adjacent triangular subchannels., Frank B. Walton


Spectrophotometric determination of gold in biological materials., Robert J. Walton


A kinetic study of the low temperature pyrolysis of hydrogen phthalate esters of some tertiary alcohols., Siek Wassenaar


Thermal decomposition of lead tetramethyl., N. J. Webster


Time of arousal, degree of arousal and immediate and delayed recall of connected, meaningful material., Elizabeth Anne Willett


The interfacing of two digital computers., William Charles Wilson


A comparative study of Canadian and West German foreign aid programmes., Bernd Zechel


The role of the nervous system in the sexual and asexual biology of Hydra., Charles E. Zeilig


Biological signals analysis: A proposal of methods for quantifying patterns in biological signals., Walter Zubrycky

Theses/Dissertations from 1968


I. Assay methods for the keto-enol tautomerization of oxalacetic acid. II. Purification and characterization of oxalacetate keto-enol tautomerase., Robert G. Annett


An investigation of a new approach to the synthesis of optically active trityl systems., John L.H. Batiste


The effect of metallurgical variables on thermoelectricity in bismuth and bismuth-antimony alloys., W.H. Bear