Submissions from 1998
Letters to Mike: Personal Narrative and Divorce Reform in the 1960s, Christina Ann Burr
Central American Encounters with Rockefeller Public Health, 1914-1921, Steven Palmer
Deborah J. Yashar, Demanding Democracy: Reform and Reaction in Costa Rica and Guatemala, 1870s-1950s, Steven Palmer
Educating Señorita: Teacher Training, Social Mobility, and the Birth of Costa Rican Feminism, 1885-1925, Steven Palmer and Gladys Rojas Chaves
Background to Change in the Newfoundland Cod Fishery at the Time of Confederation, Miriam Wright
Book Review: Ross, W. Gillies, This Distant and Unsurveyed Country: A Woman's Winter at Baffin Island, 1851, Miriam Wright
The Shadow of the Past: An Historical Perspective on the Newfoundland Cod Fishery, 1950-1992, Miriam Wright
Young Men and Technology: Government Attempts to Create a "Modern" Fisheries Workforce in Newfoundland, 1949-1970, Miriam Wright
Submissions from 1997
Historia de Costa Rica: breve, actualizada y con ilustraciones, Iván Molina Jiménez and Steven Palmer
Breve historia de las drogas en Costa Rica, Steven Palmer
Fishing in Modern Times: Stewart Bates and the Modernization of the Canadian Atlantic Fishery, Miriam Wright
Fishing in the Cold War: Canada, Newfoundland and the International Politics of the Twelve-Mile Fishing Limit, 1958-1969, Miriam Wright
Frozen Fish Companies, the State, and Fisheries Development in Newfoundland, 1940-1966, Miriam Wright
Submissions from 1996
La voluntad radiante: cultura impresa, magia y medicina en Costa Rica, 1897-1932, Iván Molina Jiménez and Steven Palmer
Confinement, Policing and the Emergence of Social Policy in Costa Rica, 1880-1935, Steven Palmer
Memoire, originalite, nationalisme. Le rappel d'un fratricide au Salvador, Steven Palmer
Prolegomenos a toda futura historia de San Jose, Costa Rica, Steven Palmer
Racismo intelectual en Costa Rica y Guatemala, 1870-1920, Steven Palmer
Canadian History: A Reader's Guide. Vol. 2: Confederation to the Present, Miriam Wright
Submissions from 1995
'Roping in the Wretched, the Reckless, and the Wronged': Narratives of the Late Nineteenth-Century Toronto Police Court, Christina Ann Burr
Review of Doing Business with the Dictators: A Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899-1944, Steven Palmer
Review of Revolution in the Countryside: Rural Conflict & Agrarian Reform in Guatemala, 1944-1954, Steven Palmer
Women, Men and the Modern Fishery: Images of Gender in Plans for the Modernization of the Canadian Atlantic Fisheries, Miriam Wright
Submissions from 1994
Ciudad de Guatemala: Dos estudios sobre su evolución urbana (1524-1950) (Review), Steven Palmer
Panico en San Jose. Consumo de heroina, cultura plebeya y politica social., Steven Palmer
Submissions from 1993
Defending "The Art Preservative": Class and Gender Relations in the Printing Trades Unions, 1850-1914, Christina Ann Burr
The Business Development of the Methodist Book and Publishing House, 1870-1914, Christina Ann Burr
Central American Union or Guatemalan Republic? The National Question in Liberal Guatemala, 1871-1885, Steven Palmer
Getting to Know the Unknown Soldier: Official Nationalism in Liberal Costa Rica, 1880-1900, Steven Palmer
Submissions from 1992
Héroes al gusto y libros de moda: sociedad y cambio cultural en Costa Rica (1750-1900), Iván Molina Jiménez and Steven Palmer
Sociedad anonima, cultura oficial. Inventando la nacion en Costa Rica (1848-1900)., Steven Palmer
Submissions from 1988
Carlos Fonseca and the Construction of Sandinismo in Nicaragua, Steven Palmer