Cutural integration, English language learning, Chinese international students, Canadian contexts
Canada has an increasing number of Chinese international students, and although they demonstrate advanced language skills in English standardized tests, they encounter various cultural integration problems. This paper focuses on Chinese students studying in Canadian universities and analyzes the potential problems with English language education in China based on Chinese international students’ cultural integration experiences. The findings suggest that although cultural awareness is currently being emphasized in the English educational reforms in China, it will take time for its advantages to be noticed. The problems with English language education in China have led to a relatively weak cultural awareness of English learners in China who are affected by the traditional exam-oriented English language education. Secondly, traditional English instruction does not provide an understanding of cultural interactions. Now, the understanding of culture has developed to the stage of cultural reciprocity, but Chinese students’ understanding of culture in their English language learning is still at the stage of cultural integration through imitation. Finally, driven by external motivations, Chinese students have no clear understanding of their real learning motivation and are unwilling to integrate into Canadian social contexts due to language barriers and other reasons.
Primary Advisor
Shijing Xu
Program Reader
Zuochen Zhang
Degree Name
Master of Education
Document Type
Major Research Paper
Convocation Year
Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons