
University of Windsor

Document Type



argumentation, deep disagreement, objectivity, safety, trust

Start Date

18-5-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2016 5:00 PM


I will connect the literature on deep disagreements with the literature on trust to construct a two-dimensional picture of the limits of argument. Argumentation and trust are important to the functioning of society, but each sets different expectations for when arguments can and should be used to resolve disagreements. When trust is factored in, we see a more nuanced picture of which disagreements will remain too deep for objective argument. Affective and social aspects of argument are not independent of procedure and content.

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Philosophy Commons


May 18th, 9:00 AM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Another dimension to deep disagreements: trust in argumentation

University of Windsor

I will connect the literature on deep disagreements with the literature on trust to construct a two-dimensional picture of the limits of argument. Argumentation and trust are important to the functioning of society, but each sets different expectations for when arguments can and should be used to resolve disagreements. When trust is factored in, we see a more nuanced picture of which disagreements will remain too deep for objective argument. Affective and social aspects of argument are not independent of procedure and content.