Scholarship at UWindsor - OSSA Conference Archive: Compassion, Authority and Baby Talk: Prosody and Objectivity


University of Windsor

Document Type



multimodal argument, pitch, phonetics, prosody, spoken argument, rhythm, visual argument, voice

Start Date

18-5-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2016 5:00 PM


Recent work on multimodal argumentation has explored facets of argumentation which have no obvious analogue in the written arguments which were emphasized in traditional accounts of argument. One of these facets is prosody: the structure and quality of the sound of spoken language. Prosodic features include pitch, temporal structure, pronunciation, loudness and voice quality, rhythm, emphasis and accent. In this paper, we explore the ways that prosodic features may be invoked in arguing.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


May 18th, 9:00 AM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Compassion, Authority and Baby Talk: Prosody and Objectivity

University of Windsor

Recent work on multimodal argumentation has explored facets of argumentation which have no obvious analogue in the written arguments which were emphasized in traditional accounts of argument. One of these facets is prosody: the structure and quality of the sound of spoken language. Prosodic features include pitch, temporal structure, pronunciation, loudness and voice quality, rhythm, emphasis and accent. In this paper, we explore the ways that prosodic features may be invoked in arguing.