Scholarship at UWindsor - OSSA Conference Archive: Evaluating Narrative Arguments


University of Windsor

Document Type



Argument evaluation, narrative arguments, virtue argumentation, virtuous audience, universal audience

Start Date

18-5-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2016 5:00 PM


This paper addresses the question of how to evaluate narrative arguments. I will be discussing how to evaluate narrative arguments as process as opposed to arguments as product, as with dominant accounts of argument appraisal such as informal logic. The first part of this paper will show that dominant accounts of argument evaluation are not fit for narrative arguments because they focus on the product of argument. The second part of the paper will develop an account of argument evaluation for arguments as process, that is the virtuous audience, which will combine the rhetorical understanding of audience with virtue argumentation

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Reader's Reactions

Paula Olmos, Commentary on Khameiel Al Tamimi's "Evaluating Narrative Arguments" (May 2016)

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Philosophy Commons


May 18th, 9:00 AM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Evaluating Narrative Arguments

University of Windsor

This paper addresses the question of how to evaluate narrative arguments. I will be discussing how to evaluate narrative arguments as process as opposed to arguments as product, as with dominant accounts of argument appraisal such as informal logic. The first part of this paper will show that dominant accounts of argument evaluation are not fit for narrative arguments because they focus on the product of argument. The second part of the paper will develop an account of argument evaluation for arguments as process, that is the virtuous audience, which will combine the rhetorical understanding of audience with virtue argumentation