Scholarship at UWindsor - OSSA Conference Archive: Diversity in Argumentation Theory


Room 3

Document Type



argumentation theory, diversity, emotional mode, physical mode, kisceral mode, m logical mode, multi-modal argumentation

Start Date

4-6-2020 11:00 AM

End Date

4-6-2020 12:00 PM


There is still a high degree of expectation that argumentation should be understood from the perspective of the logical mode of reasoning with little attention to intuitions, emotions and physicality. Our proposal intends to develop a comprehensive understanding of argumentation from the perspective of Michael Gilbert’s Theory of Multi-Modal Argumentation. This approach allows the introduction of diversity in Argumentation Theory, investigating in depth the relations between logic, intuitions, emotions and physicality in cases of argumentation.

Previous Versions

May 22 2020

Included in

Philosophy Commons


Jun 4th, 11:00 AM Jun 4th, 12:00 PM

Diversity in Argumentation Theory

Room 3

There is still a high degree of expectation that argumentation should be understood from the perspective of the logical mode of reasoning with little attention to intuitions, emotions and physicality. Our proposal intends to develop a comprehensive understanding of argumentation from the perspective of Michael Gilbert’s Theory of Multi-Modal Argumentation. This approach allows the introduction of diversity in Argumentation Theory, investigating in depth the relations between logic, intuitions, emotions and physicality in cases of argumentation.