OSSA 5 | OSSA Conference Archive


Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 5 (2003)

Informal Logic @ 25

University of Windsor, 14-17, 2003.

Organizing Committee:

  • J. Anthony Blair
  • Ralph H. Johnson
  • Hans V. Hansen
  • Christopher W. Tindale

Programme Committee:

  • Michael Gilbert, Philosophy, York University
  • Trudy Govier, Calgary
  • David Hitchcock, Philosophy, McMaster University

The society is grateful to the following at the University of Windsor for their generous support:

  • Neil Gold, Vice-President, Academic, University of Windsor
  • Cecil Houston, Dean of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Windsor
  • The Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor

We would further like to express our gratitude for the generous support provided by:

  • The Social Sciences and Humanities Reseach Council of Canada
  • Cambridge University Press

J. Anthony Blair Prize:

The conference was the occasion of the second competition for hte J. Anthony Blair Prize, awarded to an outstanding paper presented by a graduate student. We wish to acknowledge the scholars who assisted the organizers in adjudicating papers for this prize:

  • George Boger, Canistus College
  • Daniel Boone, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Daniel Cohen, Colby College
  • Jean Goodwin, Iowa State University
  • Claudio Duran, York University
  • Erik C.W. Krabbe, University of Groningen
  • Michael Leff, Northwestern University
  • Maureen Linker, University of Michigan Dearborn

We are further indebted to the following members of the conference staff from the University of Windsor:

Laura Pinto Nancy Nadalin Courtney Heffernan Dan Burchall
Nick Chronopoulos Benjamin Maher Craig Brannagan Anouchka Nanick
Benn Becic Sanja Popovic John Davie Gretchen Conti
Barb Opalinski Yasser Ahmad Grant Yocom Daniel Farr

ISSN 2371-8323

Browse the contents of OSSA 5:

Papers and Commentaries
Papers and commentaries from the 5th OSSA conference May 14-17, 2003
Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers from OSSA 5, May 14-17 2003, University of Windsor