Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 6 (2005)
The 6th OSSA conference was hosted at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario and organized by David Hitchcock and Daniel Farr. The theme of the conference was The Uses of Argument.
Programme Committee:
- David Hitchcock, McMaster University (organizing committee)
- Mark Vorobej, McMaster University (organizing committee)
- David M. Godden, University of Windsor and University of Winnipeg, Canada
- Hans V. Hansen, University of Windsor, Canada
- Christopher W. Tindale, Trent University, Canada
- Bart Verheij, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
ISSN 2371-8323
Browse the contents of OSSA 6:
- OSSA 6 Papers
- Proceedings of the 6th OSSA conference, 2005
- OSSA 6 Keynotes
- Keynotes from the 6th OSSA conference, 2005