Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Gender weighting of DSM-IV personality disorder criteria., Melissa. Hobbs
Stress, identity status, and well-being in young adults., Sharon. Jeyakumar
Men's regulation of anger and individual differences in empathy to children., Brian Harold. Keith
African American acculturation and neuropsychological test performance following traumatic brain injury: An exploratory study., Stephan. Kennepohl
Street youth suicide in Canada: A qualitative analysis., Sean Andrew. Kidd
Isolating the effects of control, choice, and prediction., Michelle W. Langlois
Empirically derived psychopathology subgroups in traumatic brain injury., Colleen Patricia. Millikin
Clinical memory subtypes in HIV-1 infection: A novel approach., Shemira. Murji
Psychological adjustment in later life: Environmental choice, motivational style and locus of control as contributing factors., Lynn A. Perreault
The factor structure of Scale 4 of the MMPI-2: An investigation of the Harris-Lingoes subscales and gender differences., Rosemary Louise. Plastow
Socialization of emotion regulation: Use and understanding of display rules in East Indian children., Vaishali Vidhatri. Raval
Examining the effects of individual versus group education on BSE learning and practice in young women., Carie. Stewart
Does the Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) Scale distinguish between subtypes of pervasive developmental disorder?, Chand. Taneja
The relationships among childhood maltreatment, alexithymia, social avoidance, and social support., Andrea M. Turner
Attitudes towards suicide: A structural model and its relationship to experience with suicide., Michael David. Wallace
Emotional and psychosocial sequelae of patients with craniocerebral traumas: A subtype analysis using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)., Erin Michelle. Warriner
Children's Word-Finding Test (Revised): Diagnostic utility, developmental influences, and construct dimensions in a heterogeneous clinic-referred sample., Rosemary Susan. Waxman
The role of memory self-efficacy in memory performance and performance estimation accuracy in old age, Gregory Dennis Wells
The diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by psychologists, pediatricians, and general practitioners., Shelley. Wilkin Bloch
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
An examination of exercise dependence and its relation to eating pathology., Dory. Becker
Narratives of Inuit inmates: Crime, identity and cultural alienation (Nunavut)., Kate Joy Burkhardt
Predictors of quality of life and adjustment to chronic fatigue syndrome., Janette Marie. Collier
Interpreting the MMPI-2 K scale: Self-deception and impression management revisited., Kerry Allyson. Collins
Predicting treatment outcome in chemically dependent women: A test of Marlatt and Gordon's Relapse Model., Renee Marie Agnes. Cormier
The effect of perceived gender role congruence and perceived sexual orientation on the selection interview process., Charles Peter. Fehr
Women's stories of power: Exploring reclamation and subversion of heterosexual sex., Julie Marie. Fraser
Gambling behaviour and the distribution of alcohol consumption model., Richard Joseph. Govoni
Halstead Category Test and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performances of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and those exhibiting the syndrome of nonverbal learning disabilities., Corinne. Hardy-Morais
Psychosocial sequelae of pediatric TBI: A subtype analysis using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)., Susan Elizabeth. Hayman-Abello
Attachment relationships and emotional intelligence in preschoolers., Kimberley Ann. Houtmeyers
Body image in males as related to fraternity membership and levels of exercise., Melanie Darlene. Kelly
Does the theory of planned behaviour predict suicidal intent?, Gail Anne. Matheson
Body image disturbance in relation to self-perceptions of physical attractiveness, social competence, and need for approval in college women., Christine Louise. O'Connor
NLD and BPPD: Rules for classification and a comparison of psychosocial subtypes., Petrina Monique. Pelletier
The relationship between child maltreatment and performance on measures of higher-order reasoning/executive functioning., Michelle Anne Petherick-Giudice
Comparison of the psychosocial typology of children with below-average IQ to that of children with LD., Margaret Bridgette. Ralston
An analysis of adolescents' and young adults' support networks., Amy Elizabeth. Silverman
Who chooses Windsor? A student profile (Ontario)., Ryan. Stanga
A volumetric evaluation of the thalamus in high-functioning individuals with autism using MRI., Katherine D. Tsatsanis
Reliability and concurrent validity of a French version of the Youth Self-Report for Francophone youths., Christian Andre. Wyss
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Personality and grieving in a university student population., Steven E. Bailley
Battered women's evaluations of two criminal justice policies designed to arrest and prosecute more batterers., Paula Cristina. Barata
The effect of internalized homophobia and feminist identity on utilization of health services: A Canadian lesbian perspective., Sherry Marie. Bergeron
Linear common-factor analysis in mental disorder validation: Problems and alternatives., Jarkko Ville. Jalava
Street youth suicide: An analysis of narrative., Sean Andrew. Kidd
The relation between eating pathology and emotional intelligence in university women., Rolan. Koifman
Understanding depression in university women: The role of stress, attributional style, and self-efficacy., Christine Marguerite. Laurent
A study on the long-term effects of child sexual abuse: An empirical investigation of the post-traumatic stress disorder and traumagenic dynamic models., Laura Susan LeClair
The Parenting Styles Self-Test: Reliability and construct validity., Catharine Helen. Lee
Prospective attitudes toward the use of hospice care in a university population., Tracy A. Little
Characteristics of women with clinical and non-clinical panic disorder., Jeffrey Rae. Malan
Judgements of responsibility for HIV-infection: A test of Weiner's Social Motivation Theory in the context of the AIDS epidemic (Immune deficiency)., Janet L. Mantler
Factors associated with poor memory functioning in persons with epilepsy., Margaret Anne. Newson
Heavy Internet use: A proxy for social interaction., Helen Bontu. Ofosu
Gender role characteristics and depression., Norman B. Thoms
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
An examination of social information processing patterns in anxious children., Catherine Anne-Marie. Bulow
Neuropsychological subgroups of patients with Alzheimer's disease: A look at the first ten years of CERAD data., Nancy Justina. Fisher
Gender role socialized behaviours and attitudes as predictors of eating pathology in an undergraduate female sample., Jeremy. Frank
Maternal perceptions of support from professionals and daily care-giving burden as determinants of distress in mothers of children with developmental disabilities., Lena Janine. Freeman
Comparison of learning disability subtypes on independent and concurrent measures of metamemory., Catherine A. Greene
University women's experience with and perceptions of premenstrual syndrome., Jessica A. Hamilton
Neuropsychological and socioemotional sequelae of infantile hydrocephalus in three etiological groups: A developmental perspective., Simone W. A. T. Kortstee
Adolescent problem behaviours associated with parental divorce, interparental conflict, and parent-child relationships., Cheryl Robyn. Lavitch
The development of a comprehensive factor analytically derived measure of spirituality and its relationship to psychological functioning., Douglas Andrew. MacDonald
Achieving a positive valuation of being lesbian, gay, or bisexual in a heterosexist world., Jodee Marsha. McCaw
Relations of autonomy and sociotropy to eating disturbances in female university students and women with eating disorders., Karen Joan. Narduzzi
The relationship between young adult suicidal behavior and difficulties developing intimacy, problematic family relationships and depression., Michael Edward Anthony. Oosterhoff
Baby Think It Over(TM): The use of role-play to prevent teen pregnancy., Jennifer Wilhelmina. Out
Reactions to arousal and ambiguity: An application of reversal theory., Joseph Paul. Pilon
Neuroradiological correlates of neuropsychological functioning in multiple sclerosis., Lisa Ann. Smith-Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Memory functioning in individuals with Williams syndrome., Peter Edward. Anderson
The structure of sexist attitudes: Stereotypes, emotions, symbolic beliefs, and ambivalence., Bernadette. Campbell
Suicidality among individuals with schizophrenia: The interaction of personality and known risk factors., Brenda J. Davie
Auditory pattern perception in children with Williams syndrome., Audrey Jean. Don
Academic achievement and self-esteem in children and adolescents with moderate visual impairment., Anne-Marie. Drapeau
Social support for women who are abused in heterosexual relationships., Katherine T. Dunham
Differences on measures of distress between clients who continue in psychotherapy, drop out prior to intake, and drop out following intake., Craig A. Healey
Understanding, knowing, and telling transgender identities., Darryl B. Hill
East Indians in Canada: Changing conceptions of love., Sandeep. Hunjan
Jury nullification and racism: The effect of nullification instructions and racial prejudice on jurors' verdicts., Ilana Ariella. Kaufman
Gambling behavior and its relation to impulsivity, sensation seeking, and risky behaviors in males., Mark Willem James. Langewisch
The attitude-behaviour link: Planned behaviour, self-monitoring, behavioural variability, and condom use., David Michael. Ledgerwood
The effects of family expressiveness on perceived control and use of emotions in parenting situations., Jody Deborah. Levenbach
Stress and coping in mothers of children with developmental disabilities across the lifespan., Nicole Stacey. Li
The long-term effects of a police-school program on attitudes toward police., Frank J. McShane
The relationship between clinical graduate students' experiences with their educators and their views on therapist-client dual role relationships., Elizabeth Minerva. Moore
Spatial-temporal skills and exposure to music: Is there an effect, and if so, why?, Kristin Marie. Nantais
Emotion perception competence and its relationship to social skills, personality characteristics, and self-concept of children with varied cognitive abilities in a psychiatric sample., Victoria Lydia. Petti
Stress, resources, and coping in parents of children with externalizing and internalizing behaviours., Catherine I. Tsagarakis
The effects of peer social interaction and support on the self-esteem of young people with spina bifida., Lorelei. Walsh
Nutritional knowledge and disordered eating attitudes and behaviour in college women., S. Jane. Walsh
An Analysis of the Construct-Related and Ecological Validity of the Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions, Peter J. Wass
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Phenomenological descriptions and critical interpretations of the lives of immigrant women., M. Jacqueline Antonio
Identification with gender roles: A personal construct psychology perspective., Gary Steven Balz
Ameliorating effects of sense of humor on trait depression., Mohsan. Beg
Children of chronic pain sufferers: Assessing their social competence., Sophie. Beugnot
The role of personality factors in differentiating the severity of panic-related avoidance., Stacey Lea. Burnard
Design Fluency Test: Normative data, cognitive skills related to performance, and performance by individuals with temporal lobe pathology., Sherri Leigh. Carter
Predictors of condom use among university women: An application and extension of the theory of planned behaviour., Anna. Fazekas
Prevalence and expression of bulimic symptoms among Aboriginal and nonaboriginal women., Gabrielle. Geller