Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Depression, styles of private inner experience, and coping: A comparison of pathological gamblers in Gamblers Anonymous with nonpathologically gambling controls., Heather A. Getty
The psychotherapy experiences, concerns and preferences of lesbians and gay men., Stuart Grant. Gibson
Attitudes toward eating disorders among university undergraduates., Alicia Margaret. Hendley
An investigation of psychosis in Chamorro culture: Relating delusional thought to cultural context., Lisa S. Keith
Delayed recognition memory for laterally presented abstract and concrete words and drawings., Stephan. Kennepohl
Effects of stimulus movement and post-habituation delay on newborn infants' ability to retain visual information., David P. Laplante
Test re-test reliability of the Boston Naming Test and the Visual Naming Test on normal subjects with a comparison to subjects with complex partial seizure disorder., Janet Lynn. Murray
Language acquisition in firstborn and laterborn children: A comparison of early speech characteristics and the development of conversational skills., Brenda Teresa. Roberts-Santarossa
The intergenerational transmission of attachment experiences: Mothers' representations of self in relation to others., Nicole Sonya. Vellet
The relationship between perceived severity of parental physical punishment and the development of moral reasoning of young adults., Shelley E. Wilkin
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Psychotherapy's impact on society., Peter. Cobrin
The relationship between memory disruptive effects of REM sleep deprivation and neuropsychological dissociations of task requirements., James Arthur. Conway
The Conflict Tactics Scale: Assessing the meaning, context, and consequences of partner violence., Renee A. Cormier
Constructing codependency: An exploration of subjective definitions using Q-factor analysis., Jonathan James. Douglas
Neuropsychological subgroups of patients with Alzheimer's disease., Nancy Justina. Fisher
A study of gambling behaviour in the city of Windsor (Ontario)., Richard Joseph. Govoni
The Family Inventory of Resources for Management: Content validity and utility among mothers living at home with adult sons/daughters who have developmental delays., Elizabeth Jane. Hall
Experiential epistemology: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a systemic-constructivist instructional method., Richard J. Holigrocki
Self-report of depressive symptomatology and daily hassles: Effects of instructional set, gender, and gender role orientation., Karen Anne Marie Holowaty
Contextual influences on parental directive speech style., Cornelia Linda. Illman
Psychological adjustment to breast cancer: Congruence of locus of control and information and decision-making participation., Betty Jane. Kirkland
Hemispheric differences in global/local processing: The effects of attentional allocation., Shemira. Murji
Body image disturbance in relation to attributions of physical attractiveness and social competence in college women., Christine Louise. O'Connor
Individualism-communalism and employment equity: The effects of value priming on hiring decisions., Helen B. Ofosu
Organizational effectiveness in a human service context., Andrea. Plotnick
Impact of childhood sexual abuse in the development of an eating disorder in adulthood., Thomas A. Ruttan
Perceptions of leadership effectiveness of traditional and participative organizations and supervisors., Stuart Mitchell. Silverman
The person-job fit: Implications of selecting police personnel on the basis of job dimensions, aptitudes and personality traits., Brenda A. Tomini
Factors affecting the acceptability of assisted suicide., Gayle. Vincent
Leadership and culture: Developing a constructivist approach to social organizing., Edward Murray. Vokes
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Undergraduate student expectations and perceptions of a university education in the 1990s., Louise Rita. Alexitch
Behavioural problems and coping skills of adolescent siblings of cancer patients., Darcy Lyn. Cantin
Children's spontaneous monitoring and control processes in a memory task., Geraldine M. Church
Personality characteristics in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome., Janette Marie. Collier
Predicting women's breast self-examination behaviour., Arlene D. Cox
Inter-informant agreement and childhood depression., Alison Denise. Crocker
Development of a Teacher Checklist for Childhood Dissociative Disorders., Audrey Jean. Don
AIDS education: A social constructionist approach (Immune deficiency)., Julie Marie. Fraser
Achievement motivation in athletes: Task versus ego involvement., Dion G. Goodland
Testing a five factor model of visual-spatial, motor, and psychomotor functioning and a three factor model of verbal functioning in learning-disabled children., Joanna Margaret. Hamilton
The utility of elaborative interrogation for university students studying expository text in preparation for matching and multiple-choice tests., Vicky Lynn. Martin
Impact of mode of death on the bereavement experience: Suicide, accident, and natural death surviviors compared., Steven Emil. Marykuca
Predicting paternal involvement in family work using maternal sex role attitudes, self-esteem, and coping strategies., Rhonda K. Matters
Detection of simulated memory impairment: Use of a test battery to detect informed and uninformed malingerers., Colleen Patricia. Millikin
The effects of concurrent interference on the storage and retrieval of new material., Margaret Anne. Newson
Social support, attributional style, and self-blame in child surviviors of sexual abuse., Linda R. Reinstein
Constructing occupational stress in a human service agency., Dennis Scott. Robinson
Sexual harrassment of women graduate students and the effect of harrassment on their educational experience., Cynthia A. Solylo-Pasek
Clinical psychologists' endorsements of mental disorder ideology as a function of personal sociopolitical values., Iain Kerr Bowden. Twaddle
Sex differences, previous experience with suicide, and attitudes towards suicide., Michael David Wallace
Time-management and academic achievement., Gregory Dennis. Wells
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) with and without hyperactivity: Neuropsychological, academic, and psychosocial correlates of ADD subtypes in children., Joseph Emile. Casey
The use of Shakow's reaction time procedure to measure components of attention in brain damaged individuals., Steven. Donaghy
Engagement in study behaviours: The role of personological variable and perceived course characteristics., Annette Dufresne
The validity of a model-based procedure for assessing episodic memory., Michael C. S. Harnadek
The effects of career plateauing on self-efficacy expectations, career coping strategies, and job outcomes among police, David. Hoath
Relative habituation and recovery of visual attention to orientation-movement compounds by newborn infants., David P. Laplante
Sociodemographic, social influence, and psychological variables as predictors of alcohol-related attitudes and behaviours in a university sample., Laura Susan. Magee
Intrapersonal and perceived interpersonal attributions: Determinants of help-seeking in low-literate adults., Tanya S. Martini
Sex differences in perceptions of dangerous sexual behaviours: The case of acquaintance rape., Jodee M. McCaw
Psychological correlates of eating disordered behaviour and attitudes in female undergraduate students., Karen Joan. Narduzzi
Dichotomous thinking and its relation to suicidal ideation and the perception of stress., Kevin R. Smith
Psychosocial dimensions of learning disabilities: External validation of (1) statistically-derived psychosocial subtypes and their relations to (2) cognitive and academic functioning., Katherine D. Tsatsanis
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Interdisciplinary attitudes of mental health professionals-in-training., Mary B. Donaghy
The comparability of the WISC-R and WISC-III in a group of children with learning disabilities., Catherine B. Dool
Psychosomatic indicators for children on the Rorschach test: A retrospective and concurrent study., Colin. Jones
New product concept generation with multidimensional scaling and unfolding: A micro-feature approach., Ian L. Knowles
The Singer-Loomis Inventory of Personality: A validity and reliability analysis., Douglas A. MacDonald
Selective attention biases: Alcoholics experiencing panic attacks versus non-panic alcoholics., Jeffrey Rae Malan
Adapting to life changes: The roles of personal and situational resources in adjusting to long-term care., Gail Matheson Cox
Fitness to stand trial: An examination of decision-making strategies through the use of hypothetical case vignettes., Stewart Glenn. Plotnick
The socialization of business and arts students: Epistemological and value changes between disciplines., Michael A. Savage
Mother-infant interaction in delayed infants of three diagnostic groups involved in early intervention., Lisa Ann Smith
Neuropsychological characteristics of reading-disabled children: Predictive validity and profile analysis studies., Mary Louise. Stewart
The role of hostility against self in suicide attempt., Paul F. Szabo
Communication apprehension: Self-efficacy expectancies and evaluative thoughts as moderating variables., Catherine I. Tsagarakis
Self-regulatory deficits, relational experiences, and the functions of weight control in bulimic women., Carole Vipond
The K-ABC as a predictor of future cognitive skills for preschool children with language and behaviour control deficits., Janis. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The process of adjustment among sojourning foreign and Canadian students., M. Jacqueline. Antonio
The utility of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales: Survey form for differentiating between mentally retarded and language impaired pre-school age children., Penelope A. Hope
The impact of perceptions of self and others on self-reported shyness., Todd. Jackson
Sexuality and body image in Canadian university students., Lisa. Keith
Expressed emotion and child disturbance: An investigation of parent and family functioning., Jodi G. Kershner
The systematic distortion hypothesis and diagnostically meaningful student ratings of university instructor teaching effectiveness., Adam C. Lodzinski
Justice within organizations: Perceptions of family support programs., Victoria L. Macfarlane
Patterns of psychopathology in sexually abused girls., Dianne Mary. Maing
Assessing semantic context effects in good and poor readers using a moving window paradigm., Lina. Murdaca
Stress and satisfaction in nurses: Perfectionism and self-efficacy as moderating variables., Sean P. O'Brien
The psychological effects of parental pressure to achieve on children., Anne. Robinson
Program evaluation utilization in Canada and its relationship to evaluation process, evaluator and decision context variables., Michael Patrick. Shea
Neuropsychological predictors of socioemotional disturbance in young reading-impaired children., Maureen E. Wass
Analysis of the peer review process in neuropsychological journals., Peter J. Wass
The decoding of facial expressions and its relationship to compliance behavior in boys characterized as externalizers., Diane J. Zanier
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The performance of language-impaired preschoolers on the K-ABC scales., Jo-Ann Hilda. Birt