Exercise Equipment Development for Safe Activation of the Medial Deltoid



Type of Proposal

Oral Presentation


Faculty of Engineering

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Eunsik Kim


The purpose of resistance training is to improve the strength and size of muscles and/or to improve sport performance. To be done safely and effectively, all muscles (or parts of the body) should be worked equally. However, there is a lack of availability of exercise methods, machines, and equipment that effectively and safely target smaller muscles. The medial deltoid muscle is a small muscle in the shoulder that largely contributes to overall athletic appearance and upper body strength, making it a crucial component of physique and strength sports. Development of the medial deltoid muscle is also correlated to better weight-lifting/exercising form and a mitigated risk of injury. Despite the known benefits of medial deltoid hypertrophy, there are very few exercise machines dedicated to it and none that are used effectively by beginner to mid-level users. The objective of this project is to design and evaluate an exercise machine that isolates the medial deltoid muscle for hypertrophy better than current solutions. First, the pitfalls of current solutions were identified. Next, an EMG (electromyography) experiment was designed and carried out to identify the best movement patterns and postures for medial deltoid isolation. Next - keeping in mind design constraints and anthropometric measures - an exercise machine will be designed to facilitate one or more of the superior movement patterns identified through the experiment work. Ideally, the knowledge gained from the experiment work and the machine designs will be used to improve current industry solutions and promote safer, more effective resistance training.

Grand Challenges

Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities



Exercise Equipment Development for Safe Activation of the Medial Deltoid

The purpose of resistance training is to improve the strength and size of muscles and/or to improve sport performance. To be done safely and effectively, all muscles (or parts of the body) should be worked equally. However, there is a lack of availability of exercise methods, machines, and equipment that effectively and safely target smaller muscles. The medial deltoid muscle is a small muscle in the shoulder that largely contributes to overall athletic appearance and upper body strength, making it a crucial component of physique and strength sports. Development of the medial deltoid muscle is also correlated to better weight-lifting/exercising form and a mitigated risk of injury. Despite the known benefits of medial deltoid hypertrophy, there are very few exercise machines dedicated to it and none that are used effectively by beginner to mid-level users. The objective of this project is to design and evaluate an exercise machine that isolates the medial deltoid muscle for hypertrophy better than current solutions. First, the pitfalls of current solutions were identified. Next, an EMG (electromyography) experiment was designed and carried out to identify the best movement patterns and postures for medial deltoid isolation. Next - keeping in mind design constraints and anthropometric measures - an exercise machine will be designed to facilitate one or more of the superior movement patterns identified through the experiment work. Ideally, the knowledge gained from the experiment work and the machine designs will be used to improve current industry solutions and promote safer, more effective resistance training.