Submitter and Co-author information

Alexa Lee Govette, University of WindsorFollow



Type of Proposal

Visual Presentation (Poster, Installation, Demonstration)


Faculty of Human Kinetics

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Cheri McGowan


Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing a global health epidemic that contributes to more than 17 million deaths each year. While the understanding of CVD continues to increase around the world, its prevalence has continued to rise significantly. Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) is multifaceted secondary prevention intervention that includes physical, psychological and social components in order to attempt to educate clients on management of disease risk factors, exercise training, nutrition, cardio protective drug therapy as well as providing psychological counseling services. CR produces many benefits across a variety of CVD populations, such as reducing mortality amongst clients. However, CR is not utilized to its full potential and the extent of its capabilities as a disease management strategy. This is an issue especially in Canada and the United States, where referral and participation rates differ significantly between the two countries, despite their close proximity to each other. This review acts as a first step towards better understanding the differences between the two countries in order to increase CR referrals and participation, therefore improving the ability to decrease overall CVD mortality and the global economic burden.


University of Windsor

Grand Challenges

Healthy Great Lakes

Special Considerations

I have submitted my thesis proposal only, data analysis will not likely be complete by the time of the conference.



Understanding models of care in cardiac rehabilitation programs to maximize outcomes in women

University of Windsor

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing a global health epidemic that contributes to more than 17 million deaths each year. While the understanding of CVD continues to increase around the world, its prevalence has continued to rise significantly. Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) is multifaceted secondary prevention intervention that includes physical, psychological and social components in order to attempt to educate clients on management of disease risk factors, exercise training, nutrition, cardio protective drug therapy as well as providing psychological counseling services. CR produces many benefits across a variety of CVD populations, such as reducing mortality amongst clients. However, CR is not utilized to its full potential and the extent of its capabilities as a disease management strategy. This is an issue especially in Canada and the United States, where referral and participation rates differ significantly between the two countries, despite their close proximity to each other. This review acts as a first step towards better understanding the differences between the two countries in order to increase CR referrals and participation, therefore improving the ability to decrease overall CVD mortality and the global economic burden.