Colours of Sound

Submitter and Co-author information

Matthew T. Lepain, University of WindsorFollow



Type of Proposal



Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Brent Lee


Colours of Sound is a collection of visualmusic projects developed through a series of studies that explore different approaches to creating integrated audio-visual compositions. Bret Battey is a leading artist in this field; his work heavily focuses on image and sound relationships, but he also uses generative techniques, digital signal processing, feedback processes and emergent behavior. However, much of his audio-visual relationships rely on non-algorithmic (manual) control of material. My project focuses on but is not limited to the use of generative systems to produce sounds and moving images. Each study will result in a patch (program) written in the visual programming language Max. In my work so far, various patches have been designed and tested using mapping techniques to link parameters (data values) of audio and video to produce relationships. Sound is routed to Ableton Live, a digital audio workstation, to be processed and produce a musical aesthetic that reflects the corresponding visuals. Some studies also require the recording of audio and video to be used as alternative source material. Ultimately, Colours of Sound will be comprised of videos made from the recording of running of patches produced across the series of studies. It is my hope that Colours of Sound will provide a deeper understanding of the potential relationships of image and sound while exploring a variety of artistic methods to creating visualmusic.

Keywords: visualmusic, audiovisual, image, sound, generative art, multimedia


Windsor, ON

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

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Colours of Sound

Windsor, ON

Colours of Sound is a collection of visualmusic projects developed through a series of studies that explore different approaches to creating integrated audio-visual compositions. Bret Battey is a leading artist in this field; his work heavily focuses on image and sound relationships, but he also uses generative techniques, digital signal processing, feedback processes and emergent behavior. However, much of his audio-visual relationships rely on non-algorithmic (manual) control of material. My project focuses on but is not limited to the use of generative systems to produce sounds and moving images. Each study will result in a patch (program) written in the visual programming language Max. In my work so far, various patches have been designed and tested using mapping techniques to link parameters (data values) of audio and video to produce relationships. Sound is routed to Ableton Live, a digital audio workstation, to be processed and produce a musical aesthetic that reflects the corresponding visuals. Some studies also require the recording of audio and video to be used as alternative source material. Ultimately, Colours of Sound will be comprised of videos made from the recording of running of patches produced across the series of studies. It is my hope that Colours of Sound will provide a deeper understanding of the potential relationships of image and sound while exploring a variety of artistic methods to creating visualmusic.

Keywords: visualmusic, audiovisual, image, sound, generative art, multimedia