Submitter and Co-author information

Ada Walman, University of WindsorFollow

Author ORCID Identifier : Ada Walman



Type of Proposal

Poster Presentation

Challenges Theme

Building Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities

Your Location



Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty Sponsor

Michael Darroch


As an urban site analysis, the Dominion House on Sandwich Street in the city of Windsor, Ontario, deserves a place of mention. The house’s history is longer than the city’s history; it was built in the 1850s while Windsor became an official city in 1892. The Dominion House is the oldest remaining continuously running tavern in the border region and one of the oldest in Ontario (Morgan,1994, p.25). The City Windsor By-law 11345 recognized its heritage value in 1992. (Dominion House Tavern,1992). Surrounded by the Windsor-Detroit border environment, near the bank of the Detroit River, the Dominion House witnessed the construction of the Ambassador Bridge. With many previous owners’ business run efforts, it housed and served many residents, travelers, and bridge workers. Also, numerous celebrities enjoyed this place; since then, it has been a popular inn crossed the century. What to be worth raising is not only about being the historic heritage but also how the effectiveness of the subjective involvement; in Windsor, local people approximately age fifty and up are still taking delight in how popular the old tavern was, and such popularity impacted its community so that the Dominion House lived up as a true celebrities’ cradle and a landmark of Windsor. Theoretically, by the human mind developing society and the subjectivity interacting within a natural environment, the Dominion House has been affecting by history, culture, economics, urban or region architecture, landscape, and media ecology studies, which are transdisciplinary approaches to the Ecosophy (Guattari, 2005), a philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium (Naess, 1994). All relationships in social-ecological systems are a kind of mediated relation; the flow of matter and energy exchange is the mediated ecological form in a material environment (Hroch et al, 2015). The social activity as the force shaped the well-known DH. We want to recognize many activities, rhythms, senses, and connections that make this location dynamic rather than static. Also, expounding through the history of the Dominion House and references of the impacted social involvement may urge preservation to all inherited urban sites or facilitate their community development.

Keywords: Dominion House, tavern, celebrities’ cradle, landmark, city Windsor,

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Special Considerations

This writing is a mediated Ecology study. It analyses how human culture interactive in the natural environment through a historical architecture The dominion House, also expounds on how the house owners and the business runners' contribution towards the Sandwich community.

It is an urban site analysis that examined a range of approaches to how the DH is made up of complex ecologies and considers how the DH in Windsor is connected to its broader urban environment. Many activities, rhythms, senses, and connections that make the DH dynamic rather than static. My goal is to represent and analyze the ecology of activities and connections that make this urban space a specific place in our minds.



Mediated Ecologies Dominion House--A True Celebrities’ Cradle and a Landmark of the City of Windsor

As an urban site analysis, the Dominion House on Sandwich Street in the city of Windsor, Ontario, deserves a place of mention. The house’s history is longer than the city’s history; it was built in the 1850s while Windsor became an official city in 1892. The Dominion House is the oldest remaining continuously running tavern in the border region and one of the oldest in Ontario (Morgan,1994, p.25). The City Windsor By-law 11345 recognized its heritage value in 1992. (Dominion House Tavern,1992). Surrounded by the Windsor-Detroit border environment, near the bank of the Detroit River, the Dominion House witnessed the construction of the Ambassador Bridge. With many previous owners’ business run efforts, it housed and served many residents, travelers, and bridge workers. Also, numerous celebrities enjoyed this place; since then, it has been a popular inn crossed the century. What to be worth raising is not only about being the historic heritage but also how the effectiveness of the subjective involvement; in Windsor, local people approximately age fifty and up are still taking delight in how popular the old tavern was, and such popularity impacted its community so that the Dominion House lived up as a true celebrities’ cradle and a landmark of Windsor. Theoretically, by the human mind developing society and the subjectivity interacting within a natural environment, the Dominion House has been affecting by history, culture, economics, urban or region architecture, landscape, and media ecology studies, which are transdisciplinary approaches to the Ecosophy (Guattari, 2005), a philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium (Naess, 1994). All relationships in social-ecological systems are a kind of mediated relation; the flow of matter and energy exchange is the mediated ecological form in a material environment (Hroch et al, 2015). The social activity as the force shaped the well-known DH. We want to recognize many activities, rhythms, senses, and connections that make this location dynamic rather than static. Also, expounding through the history of the Dominion House and references of the impacted social involvement may urge preservation to all inherited urban sites or facilitate their community development.

Keywords: Dominion House, tavern, celebrities’ cradle, landmark, city Windsor,