Influences of parental attachment and sexual education on young adults’ sexuality

Submitter and Co-author information

Rebecca Pacheco MsFollow



Type of Proposal

Poster Presentation

Challenges Theme

Open Challenge

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Charlene Senn


This study examines the relationship between young adults’ attachment styles, sexual socialization by parents, and school-based sex education and their sexual attitudes, sexual self-efficacy, and sexual satisfaction. 100 university students aged 17-25 answered an anonymous online survey including previously validated measures. We hypothesized that a secure attachment, a liberal socialization and a comprehensive education would be related to greater sexual confidence and more positive sexual outcomes. We also hypothesized that experiencing comprehensive sexual education will counteract any negative impact of having an insecure attachment. Responses were analysed using hierarchical regression. We discuss the limits and strengths of the findings in the context of social discomfort communicating about sex and the complex web of formal and informal influences on young adults’ sexual attitudes and sexual satisfaction.



Influences of parental attachment and sexual education on young adults’ sexuality

This study examines the relationship between young adults’ attachment styles, sexual socialization by parents, and school-based sex education and their sexual attitudes, sexual self-efficacy, and sexual satisfaction. 100 university students aged 17-25 answered an anonymous online survey including previously validated measures. We hypothesized that a secure attachment, a liberal socialization and a comprehensive education would be related to greater sexual confidence and more positive sexual outcomes. We also hypothesized that experiencing comprehensive sexual education will counteract any negative impact of having an insecure attachment. Responses were analysed using hierarchical regression. We discuss the limits and strengths of the findings in the context of social discomfort communicating about sex and the complex web of formal and informal influences on young adults’ sexual attitudes and sexual satisfaction.