Scholarship at UWindsor - OSSA Conference Archive: Polish logical studies from an informal logic perspective


University of Windsor

Document Type



informal logic, logical culture, Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS), pragmatic logic

Start Date

22-5-2013 9:00 AM

End Date

25-5-2013 5:00 PM


The paper emphasizes significant resemblances between the Informal Logic Initiative and the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) – the Polish philosophical movement (1895-1939), the rise of which is associated with “the Golden Age of Science and Letters”. The correspondence between informal logic and the logical studies of the LWS will be explored by discussing their subject-matter, goals, and methods. The project focused on applying logical studies of the LWS in analyzing and assessing arguments will be proposed.

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Philosophy Commons


May 22nd, 9:00 AM May 25th, 5:00 PM

Polish logical studies from an informal logic perspective

University of Windsor

The paper emphasizes significant resemblances between the Informal Logic Initiative and the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) – the Polish philosophical movement (1895-1939), the rise of which is associated with “the Golden Age of Science and Letters”. The correspondence between informal logic and the logical studies of the LWS will be explored by discussing their subject-matter, goals, and methods. The project focused on applying logical studies of the LWS in analyzing and assessing arguments will be proposed.