Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 10 (2013)
Virtues of Argumentation
University of Windsor, May 22 - 25, 2013
Organizing Committee:
- Hans V. Hansen
- Catherine E. Hundleby
- Christopher W. Tindale
assisted by: Jamie Sewell, Elisa Durante & Anne Marie Romanko
Programme Committee:
- Andrew Aberdein, Florida Institute of Technology
- Lilian Bermejo-Luque, University of Granda
- J. Anthony Blair, University of Windsor
- Emmanuelle Danblon, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Hans V. Hansen, University of Windsor (Secretary)
- Ralph H. Johnson, University of Windsor
- Fred Kauffeld, Edgewood College
- Christopher W. Tindale, University of Windsor
- Frank Zenker, University of Lund
For their support of this conference, The Society is grateful to the following:
- The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
- The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
- The Dean of Law & the Faculty of Law
- The Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation & Rhetoric (CRRAR)
- The Department of Philosophy
- The Department of Communication Studies
- The Humanities Research Group
- Informal Logic
Editors of the proceedings:
Dima Mohammed and Marcin Lewiński
Video Producer/Editor, DVD Authoring &Technical Advisor
J. Martin Vaughan (CTL)
The content for OSSA 10 will be publicly accessible following the release of the CD-ROM. Thank you for your patience. Please forward any questions to Dave Johnston at scholarship@uwindsor.ca
ISSN 2371-8323
Browse the contents of OSSA 10:
- Editors’s preface
- Editors’s preface for OSSA 10
- OSSA 10 Keynotes
- Keynotes from the 10th OSSA conference, 2013
- Papers and Commentaries
- Papers and commentaries from the 10th OSSA conference, 2011. Virtues of Argumentation