
Submissions from 2020


Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic, Sarah C. Davidson, Gil Bohrer, Eliezer Gurarie, Scott LaPoint, Peter J. Mahoney, Natalie T. Boelman, Jan U.H. Eitel, Laura R. Prugh, Lee A. Vierling, Jyoti Jennewein, Emma Grier, Ophélie Couriot, Allicia P. Kelly, Arjan J.H. Meddens, Ruth Y. Oliver, Roland Kays, Martin Wikelski, and Tomas Aarvak


Density dependence mediates the ecological impact of an invasive fish, Emma M. DeRoy, Ryan Scott, Nigel E. Hussey, and Hugh J. MacIsaac


Maternal and embryonic trace element concentrations and stable isotope fractionation in the smalleye smooth-hound (Mustelus higmani), Juliana de Souza-Araujo, Ryan Andrades, Marcelo de Oliveira Lima, Nigel E. Hussey, and Tommaso Giarrizzo


Population genomic response to geographic gradients by widespread and endemic fishes of the Arabian Peninsula, Joseph D. DiBattista, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Marek J. Piatek, Edgar Fernando Cagua, Brian W. Bowen, John Howard Choat, Luiz A. Rocha, Michelle R. Gaither, Jean Paul A. Hobbs, Tane H. Sinclair-Taylor, Jennifer H. McIlwain, Mark A. Priest, Camrin D. Braun, Nigel E. Hussey, Steven T. Kessel, and Michael L. Berumen


Wintering snow buntings elevate cold hardiness to extreme levels but show no changes in maintenance costs, Audrey Le Pogam, Oliver P. Love, Lyette Régimbald, Karine Dubois, Fanny Hallot, Myriam Milbergue, Magali Petit, Ryan S. O’Connor, and François Vézina


Field assessment of behavioural responses of southern stingrays (Hypanus americanus) to acoustic stimuli, Megan F. Mickle, Rachel H. Pieniazek, and Dennis M. Higgs


Bioacoustic analyses reveal that bird communities recover with forest succession in tropical dry forests, Kiirsti C. Owen, Amanda D. Melin, Fernando A. Campos, Linda M. Fedigan, Thomas W. Gillespie, and Daniel J. Mennill


Inuit observations of a tunicata bloom unusual for the amundsen gulf, western Canadian arctic, Harri Pettitt-Wade, Tristan Pearce, David Kuptana, and Colin P. Gallagher


Comparative analysis of noise effects on wild and captive freshwater fish behaviour, Rachel H. Pieniazek, Megan F. Mickle, and Dennis M. Higgs


Collective behavior in wild zebrafish, Delia S. Shelton, Sierra G. Shelton, Danita K. Daniel, Manickam Raja, Anuradha Bhat, Robyn L. Tanguay, Dennis M. Higgs, and Emília P. Martins


Assessing the post-release effects of capture, handling and placement of satellite telemetry devices on narwhal (Monodon monoceros) movement behaviour, Courtney R. Shuert, Marianne Marcoux, Nigel E. Hussey, Cortney A. Watt, and Marie Auger-Méthé


A first look at the metabolic rate of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) in the Canadian Arctic, Eric Ste-Marie, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Jayson M. Semmens, Marianne Marcoux, and Nigel E. Hussey


Foraging tactics in dynamic sea-ice habitats affect individual state in a long-ranging seabird, Arnaud Tarroux, Yves Cherel, Per Fauchald, Akiko Kato, Oliver P. Love, Yan Ropert-Coudert, Gunnar Spreen, Øystein Varpe, Henri Weimerskirch, Nigel G. Yoccoz, Sandrine Zahn, and Sébastien Descamps


Calling songs of Neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Panama, Hannah M. ter Hofstede, Laurel B. Symes, Sharon J. Martinson, Tony Robillard, Paul Faure, Shyam Madhusudhana, and Rachel A. Page


Thermal tolerance depends on season, age and body condition in imperilled redside dace Clinostomus elongatus, Andy J. Turko, Colby B. Nolan, Sigal Balshine, Graham R. Scott, and Trevor E. Pitcher


Gone with the wind: Is signal timing in a neotropical katydid an adaptive response to variation in wind-induced vibratory noise?, Estefania Velilla, Matías Muñoz, Nicol Quiroga, Laurel Symes, Hannah M. ter Hofstede, Rachel A. Page, Ralph Simon, Jacintha Ellers, and Wouter Halfwerk


DNA Methylation Profiles Suggest Intergenerational Transfer of Maternal Effects, Clare J. Venney, Oliver P. Love, Ellen Jane Drown, and Daniel D. Heath


Consequences of being phenotypically mismatched with the environment: Rapid muscle ultrastructural changes in cold-shocked black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus), François Vézina, Emily Cornelius Ruhs, Erin S. O'Connor, Audrey Le Pogam, Lyette Régimbald, Oliver P. Love, and Ana Gabriela Jimenez


Vocal sequences in narwhals (Monodon monoceros), Sam F. Walmsley, Luke Rendell, Nigel E. Hussey, and Marianne Marcoux


Mimicking Transgenerational Signals of Future Stress: Thermal Tolerance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Is More Sensitive to Elevated Rearing Temperature Than Exogenously Increased Egg Cortisol, Theresa R. Warriner, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, Trevor E. Pitcher, Daniel D. Heath, and Oliver P. Love


Exposure to exogenous egg cortisol does not rescue juvenile Chinook salmon body size, condition, or survival from the effects of elevated water temperatures, Theresa R. Warriner, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, Trevor E. Pitcher, and Oliver P. Love

Submissions from 2019


Plasma mammalian leptin analogue predicts reproductive phenology, but not reproductive output in a capital-income breeding seaduck, Holly L. Hennin, Pierre Legagneux, H. Grant Gilchrist, Joël Bêty, John P. McMurtry, and Oliver P. Love


Inter-population differences in farmed Chinook salmon product quantity and quality, C. M.E. Lajoie, O. P. Love, D. D. Heath, J. W. Heath, and T. E. Pitcher


Flexible response to short-term weather in a cold-adapted songbird, Marie Pier Laplante, Emily A. McKinnon, Oliver P. Love, and François Vézina


Alternative reproductive tactics, an overlooked source of life history variation in the invasive round goby, Erin S. McCallum, Aneesh P.H. Bose, Naylor Lobban, and Julie R. Marentette


Tracking Landscape-Scale Movements of Snow Buntings and Weather-Driven Changes in Flock Composition During the Temperate Winter, Emily A. Mckinnon, Marie Pier Laplante, Oliver P. Love, Kevin C. Fraser, Stuart Mackenzie, and François Vézina


Behavioural and morphological changes in fish exposed to ecologically relevant boat noises, Megan F. Mickle, Christopher M. Harris, Oliver P. Love, and Dennis M. Higgs


Baseline corticosterone does not reflect iridescent plumage traits in female tree swallows, Keneth Sarpong, Christine L. Madliger, Christopher M. Harris, Oliver P. Love, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Pierre Paul Bitton


Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, Pauline M. Capelle, Mitchel G.E. Dender, Robert Devlin, Brian Dixon, Jane Drown, John Heath, Russell Hepburn, Dennis M. Higgs, Kevyn Janisse, Sarah J. Lehnert, Oliver P. Love, Jessica Mayrand, Megan Mickle, Trevor E. Pitcher, Bryan Neff, Shawna L. Semple, and Jennifer L. Smith


Stable isotopes of carbon reveal flexible pairing strategies in a migratory Arctic bird, Rolanda J. Steenweg, Pierre Legagneux, Glenn T. Crossin, H. Grant Gilchrist, T. Kurt Kyser, and Oliver P. Love

Submissions from 2018


Mercury exposure and short-term consequences on physiology and reproduction in Antarctic petrels, Alice Carravieri, Jérôme Fort, Arnaud Tarroux, Yves Cherel, Oliver P. Love, Solène Prieur, Maud Brault-Favrou, Paco Bustamante, and Sébastien Descamps


Phenotypic integration of behavioural and physiological traits is related to variation in growth among stocks of Chinook salmon, Mitchel G.E. Dender, Pauline M. Capelle, Oliver P. Love, Daniel D. Heath, John W. Heath, and Christina A.D. Semeniuk


Higher rates of prebreeding condition gain positively impacts clutch size: A mechanistic test of the condition-dependent individual optimization model, Holly L. Hennin, Cody J. Dey, Joël Bêty, H. Grant Gilchrist, Pierre Legagneux, Tony D. Williams, and Oliver P. Love


The impact of sea ice conditions on breeding decisions is modulated by body condition in an arctic partial capital breeder, Frankie Jean-Gagnon, P. Legagneux, G. Gilchrist, S. Bélanger, O. P. Love, and J. Bêty


The conservation physiology toolbox: Status and opportunities, Christine L. Madliger, Oliver P. Love, Kevin R. Hultine, and Steven J. Cooke


Ten years tracking the migrations of small landbirds: Lessons learned in the golden age of bio-logging, Emily A. McKinnon and Oliver P. Love


Error management theory and the adaptive significance of transgenerational maternal-stress effects on offspring phenotype, Michael J. Sheriff, Ben Dantzer, Oliver P. Love, and John L. Orrock

Submissions from 2017


Uncoupling basal and summit metabolic rates in white-throated Sparrows: Digestive demand drives maintenance costs, but changes in muscle mass are not needed to improve thermogenic capacity, Gonzalo Barceló, Oliver P. Love, and François Vézina


Chickadees faced with unpredictable food increase fat reserves but certain components of their immune function decline, Emily A. Cornelius, François Vézina, Lyette Regimbald, Fanny Hallot, Magali Petit, Oliver P. Love, and William H. Karasov


Costs of reproduction and carry-over effects in breeding albatrosses, Glenn T. Crossin, Richard A. Phillips, Christine R. Lattin, L. Michael Romero, Xavier Bordeleau, Christopher M. Harris, Oliver P. Love, and Tony D. Williams


Spring phenology shapes the spatial foraging behavior of Antarctic petrels, Per Fauchald, Arnaud Tarroux, Torkild Tveraa, Yves Cherel, Yan Ropert-Coudert, Akiko Kato, Oliver P. Love, ∅ystein Varpe, and Sébastien Descamps


An evaluation of feather corticosterone as a biomarker of fitness and an ecologically relevant stressor during breeding in the wild, Christopher M. Harris, Christine L. Madliger, and Oliver P. Love


Linking pre-laying energy allocation and timing of breeding in a migratory arctic raptor, Vincent Lamarre, Alastair Franke, Oliver P. Love, Pierre Legagneux, and Joël Bêty


A call for more physiology at conservation conferences, Christine L. Madliger, Steven J. Cooke, and Oliver P. Love


Conservation physiology and the quest for a ‘good’ Anthropocene, Christine L. Madliger, Craig E. Franklin, Kevin R. Hultine, Mark van Kleunen, Robert J. Lennox, Oliver P. Love, Jodie L. Rummer, and Steven J. Cooke


The mystery of the missing warbler, E. A. McKinnon, C. Artuso, and O. P. Love


Integrating ecological and evolutionary context in the study of maternal stress, Michael J. Sheriff, Alison Bell, Rudy Boonstra, Ben Dantzer, Sophia G. Lavergne, Katie E. McGhee, Kirsty J. MacLeod, Laurane Winandy, Cedric Zimmer, and Oliver P. Love


Glucocorticoids in fish eggs: Variation, interactions with the environment, and the potential to shape offspring fitness, N. M. Sopinka, P. M. Capelle, C. A.D. Semeniuk, and O. P. Love


Effectiveness of baseline corticosterone as a monitoring tool for fitness: a meta-analysis in seabirds, Graham H. Sorenson, Cody J. Dey, Christine L. Madliger, and Oliver P. Love

Submissions from 2016


Prenatal Stress Exposure Generates Higher Early Survival and Smaller Size without Impacting Developmental Rate in a Pacific Salmon, Pauline M. Capelle, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, Natalie M. Sopinka, John W. Heath, and Oliver P. Love


Glucocorticoid manipulations in free-living animals: Considerations of dose delivery, life-history context and reproductive state, Glenn T. Crossin, Oliver P. Love, Steven J. Cooke, and Tony D. Williams


Large-scale oceanographic fluctuations drive Antarctic petrel survival and reproduction, Sébastien Descamps, Arnaud Tarroux, Svein Håkon Lorentsen, Oliver P. Love, Øystein Varpe, and Nigel G. Yoccoz


Temporal overlap and repeatability of feather corticosterone levels: Practical considerations for use as a biomarker, Christopher M. Harris, Christine L. Madliger, and Oliver P. Love


Energetic physiology mediates individual optimization of breeding phenology in a migratory Arctic Seabird, Holly L. Hennin, Jöel Bêty, Pierre Legagneux, H. Grant Gilchrist, Tony D. Williams, and Oliver P. Love


Baseline glucocorticoids are drivers of body mass gain in a diving seabird, Holly L. Hennin, Alicia M. Wells-Berlin, and Oliver P. Love


Unpredictable perturbation reduces breeding propensity regardless of pre-laying reproductive readiness in a partial capital breeder, Pierre Legagneux, Holly L. Hennin, H. Grant Gilchrist, Tony D. Williams, Oliver P. Love, and Joël Bêty


Cold tolerance, and not earlier arrival on breeding grounds, explains why males winter further north in an Arctic-breeding songbird, Christie A. Macdonald, Emily A. Mckinnon, H. Grant Gilchrist, and Oliver P. Love


Success stories and emerging themes in conservation physiology, Christine L. Madliger, Steven J. Cooke, Erica J. Crespi, Jennifer L. Funk, Kevin R. Hultine, Kathleen E. Hunt, Jason R. Rohr, Brent J. Sinclair, Cory D. Suski, Craig K.R. Willis, and Oliver P. Love


Conservation implications of a lack of relationship between baseline glucocorticoids and fitness in a wild passerine, Christine L. Madliger and Oliver P. Love


Do baseline glucocorticoids simultaneously represent fitness and environmental quality in a declining aerial insectivore?, Christine L. Madliger and Oliver P. Love


Employing individual measures of baseline glucocorticoids as population-level conservation biomarkers: Considering within-individual variation in a breeding passerine, Christine L. Madliger and Oliver P. Love


Spring and fall migration phenology of an Arctic-breeding passerine, Emily A. McKinnon, C. M. Macdonald, H. G. Gilchrist, and O. P. Love


Implications of mercury and lead concentrations on breeding physiology and phenology in an Arctic bird, J. F. Provencher, M. R. Forbes, H. L. Hennin, O. P. Love, B. M. Braune, M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Gilchrist

Submissions from 2015


The Oxidative Cost of Acoustic Signals: Examining Steroid Versus Aerobic Activity Hypotheses in a Wild Bird, Sarah Baldo, Daniel J. Mennill, Sarah Guindre-Parker, Hugh Grant Gilchrist, and Oliver P. Love


Pre-breeding energetic management in a mixed-strategy breeder, Holly L. Hennin, Pierre Legagneux, Joël Bêty, Tony D. Williams, H. Grant Gilchrist, Tyne M. Baker, and Oliver P. Love


The power of physiology in changing landscapes: Considerations for the continued integration of conservation and physiology, Christine L. Madliger and Oliver P. Love


Assessing baseline stress physiology as an integrator of environmental quality in a wild avian population: Implications for use as a conservation biomarker, Christine L. Madliger, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, Christopher M. Harris, and Oliver P. Love


Sources of diel variation in energetic physiology in an Arctic-breeding, diving seaduck, Rolanda J. Steenweg, Holly L. Hennin, Joël Bêty, H. Grant Gilchrist, Tony D. Williams, Glenn T. Crossin, and Oliver P. Love


Mid-winter temperatures, not spring temperatures, predict breeding phenology in the European starling Sturnus vulgaris, Tony D. Williams, Sophie Bourgeon, Allison Cornell, Laramie Ferguson, Melinda Fowler, Raime B. Fronstin, and Oliver P. Love

Submissions from 2014


Snow buntings sing individually distinctive songs and show inter-annual variation in song structure, Sarah Baldo, Daniel J. Mennill, Sarah Guindre-Parker, H. Grant Gilchrist, and Oliver P. Love


Revisiting the condition-dependence of melanin-based plumage, Sarah Guindre-Parker and Oliver P. Love


Feather corticosterone reveals effect of moulting conditions in the autumn on subsequent reproductive output and survival in an Arctic migratory bird, N. Jane Harms, Pierre Legagneux, H. Grant Gilchrist, Joël Bêty, Oliver P. Love, Mark R. Forbes, Gary R. Bortolotti, and Catherine Soos


No selection on immunological markers in response to a highly virulent pathogen in an Arctic breeding bird, Pierre Legagneux, Lisha L. Berzins, Mark Forbes, Naomi Jane Harms, Holly L. Hennin, Sophie Bourgeon, H. G. Gilchrist, Joël Bêty, Catherine Soos, Oliver P. Love, Jeffrey T. Foster, Sébastien Descamps, and Gary Burness


Multigenerational outbreeding effects in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Sarah J. Lehnert, Oliver P. Love, Trevor E. Pitcher, Dennis M. Higgs, and Daniel D. Heath


Evidence for baseline glucocorticoids as mediators of reproductive investment in a wild bird, Oliver P. Love, Christine L. Madliger, Sophie Bourgeon, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, and Tony D. Williams


The need for a predictive, context-dependent approach to the application of stress hormones in conservation, Christine L. Madliger and Oliver P. Love


Variation in plasma corticosterone in migratory songbirds: A test of the migration-modulation hypothesis, Dominique N. Wagner, David J. Green, John M. Cooper, Oliver P. Love, and Tony D. Williams


Evaluating gonadosomatic index as an estimator of reproductive condition in the invasive round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, Jeffrey N. Zeyl, Oliver P. Love, and Dennis M. Higgs

Submissions from 2013


Alula size signals male condition and predicts reproductive performance in an Arctic-breeding passerine, Sarah Guindre-Parker, H. Grant Gilchrist, Sarah Baldo, and Oliver P. Love


Multiple achromatic plumage ornaments signal to multiple receivers, Sarah Guindre-Parker, H. Grant Gilchrist, Sarah Baldo, Stephanie M. Doucet, and Oliver P. Love


The oxidative costs of territory quality and offspring provisioning, S. Guindre-Parker, S. Baldo, H. G. Gilchrist, C. A. Macdonald, C. M. Harris, and O. P. Love


Maternal adversity and ecological stressors in natural populations: The role of stress axis programming in individuals, with implications for populations and communities, Oliver P. Love, Patrick O. Mcgowan, and Michael J. Sheriff


Baseline corticosterone in wintering marine birds: Methodological considerations and ecological patterns, E. C. Palm, D. Esler, E. M. Anderson, T. D. Williams, O. P. Love, and M. T. Wilson


Determining the adaptive potential of maternal stress, M. J. Sheriff and O. P. Love


Condition-dependent auditory processing in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus): Links to sex, reproductive condition and female estrogen levels, Jeffrey N. Zeyl, Oliver P. Love, and Dennis M. Higgs

Submissions from 2012


Primary and secondary sexual characters in alternative reproductive tactics of chinook salmon: Associations with androgens and the maturation-inducing steroid, Ian A.E. Butts, Oliver P. Love, Michelle Farwell, and Trevor E. Pitcher


First report of a snow bunting × Lapland longspur hybrid, Christie A. MacDonald, Tracy Martin, Rick Ludkin, David J.T. Hussell, David Lamble, and Oliver P. Love

Submissions from 2011


Individual optimization of reproduction in a long-lived migratory bird: A test of the condition-dependent model of laying date and clutch size, Sébastien Descamps, Joël Bêty, Oliver P. Love, and H. Grant Gilchrist


Avian cholera, post-hatching survival and selection on hatch characteristics in a long-lived bird, the common eider Somateria mollisima, Sébastien Descamps, Mark R. Forbes, H. Grant Gilchrist, Oliver P. Love, and Joël Bêty


Manipulating developmental stress reveals sex-specific effects of egg size on offspring phenotype, O. P. Love and T. D. Williams

Submissions from 2010


Pre-laying climatic cues can time reproduction to optimally match offspring hatching and ice conditions in an Arctic marine bird, Oliver P. Love, H. Grant Gilchrist, Sébastien Descamps, Christina A.D. Semeniuk, and Joël Bêty

Submissions from 2009


Juveniles exposed to embryonic corticosterone have enhanced flight performance, Eunice H. Chin, Oliver P. Love, Jan J. Verspoor, Tony D. Williams, Kyle Rowley, and Gary Burness


Using life-histories to predict and interpret variability in yolk hormones, O. P. Love, H. G. Gilchrist, J. Bêty, K. E. Wynne-Edwards, L. Berzins, and T. D. Williams


Shifts in metabolic demands in growing altricial nestlings illustrate context-specific relationships between basal metabolic rate and body composition, Fraņois Vézina, Oliver P. Love, Mylaine Lessard, and Tony D. Williams

Submissions from 2008


Sex differences in DHEA and estradiol during development in a wild songbird: Jugular versus brachial plasma, Eunice H. Chin, Amit H. Shah, Kim L. Schmidt, Lani D. Sheldon, Oliver P. Love, and Kiran K. Soma


Sex-specific variability in the immune system across life-history stages, Oliver P. Love, Katrina G. Salvante, James Dale, and Tony D. Williams


Plasticity in the adrenocortical response of a free-living vertebrate: The role of pre- and post-natal developmental stress, Oliver P. Love and Tony D. Williams


The adaptive value of stress-induced phenotypes: Effects of maternally derived corticosterone on sex-biased investment, cost of reproduction, and maternal fitness, Oliver P. Love and Tony D. Williams


Determinants of within- and among-clutch variation in yolk corticosterone in the European starling, O. P. Love, K. E. Wynne-Edwards, L. Bond, and T. D. Williams

Submissions from 2007


Manipulating rearing conditions reveals developmental sensitivity in the smaller sex of a passerine bird, the European starling Sturnus vulgaris, Eloise Rowland, Oliver P. Love, Jan J. Verspoor, Lani Sheldon, and Tony D. Williams