Scholarship at UWindsor - OSSA Conference Archive: Understanding the Embrace of Fallacy: A multi-modal analysis

Author ORCID Identifier : Michael Gilbert


Room 2

Document Type



#Metoo, anti-vaxxer, argumentation, argumentum ad ignoratiem, argumentum ad vericundiam, fallacy, innocent until proven guilty, multi-modal, post hoc ergo propter hoc

Start Date

4-6-2020 2:00 PM

End Date

4-6-2020 3:00 PM


I want to suggest that we can attain a deeper understanding of fallacies if we 1) examine them in situ, and 2) apply a multi-modal analysis to them. That is to say that there is a need to examine the logical, emotional, visceral and kisceral aspects of fallacies in order to understand why an arguer uses a fallacy (Gilbert 1997). Toward this end I will examine the embrace of fallacies and the circumstances in which they are used. The first is the use of the ad vericundiam and post hoc ergo propter hoc in the context of vaccine hesitancy. The second explores the ad Ignoratiem in the context of the #Metoo movement. The point is not to defend or attack he positions, but rather to show how a multi-modal analysis helps understand their usage.

Included in

Philosophy Commons


Jun 4th, 2:00 PM Jun 4th, 3:00 PM

Understanding the Embrace of Fallacy: A multi-modal analysis

Room 2

I want to suggest that we can attain a deeper understanding of fallacies if we 1) examine them in situ, and 2) apply a multi-modal analysis to them. That is to say that there is a need to examine the logical, emotional, visceral and kisceral aspects of fallacies in order to understand why an arguer uses a fallacy (Gilbert 1997). Toward this end I will examine the embrace of fallacies and the circumstances in which they are used. The first is the use of the ad vericundiam and post hoc ergo propter hoc in the context of vaccine hesitancy. The second explores the ad Ignoratiem in the context of the #Metoo movement. The point is not to defend or attack he positions, but rather to show how a multi-modal analysis helps understand their usage.