University of Windsor
Document Type
adequacy of arguments, argument schemes, branches of argument schemes, epistemological theory of argumentation, Kienpointner, practical arguments, probabilistic arguments, types of types of ar-guments, validity, Walton.
Start Date
18-5-2011 9:00 AM
End Date
21-5-2011 5:00 PM
The paper develops a classificatory system of basic argument types on the basis of the epis-temological approach to argumentation. This approach has provided strict rules for several kinds of argu-ments. These kinds may be brought into a system of basic irreducible types, which rely on different parts of epistemology: deductive logic, probability theory, utility theory. The system reduces a huge mass of differ-ent argument schemes to basic types and gives them an epistemological foundation.
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Argument schemes—an epistemological approach
University of Windsor
The paper develops a classificatory system of basic argument types on the basis of the epis-temological approach to argumentation. This approach has provided strict rules for several kinds of argu-ments. These kinds may be brought into a system of basic irreducible types, which rely on different parts of epistemology: deductive logic, probability theory, utility theory. The system reduces a huge mass of differ-ent argument schemes to basic types and gives them an epistemological foundation.