Physics continues to be one of the “flagship” research Departments at the University of Windsor. Our faculty are known regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally for their active and outstanding research and their direct involvement in the learning experiences provided to our undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty are known worldwide for high levels of research productivity and funding through industrial partnerships. Their research achievements, with its many awards and distinctions to their credit, make the department one of the highest quality Physics departments in Canada. Currently, there are three main areas of research:
- Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics
- Materials Science
- Biomedical Physics
Submissions from 1992
Stationary solutions for an electron in an intense laser field. I. Single-mode case, D. S. Guo and Gordon W. F. Drake
Many-electron radial and angular integrals in the unitary-group approach, R. D. Kent and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1991
Erratum: Expectation values of rP for arbitrary hydrogenic states (Physical Review A (1991) 43, 11, (6432)), Gordon W. F. Drake and R. A. Swainson
Quantum defects and the 1/n dependence of Rydberg energies: Second-order polarization effects, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. A. Swainson
Variational calculation for the ground state of lithium and the QED corrections for Li-like ions, D. K. McKenzie and Gordon W. F. Drake
A unified treatment of the non-relativistic and relativistic hydrogen atom: III. The reduced Green functions, R. A. Swainson and Gordon W. F. Drake
A unified treatment of the non-relativistic and relativistic hydrogen atom II: The Green functions, R. A. Swainson and Gordon W. F. Drake
A unified treatment of the non-relativistic and relativistic hydrogen atom I: The wavefunctions, R. A. Swainson and Gordon W. F. Drake
Measurement of the n=2 Lamb shift in He+ by the anisotropy method, A. Van Wijngaarden, J. Kwela, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1990
Erratum: Eigenvalues and retardation effects in the n = 10 states of helium (Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (1989) 22 (L651-L657)), Gordon W. F. Drake
Bethe logarithms for hydrogen up to n=20, and approximations for two-electron atoms, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. A. Swainson
Expectation values of rP for arbitrary hydrogenic states, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. A. Swainson
Expectation values of rP for arbitrary hydrogenic states, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. A. Swainson
An alternative proof of some relations between hydrogenic matrix elements, R. A. Swainson and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1989
Eigenvalues and retardation effects in the n=10 states of helium, Gordon W. F. Drake
Predicted energy shifts for paronic helium, Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1987
Erratum: Spontaneous two-photon decay rates in hydrogenlike and heliumlike ions (Physical Review A (1987) 35, 7, (3168)), Gordon W. F. Drake
Improved anisotropy measurement of the Lamb shift in He+, J. Patel, A. Van Wijngaarden, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1986
Spontaneous two-photon decay rates in hydrogenlike and heliumlike ions, Gordon W. F. Drake
Lamb shifts and fine-structure splittings for light muonic ions: Hyperfine-structure corrections, R. A. Swainson and Gordon W. F. Drake
Asymmetry measurement of the 2s1/2(hy1s1/2 relativistic magnetic-dipole matrix element in He+, A. Van Wijngaarden, J. Patel, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1985
Lamb shifts and fine-structure splittings for the muonic ions - Li, - Be, and - B: A proposed experiment, Gordon W. F. Drake and L. L. Byer
Two-electron QED corrections in helium-like ions, Gordon W. F. Drake and A. J. Makowski
Charge-exchange processes of hydrogen ions with Hg atoms at keV energies, A. Van Wijngaarden, J. Patel, K. Becker, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1984
Two-electron lamb shifts and 1s2s 3S1-1s2p 3PJ transition frequencies in helium-like ions [1], S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1983
Lifetime of the 2p state in He II, Gordon W. F. Drake, J. Patel, and A. Van Wijngaarden
1/Z expansion calculation of the Bethe logarithm for the ground state Lamb shift of two-electron ions, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1982
Relativistic sum rules and integral properties of the Dirac equation, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake
Measurements of an e 1-M 1 interference effect in the electric-field quenching of spin-polarized He+2s12 ions, A. Van Wijngaarden and Gordon W. F. Drake
E1-E1 damping interference in the electric field quenching of spin-polarized He+2s12 ions, A. Van Wijngaarden, R. Helbing, J. Patel, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1981
Application of discrete-basis-set methods to the Dirac equation, Gordon W. F. Drake and S. P. Goldman
Application of discrete-basis-set methods to the Dirac equation, Gordon W. F. Drake and S. P. Goldman
Relativistic two-photon decay rates of 2s12 hydrogenic ions, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake
Relativistic two-photon decay rates of 2s12 hydrogenic ions, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1979
Unified relativistic theory for 1s2p P13-1s2 S01 and 1s2p P11-1s2 S01 frequencies and transition rates in heliumlike ions, Gordon W. F. Drake
He+ lamb-shift measurement by the quenching-radiation anisotropy method, Gordon W. F. Drake, S. P. Goldman, and A. Van Wijngaarden
Submissions from 1978
Angular integrals and radial recurrence relations for two-electron matrix elements in Hylleraas coordinates, Gordon W. F. Drake
Deuterium Lamb shift via quenching-radiation anisotropy measurements, A. Van Wijngaarden and Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1977
Influence of fringing fields on the field-induced quantum beats of atomic hydrogen, Gordon W. F. Drake
Vector-coupling approach to orbital and spin-dependent tableau matrix elements in the theory of complex spectra, Gordon W. F. Drake and M. Schlesinger
Spin-orbit parameters by the Gelfand-Harter method-a test calculation, J. Drake, Gordon W. F. Drake, and M. Schlesinger
Submissions from 1976
Relativistic corrections to spin-forbidden electric-dipole transitions, Gordon W. F. Drake
Calculated anisotropies for the quenching radiation in the hydrogen isoelectronic sequence, Gordon W. F. Drake and C. P. Lin
Calculated anisotropies for the quenching radiation in the hydrogen isoelectronic sequence, Gordon W. F. Drake and C. P. Lin
Quantum beats in the electric-field quenching of metastable hydrogen, A. Van Wijngaarden, E Goh, Gordon W. F. Drake, and P. S. Farago
Submissions from 1975
Test of the anisotropy method for Lamb-shift measurements-theory and experiment, Gordon W. F. Drake, P. S. Farago, and A. Van Wijngaarden
Test of the anisotropy method for Lamb-shift measurements-theory and experiment, Gordon W. F. Drake, P. S. Farago, and A. Van Wijngaarden
Interaction of multilevel atoms with classical time-dependent fields, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. B. Grimley
Improved quantum calculation of the vibrational excitation of H2 in collinear collisions with helium, Gordon W. F. Drake and A. R. Holtg
Comments on a new mathematical technique in the theory of complex spectra, J Drake, Gordon W. F. Drake, and M. Schlesinger
Submissions from 1974
Leading radiative correction to the magnetic dipole transition probability, Gordon W. F. Drake
Erratum: Semiclassical study of the vibrational excitation of H2 in collision with He (J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. (1974) 7 (398405)), Gordon W. F. Drake and C. S. Lin
Semiclassical study of the vibrational excitation of H2 in collision with He, Gordon W. F. Drake and C. S. Lin
Submissions from 1973
Energies and Z-expansion coefficients for the D states in the helium sequence, P. Blanchard and Gordon W. F. Drake
Classifications of some transitions in doubly excited Li i and Li II, J. P. Buchet, M. C. Buchet-Poulizac, H. G. Berry, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Classifications of some transitions in doubly excited Li i and Li II, J. P. Buchet, M. C. Buchet-Poulizac, H. G. Berry, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Photon-scattering theory of the quenching of hydrogenic metastables, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. B. Grimley
Submissions from 1972
Eigenvalues of the 2p3pP3 and 2p3dD1,3 bound states of the helium isoelectronic sequence, H. Doyle, M. Oppenheimer, and Gordon W. F. Drake
Radiative transition rates from the 2p3p P3 and 2p3d D1,3 states of the helium isoelectronic sequence, Gordon W. F. Drake
Relativistic corrections to radiative transition probabilities, Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1971
Theory of relativistic magnetic dipole transitions: Lifetime of the metastable 2S3 state of the heliumlike ions, Gordon W. F. Drake
Submissions from 1970
2p2 P3 and 2p3p P1 states of the helium isoelectronic sequence, Gordon W. F. Drake and A. Dalgarno
Submissions from 1969
Singlet-triplet mixing in the helium sequence, Gordon W. F. Drake
Two-photon decay of the singlet and triplet metastable states of helium-like ions, Gordon W. F. Drake, G. A. Victor, and A. Dalgarno
Submissions from 1968
Nonadiabatic long-range forces, A. Dalgarno, Gordon W. F. Drake, and G. A. Victor