Publications in the area of Physics from the University of Windsor Department of Physics | Department of Physics | University of Windsor

Physics continues to be one of the “flagship” research Departments at the University of Windsor. Our faculty are known regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally for their active and outstanding research and their direct involvement in the learning experiences provided to our undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty are known worldwide for high levels of research productivity and funding through industrial partnerships. Their research achievements, with its many awards and distinctions to their credit, make the department one of the highest quality Physics departments in Canada. Currently, there are three main areas of research:

  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics
  • Materials Science
  • Biomedical Physics


Submissions from 2024


Detection and Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in Blood Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, E J. Blanchette, E A. Tracey, A Baughan, G E. Johnson, H Malik, C N. Alionte, I G. Arthur, M E. Pontoni, and Steven Rehse


Detection and Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in Urine Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, E J. Blanchette, E A. Tracey, A Baughan, G E. Johnson, H Malik, C N. Alionte, I G. Arthur, M E. Potoni, and Steven Rehse


Phase dependence of Kerr-based parametric amplification, Nathan G. Drouillard and TJ Hammond


Supercontinuum amplification by Kerr instability, Sagnik Ghosh, Nathan G. Drouillard, and TJ Hammond


Single-stage few-cycle pulse amplification, Sagnik Ghosh, Nathan G. Drouillard, and TJ Hammond

Submissions from 2023


Ground-state energy of H-: a critical test of triple basis sets, Gordon W. F. Drake, Evan M.R. Perimoulx, Eric E.A. Ene, Aaron T. Bondy, and Lamies A. Sati

Submissions from 2022


Detection and Classification of Bacterial Cells After Centrifugation and Filtration of Liquid Specimens Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Emma J. Blanchette, Sydney C. Sleiman, Haiqa Arain, Alayna Tieu, Chloe L. Clement, Griffin C. Howson, Emily A. Tracey, Hadia Malik, Jeremy C. Marvin, and Steven J. Rehse


Measurement of dispersion and index of refraction of 1-decanol with spectrally resolved white light interferometry, Nathan G. Drouillard and TJ Hammond


Silver Microparticle-Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Jeremy C. Marvin, Emma J. Blanchette, Sydney C. Sleiman, Haiqa Arain, Emily A. Tracey, and Steven J. Rehse


Spectral broadening for pulse compression using liquid alcohols, Jacob A. Stephen, Chathurangani J. Arachchige, and TJ Hammond

Submissions from 2021


Amplification of femtosecond pulses based on c(3) nonlinear susceptibility in MgO, CHATHURANGANI JAYALATH ARACHCHIGE, Jacob A. Stephen, and T J. Hammond

Submissions from 2019


Helium tune-out wavelength: Gauge invariance and retardation corrections, Gordon W. F. Drake, Jacob Gabriel Manalo, Pei-Pei Zhang, and Kenneth George Herbert Baldwin


A Simple and Efficient Centrifugation Filtration Method for Bacterial Concentration and Isolation Prior to Testing Liquid Specimens with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Dylan J. Malenfanta, Alexandra E. Paulick, and Steven J. Rehse


Concentration of Bacterial Specimens During Centrifugation Prior to Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis, Alexandra E. Paulicka, Dylan J. Malenfanta, and Steven J. Rehse


A review of the use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for bacterial classification, quantification, and identification, Steven J. Rehse

Submissions from 2017


N (2P) production in electron-N2 collisions, Wladyslaw Kedzierski, Jeff Dech, and J. W. Mcconkey


Determination of the Zinc Concentration in Human Fingernails by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Steven J. Rehse, Vlora A. Riberdy, and Christopher J. Frederickson

Submissions from 2016


Selective detection of singlet gerade metastable states of N-2, Wladyslaw Kedzierski and J. W. Mcconkey


Use of solid N2 surfaces in metastable particle detection, Wladyslaw Kedzierski and J. W. Mcconkey


VUV Study of Electron Impact Dissociative Excitation of Thymine, C. J. Tiessen, J. A. Trocchi, J. D. Hein, J. Dech, Wladyslaw Kedzierski, and J. W. Mcconkey

Submissions from 2014


Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, J. W. Mcconkey and Wladyslaw Kedzierski

Submissions from 2013


Production of O(1D) following electron impact on CO2, Wladyslaw Kedzierski, J. D. Hein, C. J. Tiessen, D. Lukic, J. A. Trocchi, T. Z. Mlinaric, and J. W. Mcconkey


A Comparison of Multivariate Analysis Techniques and Variable Selection Strategies in a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Bacterial Classification, Russell Putnam, Q.I. Mohaidat, Andrew Daabous, and Steven Rehse


Sensitive and specific discrimination of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Escherichia coli using Raman spectroscopy - a comparison of two multivariate analysis techniques, Steven Rehse, Khozima Hamasha, Qassem I. Mohaidat, Russell A. Putnam, Ryan C. Woodman, and Sunil Palchaudhuri

Submissions from 2012


Variational energies and the Fermi contact term for the low-lying states of lithium: Basis-set completeness, L. M. Lang, Z. C. Yan, H. X. Qiao, and Gordon W. F. Drake


Pathogen identification with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: The effect of bacterial and biofluid specimen contamination, Q.I. Mohaidat, K. Sheikh, S. Palchaudhuri, and Steven J. Rehse


Spin-forbidden Helium I transition rates, D. C. Morton and Gordon W. F. Drake


Quantum theory of longitudinal momentum transfer in above-threshold ionization, A. S. Titi and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2011


Critical comparison of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and colorimetry as dermatological diagnostic tools for acanthosis nigricans: A chemometric approach, S. Devpura, B. Pattamadilok, Z.U. Syed, Steven Rehse, and P. Vemulapalli


The effect of bacterial environmental and metabolic stresses on a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) based identification of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus viridans, Q. Mohaidat, S. Palchaudhuri, and Steven J. Rehse


Spin-forbidden radiative decay rates from the 3′,3P 1,2 and 3′,1P 1 states of helium, D. C. Morton and Gordon W. F. Drake


Isotope-shift measurements of stable and short-lived lithium isotopes for nuclear-charge-radii determination, W. Nortershauser, R. Sanchez, G. Ewald, and Gordon W. F. Drake


Variational upper bounds for low-lying states of lithium, L. M. Wang, Z. C. Yan, H. X. Qiao, and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2010


Editorial: 40th Anniversary of Physical Review A (July 1, 2010), Gordon W. F. Drake


Regulation of polar peptidoglycan biosynthesis by Wag31 phosphorylation in mycobacteria, C. Jani, H. Eoh, J.J. Lee, and K. Hamasha


Electron impact dissociation of N2O and CO2 with single particle detection of O(1D2), Wladyslaw Kedzierski, E Blejdea, Aldo DiCarlo, and J. W. Mcconkey


Metastable oxygen atom detection using rare gas matrices, Wladyslaw Kedzierski, E Blejdea, Aldo DiCarlo, and J. W. Mcconkey


Theoretical proposal for a biosensing approach based on a linear array of immobilized gold nanoparticles, S.M.H. Rafsanjani, T. Cheng, S. Mittler, and Chitra Rangan


Towards the clinical application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for rapid pathogen diagnosis: The effect of mixed cultures and sample dilution on bacterial identification, Steven J. Rehse, Q.I. Mohaidat, and S. Palchaudhuri


North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Introduction to the feature issue, J.P. Singh, J.R. Almirall, and Steven J. Rehse


Isotope shift measurements in the 2s1/2 → 2p3/2 transition of Be+ and extraction of the nuclear charge radii for 7,10,11Be, M. Zkova, Z. Andjelkovic, M. L. Bissell, and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2009

Energies for the high- L rydberg states of helium: Asymptotic analysis, R. El-Wazni and Gordon W. F. Drake


Energies for the high- L rydberg states of helium: Asymptotic analysis, R. El-Wazni and Gordon W. F. Drake


A membrane basis for bacterial identification and discrimination using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Steven J. Rehse, N. Jeyasingham, J. Diedrich, and S. Palchaudhuri

Submissions from 2008


Control of surface plasmon resonances in dielectrically coated proximate gold nanoparticles immobilized on a substrate, P. Rooney, A. Rezaee, S. Xu, T. Manifar, and Chitra Rangan


Measurements of total cross sections for positron scattering by uracil molecules, E. Surdutovich, G. Setzler, W.E. Kauppila, and Steven J. Rehse

Submissions from 2007


Detection of trace Al in model biological tissue with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, M.D. Adamson and Steven J. Rehse


Ionization energy of Li 6,7 determined by triple-resonance laser spectroscopy, B. A. Bushaw, W. Nortershauser, Gordon W. F. Drake, and H. J. Kluge


Sufficient condition for the coherent control of n -qubit systems, R. Cabrera, Chitra Rangan, and W.E. Baylis


Escherichia coli identification and strain discrimination using nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, J. Diedrich, Steven J. Rehse, and S. Palchaudhuri


Pathogenic Escherichia coli strain discrimination using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, J. Diedrich, Steven J. Rehse, and S. Palchaudhuri

Editorial: The Scope of Physical Review A and Editorial Procedures, Gordon W. F. Drake


Editorial: The Scope of Physical Review A and Editorial Procedures, Gordon W. F. Drake


A multiplet table for neutral helium (4He I) with transition rates, Gordon W. F. Drake and D. C. Morton


Hyperfine structure of the 23P state of 3He with and without an external magnetic field, Q. Wu and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2006


Nuclear charge radius for He3, D. C. Morton, Q. Wu, and Gordon W. F. Drake

Nuclear charge radius for He3, D. C. Morton, Q. Wu, and Gordon W. F. Drake


Information hiding and retrieval in Rydberg wave packets using half-cycle pulses, J.M. Murray, S.N. Pisharody, H. Wen, and Chitra Rangan

Submissions from 2005


Binding energy of the positronium negative ion: Relativistic and QED energy shifts, Gordon W. F. Drake and M. Grigorescu


Control of finite-dimensional quantum systems: Application to a spin-1/2 particle coupled with a finite quantum harmonic oscillator, Chitra Rangan and A.M. Bloch


Theory of detection of angular momentum states in Rydberg atoms using half-cycle pulses, Chitra Rangan and R.J.A. Murray


Absolute wave-number measurements in 130Te2: Reference lines spanning the 420.9-464.6-nm region, T.J. Scholl, Steven J. Rehse, R.A. Holt, and S.D. Rosner

Submissions from 2004


High precision variational calculations for H2 +, M. M. Cassar and Gordon W. F. Drake


Control of Trapped-Ion Quantum States with Optical Pulses, Chitra Rangan, A.M. Bloch, C. Monroe, and P.H. Bucksbaum


Laser collimation of an atomic gallium beam, Steven J. Rehse, K.M. Bockel, and S.A. Lee


Broadband precision wavelength meter based on a stepping Fabry-Pérot interferometer, T.J. Scholl, Steven J. Rehse, R.A. Holt, and S.D. Rosner

Submissions from 2002


Quantum-state information retrieval in a Rydberg-atom data register, J. Ahn, Chitra Rangan, D.N. Hutchinson, and P.H. Bucksbaum


Ground-state energies for helium, H-, and Ps-, Gordon W. F. Drake, M. M. Cassar, and R. A. Nistor


Lithium transition energies and isotope shifts: QED recoil corrections, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2001


Quantum phase retrieval of a Rydberg wave packet using a half-cycle pulse, J. Ahn, D.N. Hutchinson, Chitra Rangan, and P.H. Bucksbaum


Optimally shaped terahertz pulses for phase retrieval in a Rydberg-atom data register, Chitra Rangan and P.H. Bucksbaum


Reply to “Comment on ‘Photodetachment in combined static and dynamic electric fields’”, A. R. P. Rau and Chitra Rangan


Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the 4d2D 3/2,5/2 levels and isotope shifts of the 4p2p 3/2 ? 4d2D3/2 and 4p2p 3/2 ? 4d2D5/2 transitions in gallium 69 and 71, Steven J. Rehse, W.M. Fairbank Jr., and S.A. Lee


Lamb shift in He+: Resolution of a discrepancy between theory and experiment, A. Van Wijngaarden, F. Holuj, and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 2000


High accuracy for atomic calculations involving logarithmic sums, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake

High accuracy for atomic calculations involving logarithmic sums, S. P. Goldman and Gordon W. F. Drake


Photodetachment in combined static and dynamic electric fields, Chitra Rangan and A.R.P. Rau


Dynamics of diamagnetic Zeeman states ionized by half-cycle pulses, Chitra Rangan, K.J. Schafer, and A.R.P. Rau


Lithium isotope shifts as a measure of nuclear size, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 1997


Nanolithography with metastable neon atoms: Enhanced rate of contamination resist formation for nanostructure fabrication, Steven J. Rehse, A.D. Glueck, S.A. Lee, and A.B. Goulakov


Computational methods for three-electron atomic systems in Hylleraas coordinates, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 1995


Asymptotic-expansion method for the evaluation of correlated three-electron integrals, Gordon W. F. Drake and Z. C. Yan


Retarded dipole-dipole dispersion interaction potential for helium, M. J. Jamieson, Gordon W. F. Drake, and A. Dalgarno


Eigenvalues and expectation values for the 1s22s 2S, 1s22p 2P, and 1s23d 2D states of lithium, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake


Theoretical lithium 2 2S2 2P and 2 2P3 2D oscillator strengths, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 1994


Lamb shifts and hyperfine structure in Li+6 and Li+7: Theory and experiment, E. Riis, A. G. Sinclair, O. Poulsen, and Gordon W. F. Drake


High-precision calculations of the Zeeman effect in the 2 3PJ, 2 1P1, 2 3S1, and 3 3PJ states of helium, Z. C. Yan and Gordon W. F. Drake


A rigorous treatment of O(α 6mc 2) QED corrections to the fine structure splittings of helium, T. Zhang and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 1993


1/n expansions for two-electron Coulomb matrix elements, Gordon W. F. Drake and R. N. Hills


Energy corrections of order mc2α6lnα in helium, Gordon W. F. Drake, I. B. Khriplovich, A. I. Milstein, and A. S. Yelkhovsky


Erratum: Energy corrections of order mc2α6 In α in helium (Physical Review A (1993) 48, 6 (4804), Gordon W. F. Drake, I. B. Khriplovich, A. I. Milstein, and A. S. Yelkhovsky


Angular and radial correlation in doubly excited systems when 1 ≤ Z ≤ 4. The 2p2 3P state, D. R. T. Keeble, K. E. Banyard, and Gordon W. F. Drake


Erratum: Variational calculation for the ground state of lithium and QED corrections for Li-like ions (Physical Review A (1993) 48, 6 (4803)), D. K. McKenzie and Gordon W. F. Drake

Submissions from 1992


The doubly-excited state 2p 2 3P for 1 ≤ Z ≤ 4: Coulomb holes derived from explicitly correlated wavefunctions, K. E. Banyard, D. R. T. Keeble, and Gordon W. F. Drake


Asymptotic expansion for -function matrix elements of helium, Gordon W. F. Drake


Erratum: Asymptotic expansion for -function matrix elements of helium (Phys. Rev. a (1992) 45,9 (6933-6934)), Gordon W. F. Drake


He+ 2p state lifetime by a quenching-asymmetry measurement, Gordon W. F. Drake, J. Kwela, and A. Van Wijngaarden


Energies and relativistic corrections for the Rydberg states of helium: Variational results and asymptotic analysis, Gordon W. F. Drake and Z. C. Yan


Multiphoton ionization in circularly polarized standing waves, D. S. Guo and Gordon W. F. Drake


Stationary solutions for an electron in an intense laser field. II. Multimode case, D. S. Guo and Gordon W. F. Drake