Welcome to the State of the Strait repository at the University of Windsor. This online archive contains reports and publications from the State of the Strait bi-annual conference.
The State of the Strait is a binational, one-day conference held biennially that brings together governmental managers, researchers, students, environmental and conservation organizations, and concerned citizens to assess ecosystem status and provide advice to improve research, monitoring and management.
The “Strait” is the Huron-Erie Corridor, which extends from the headwaters of the St. Clair River at Lake Huron, runs through the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, and the Detroit River, and discharges into Lake Erie.
Past conferences have focused on water quality, land use, ecological indicators, and conservation efforts in southeastern Michigan and southwestern Ontario. Visit the State of the Strait conference website to learn more.
Reports and Publications from 2023
The Contaminated Sediment Remediation Challenge: Complicated Problems that Require Interdisciplinary and Creative Solutions, John H. Hartig, Casey M. Godwin, Brianna Ellis, Jon W. Allan, Sanjiv K. Sinha, and Tracy S. Hall
Reports and Publications from 2020
Checkup: Assessing Ecosystem Health of the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie, John Hartig, Steven Francoeur, Jan Ciborowski, John Gannon, Claire Sanders, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira, Collin Knauss, Gwen Gell, and Kevin Berk
Reports and Publications from 2018
Urban Bird Summit: Status, Trends, and Risks to Species that Call the Corridor Home, Steven Francoeur, Jan Ciborowski, Jessica Ives, Donna Kashian, and John Gannon
Reports and Publications from 2016
State of the Strait: Coordinating Conservation in the St. Clair-Detroit River System, Steven Francoeur, Jan Ciborowski, John Gannon, Donna Kashian, and Katherine Kahl
Reports and Publications from 2012
Use of Remote Sensing and GIS to Better Manage the Huron-Erie Corridor, Steven Francoeur, Luca Cargnelli, Anna Cook, John Hartig, John Gannon, and Greg Norwood
Reports and Publications from 2010
Ecological Benefits of Habitat Modification, John Hartig, Michael Zarull, Lynda Corkum, Natalie Green, Rose Ellison, Anna Cook, Greg Norwood, and Ellen Green
Reports and Publications from 2007
Status and Trends of Key Indicators for the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie, John Hartig, Michael Zarull, Jan Ciborowski, John Gannon, Emily Wilke, Greg Norwood, and Ashlee Vincent
Reports and Publications from 2004
Monitoring for Sound Management, Rachael Eedy, John Hartig, Charlie Bristol, Melanie Coulter, Tracy Mabee, and Jan Ciborowski
Reports and Publications from 2000
Best Management Practices for Soft Engineering of Shorelines, Andrew D. Caulk, John E. Gannon, John R. Shaw, and John H. Hartig
Reports and Publications from 1998
A Binational Conference on Rehabilitating and Conserving Detroit River Habitats, Lisa A. Tulen, John H. Hartig, David M. Dolan, and Jan J.H. Ciborowski