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The Canada-U.S. State of the Strait Conference is a biennial forum that brings stakeholders together to assess ecosystem status and provide advice to improve research, monitoring, and management programs for the Detroit River and western Lake Erie. It now has a 22-year history of transboundary cooperation to better inform ecosystem-based management. The 2006 conference compiled long-term datasets on 50 indicators and performed a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health. The 2019 conference performed an updated comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health based on 61 indicators.
Recommended Citation
Hartig, John; Francoeur, Steven; Ciborowski, Jan; Gannon, John; Sanders, Claire; Galvao-Ferreira, Patricia; Knauss, Collin; Gell, Gwen; and Berk, Kevin. (2020). Checkup: Assessing Ecosystem Health of the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie.