Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A pilot investigation of the training techniques designed to induce the acquisition of relational thought in preschool children., Linda Anne. Wilmshurst
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Validation study of a picture-preference test of addictive traits., Paul Edgar. Bégin
Looking behaviour in nonfocused dyadic interactions as a function of sex and distance., Larry M. Coutts
The role of attention in "lie-detection"., David A. Day
Variations in verbal and non-verbal message systems as a function of deviance attribution in small groups., Donald D. Grant
Performance and perception in a prisoner's dilemma game with female experimenters/opponents as a function of social climate, sex, communication channel and repetition of communication., Marybeth. Heilbronn
The comparative MMPI performance of compound and coordinate French-English bilingual students., Alan. Krichev
The effect of chroma on line-tilt stimulus control in pigeons., Virginia K. Milam
Suppression of a runway response as a function of delayed shock., Catherine. Petrimoulx
The relationship of imagery ability and the efficacy of implosive therapy of rat fears., Lawrence James Ryan
Hope and locus of control in male adolescent delinquents and non-delinquents., Salek Sonny. Sandberg
Cue utilization as a function of type of original discrimination learning and drive level in the albino rat., Brian H. Sullivan
The relationship between egocentrism and conformity in young children., Mary C. Tierney
An attempt to cluster MMPI profiles into replicable categories., Michael J. Uriel
Openness and awareness of communication during psychotherapy., William Charles. Wilkinson
The children's friendship expectancy inventory and the prediction of sociometric acceptability., Helen Diane Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Masculinity and academic adjustment of tenth grade males: A comparison of a coeducational and an all-male school., Donald T. Abrash
MMPI performance of a general and several client populations of Canadian college students., Edward A. Beharry
The development of childhood friendship expectations., Brian J. Bigelow
The experimental modification of attitudes towards the non-medical use of drugs by hot and cool communications media., Thomas Joseph Boniferro
Risky and cautious shifts---a further analysis of cultural value theory., Valerio Domenico Carlone
Primary-process thinking in spontaneously-recalled home dreams and laboratory REM dreams., James J. Casper
Performance on tasks of varying complexity with and without experimentally induced relaxation., John V. Chiarot
Characteristics of premanipulation attitudes and self-perception: A test of Bem's theory., Stephen A. Chris
Socioeconomic status, parental attitudes towards motoric activity, and the development of abilities in aggressive children with learning disabilities., Frances R. Frisch
The relationship between age and altruistic behaviour in elementary school children., Francis P. Green
Internal-external control, power position, and position satisfaction in task-oriented groups., Igor Hrycenko
Attitude change across different media as related to internal-external control., Sandra G. Jones
Communication, friendliness, trust and the Prisoner's Dilemma game., Denis Laplante
Position and response learning in hippocampal lesioned rats., Jean Paul E. Laroche
Free recall of conceptually related materials by children at three grade levels., Donald Bruce Middleton
A study relating Erikson's concept of identity confusion to effectiveness of psychosocial functioning., Daniel F. Pare
Pathological versus non-pathological descriptive feedback statements as related to their acceptability as self-descriptive., Jeffrey L. Price
The relative effectiveness of verbal and pictorial cues in children's paired-associate learning., Andrew H. Reid
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Discrimination learning with rhythmic and nonrhythmic background music., Frederick C. Bates
Concept identification as a function of the conceptual rule and length of the post-informative feedback interval., Robert N. Carey
The use of actual and imaginary fear stimuli in the behavior modification of a simple fear with covert reinforcement., Jr. Flannery, Raymond Benedict
The post-discrimination gradient as a function of discrimination training on a line-tilt continuum., Laurence B. Gray
Discrimination of delays of reinforcement in aversive conditioning., Ellis M. Honig
The relationship between the Rod-and-Frame Test and Personality Research Form traits., Rhoderick P.E. Howitt
The relationship between selected personality characteristics and Rod and Frame Test performance., Robert D. Kavanaugh
Personality, perceptual reactance, and arousal., Angus McDonald
The origin and development of the medical model of psychopathology., Ronald H. Mueller
The neuropsychological abilities of young normal and retarded readers., B. A. Ridgley
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Grooming in the rat: Novelty or stressful stimulation?, Theodore Horvath
The effect of relational learning on the development of reversal and nonreversal shifts., Robert Edward Rea
Time of arousal, degree of arousal and immediate and delayed recall of connected, meaningful material., Elizabeth Anne Willett
The role of the nervous system in the sexual and asexual biology of Hydra., Charles E. Zeilig
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The effect of background colour and texture on the apparent distance of coloured targets., Howard P. Jobin
An operant conditioning task involving two sense modalities., Brian W. Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Extraversion, neuroticism and autonomic activity in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent girls., Barbara J. Augustine
The relationship between incidental learning and conditions of practice., Clair D. Crowley
The effects of vestibular vertigo produced by the rotating-chair method on the production and reproduction of time durations., Gerald Ronald Getty
Instrumental learning and conformity behaviour as a function of dogmatism, misinformation and status of information source., J. M. Harris
Adolescent aggression as a function of age, I.Q., and degree of participation., Michel Pierre Janisse
An electrophysiological study of individual human learning., Herbert W. Ladd
Differential effects of shock condition training procedure and problem difficulty on human maze learning., James L. Mosley
The effect of object texture on the perception of depth., P. Terrence Oster
Psychophysical hue relationships of the Munsell color system., Walter Petryshyn
Creativity, intelligence and cognitive controls., F. Xavier Plaus
The facilitation of human maze performance by electric shock for the correct response as a function of maze difficulty., Michael J. Ray
The development of a measure of self-actualization., Edward C. Remming
The development of the primary school child's ability to reproduce short time intervals., Keith Travis
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The effects of shock punishment associations on the apparent distance of coloured stimuli., Mary Bonner
The relationship between age, sex, self-disclosure, and neuroticism., Phyllis Evelyn Elliott
An assessment of the relationship between handedness and earedness., Beatrix R. Horn
Self-licking deprivation and maternal behaviour in the primiparous rat., Theodore Horvath
An investigation of the development of conservation and transitivity in children., Kenneth P. Mandzak
Learning as a function of intelligence, training condition and sex, in a non-verbal paired-associates procedure., Morton E. Mates
Preconditioning stimuli intensities and the magnitude of sensory preconditioning in rats., Peter D. McLean
The effects of anxiety and dogmatism on non-verbal paired-associate learning in a negative transfer paradigm., B. A. Ridgley
The vertical-horizontal illusion in the tactual modality., James J. Sheridan
Depth perception of coloured lights in motion under difficult seeing conditions., James Joseph Sheridan
An investigation of the effect of stimuli intensities in preconditioning upon the magnitude of sensory preconditioning., Donald W. Skilling
The effects of symmetry and multiplexity on the reproduction of dot patterns by mental retardates., Elizabeth Anne Willett
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
A parametric comparison of the effect of schedules of reinforcement on human learning in analogues of classical and operant procedures., Richard W. Crummer
Individual learning as a function of the interstimulus interval in a delayed classical procedure., Herbert W. Ladd
The effect of anxiety, neuroticism and task difficulty on serial learning., F. Xavier Plaus
A study of rule and rote learning under classical and operant arrangements., Susan M. Scheich
The effect of hue and saturation on apparent distance judgments., Robert M. Stelmack
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
The effect of social isolation in sensory deprivation on ego-functioning and perception., David Ralph H. Evans Cole
Personality differences between high scholastic aptitude-average creativity and high creativity-average scholastic aptitude groups of college students., Richard T. Comstock
An application of the method of constant stimuli to the ratio scaling of color saturation., Thomas E. Fleming
The effect of group pressure on the reversal rate of ambiguous figures., Judith A. Kelly
The effect of consequences to a film-mediated model on inhibition and disinhibition of imitative responses., Carole Sinclair
The effect of majority opinion on the creative school child., Reta L. Stone
An evaluation of the Semantic Differential Technique as a tool for the discrimination and prediction of Extraversion-Introversion., Nikolaus Tines
An investigation of the Braen Self-Description Inventory as a predictor of rigidity., Patricia V. Tuite
The effect of father-absence on the emotional pattern of adolescent boys., Adrian Visscher
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
The effect of immediate and delayed shock as aversive stimulation in a two-choice learning situation., Robert A. Carom
An investigation of the differential effect between subjects classified as rigid and nonrigid by the self descriptive inventory., William D. Chernets
The effect of activity and novelty on response frequency in a two-choice learning situation., Paul O'Grady
An approach to a psychophysical ratio scale of color saturation., John Sempowski