Theses/Dissertations from 2025
'Affliction is a treasure': Sickness and the Soul in Donne, Zeinab Al-hoseiny
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
We Eat What We Are, Julie Huynh Hang
Mouthful, Maya Elizabeth Ann Jessop
Rugburn, Mackenzie Jordan
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Seam ripping, Chloe Burrows-Moore
Crisis and Calamity: Reimagining Canadian Ecopoetics in Response to Anthropocenic Disaster, Dakota Samuel Jabbour-Ormsby
Slova, Anna Karch
Umbilical Discord, Rawand Mustafa
John Dee and Prospero: Alchemy, Angels, and Empire in The Tempest, Iovan Stefanov
Born With Vomit Under Forked Tongues: For Ahidô Houêdo’s Orphan Daughters, Sarraounia Zannou
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Poems from EDP, Bridget Heuvel
-opathy, Heather McCardell
Representations of Home: A Study of Memory and Trauma, Kianie Bernadine Nonis
Trying For The Kingdom, Lauren Stiers
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Offbeat, Marisa Bordonaro
Reconciling Aesthetics of Presence as Poesis in the works of NourbeSe Philip and Robin Blaser, Serena Rache Klumpenhouwer
Missed Connections, Laura Rose Mulrooney
Anomia, Jade Wallace
A House of Gravel, Andrew Whitmarsh
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Beehive and Icci, Nicolas Charlton
Imaginary Ancestors, Derek Deneau
Shelf Life, Alexa Maria DiCecco
Tales for Late Night Bonfires, Gordon Arthur Grisenthwaite
Small Face, Big Eyes, Beth Jarrett
Early Modern Masculinities in 1 and 2 Henry IV, Nicholas Thompson
Exposed Roots, Ashley Lynn Van Elswyk
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
New Game Plus: A Study of Video Game Narratives, Arash Hajbabaee
The Visitation, Michael Donald Mallen
It Takes a Lot of Lights to Make a City, Ryan Michael Paterson
Charlotte Brontë's Spiritual Vision, Andrew James Weiler
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
(Un)Spoken, Vanessa Barraco
The Fable of Fire, Jennie Broadwell
The Notes of a Peasant Poet’s Life: Rootedness, Emotion, and Identity in John Clare’s Bird Poetry, Maria Theodora Diakantoniou
Everything Begins as a Memory, Tim Fogarty
Wandermust, Micaela Muldoon
Personal Immunization Record, Katerina-Christina Mathias Stavridis
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Schrödinger’s Daughter, Christina Angeli
On Not Interpreting the Roar, Simina Banu
Sol and the Rockettes, Samantha Bauder
A Little Miss, Priscilla Bernauer
There and Back Again; Tolkien’s Recovery of Englishness Through Walking, Chris Scott Cameron
Gutted, Philip Alexander Drumm
I+, Hannah Watts
Language, Thought, and bpNichol's The Martyrology: Whorfian, Feminist, and Marxist Readings, Sam Whittaker
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
swell, Amilcar John Nogueira
All We Are is All We Were: the Bridge and Blight of Sandwich Towne, Jason Rankin
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Body Schemas, Courtney Beatty
Selfie, Laryssa Lillian Brooks
shuffle, Brittni Ann Carey
Paper Caskets, Emilia Danielewska
Airplane Pose, Lydia Clare Friesen
Rosewater, Hanan Hazime
Two Instances of "Crow": A Cultural Study of Irish Mythology and Intertextuality in "The Dead", Joseph LaBine
Rule of Seconds, Shawna Diane Partridge
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
White Anemone, Zhe Chen
Just World, Kayleigh Csaszar
In the wilderness, Aaron Daigle
The Greatest Films, Faizal Forrester
Frankenstein's Monster: The Modern Leviathan, Jevon Scott Kimmerly-Smith
Reading Relationships in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park and Pride and Prejudice, Joanna Claire Bell Marzec
Cognitive Drama and the Plays of Samuel Beckett, Gregory Raymond
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Field Guide to Kleptoparasitism, Braydon Beaulieu
last night's mouth, Jasmine Elliott
Left Dad for a Cowboy, Alexandra Gayowsky
Leak, Kate Victoria Hargreaves
Big Exit, Jordan Edward William Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Lists Of All You Left Behind, Brian Jansen
Rhubarb A Play and Two Halves, Wiktor (Victor) Kulinski
Hands of the Tyrants, Micheal Laverty
They Say, Brianne O'Grady
News from the Front, Jeffrey Pardy
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Things You've Inherited From Your Mother, Hollie Adams
The Gardener's Journal, James Farrington
Border Markers, Jenny Ferguson
Sunday Saudade, John Matias
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The Sweetness Barrier, Sarah Berneche
Failures in apathy, John R. Flieger
Echoes From the Other Land: A collection of short stories, Aso Heidari
Shallow Enough to Walk Through, Marissa Reaume
Resisting patriarchy through literature: The feminist writings of Nawal El Saadawi and Hanan Al-Shaykh, Donya Tag-El-Din
As I die lying, Neil Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Thirty Kilometre Zone, Sandra Chmara
Rhetoric and defence in early modern England, Laurie Gibson
The conditional, Amir Khan
A narrative blind eye: Visual disability representation within the Brothers Grimm folk tales, Leah Laxdal
Infinite Future, Chad Nevett
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Egress & Hyphen, Darrell Etherington
flection., Sean Hickey
Post, Michael Murphy
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
No Resort (Original writing, Novel)., David Drouin
A novelette: Undertow., Stephen Flemming
hesitant bodies., Julie Homenuik
Connective Tissue: A collection of short stories., Delailah M. Khan
The Red Memory of My Hand (Original writing, Autobiography), Kendall McCulloch
A Very Brief Fall (Original writing, Short stories)., Lindsay McNiff
Seasons of Salt, Teeth, and Plastic (Original writing, Short stories)., David Miller
in/pulse (Original writing, Poetry)., Jessica Raffoul