Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Evaluating the association between attitudes toward mathematics and mathematics achievements using multilevel modeling: A comparison of TIMSS 2019 scores for fourth and eighth grade students in Ontario and Quebec, Sylvia Nam-Hee Langton
“Nothing that cannot be handled”: Acculturation Experiences of Vietnamese International Students in Canada - A Mixed-methods Study, Thi Kim Thu Thi Kim Le
From Supporting and Sustaining to Thriving: A Quantitative Investigation of the Pathway to Language Teacher Wellbeing, Zhengxi Liu
Unravelling the Queen Bee Phenomenon: Women Making Sense of this Female Leadership Paradox, Dina Salinitri
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Understanding Teachers' Perceptions and Practices: Exploring the Integration of Social-Emotional Learning in Mathematics Education, ONOME PEACE ELUWA
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being During their Transition to University, Kaylee Alissa Fishback
Trauma-Informed Practice in Ontario University Writing Centres, Kate Victoria Hargreaves
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Science Classrooms, Sandra Hoang
The Impact of COVID-19 on Teacher’s Psychological Well-Being and Attrition: A Qualitative Post-Pandemic Exploration, Elizabeth Ann Jevdic
Leadership Development Techniques of Students in Core Schools in Southwestern Ontario, Stephanie Elizabeth Johnston
From Screens to Classrooms: Examining Teacher Stress and Burnout During the COVID-19 Transitions, Harmanpreet Kaur
Successes and failures in curriculum reforms: a case study of Québec’s system-wide curriculum reform (1996-2022), Simon Landry
School leadership practices that enhance family involvement: Narratives of Chinese immigrant parents in Ontario, Canada, Yonglin Liang
Teaching and Social Presence in HyFlex Classrooms: Setting the Climate for Effective Group Cohesion, Erica L. Lyons
A Linguistic Exploration of Modal Verbs in Billboard's Top Charting Songs, Xuan Tai Nguyen
Sense of Belonging and Academic Experiences of South Asian International Graduate Students in an Ontario Public University., Thivya Sriramachandran
Effects of Political Transition on the Education System in Ghana: An Analysis of the Fourth Republic, Lovinger Yamoah
How Perceptions of Space and Time Affect Classroom Experiences in Female Undergraduates with ADHD Symptoms, Jingqiao Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Music as A Bridge to Literacy and Multiliteracies Development for Second Language Learners, Siyu Chen
Cultural Intelligence in a Tourism Industry: Differences in Cultural Perceptions in a Brazilian Host Community, Eduardo Armando Guadalupe
A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Racialized Internationally Trained Professionals in the Academe: A Pedagogy of Cultural Wealth, Samuel Jokodola
Chinese International Master’s Students’ Reticence in Engagement Within Business Classrooms, Bohui Liu
Learning to Belong: An Autoethnography on Acculturation and Identity Negotiations, Anita Toronyi
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
International Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Their Educative and Miseducative Online Learning Experiences During COVID-19: A Narrative Inquiry, Rana Abduelmula
Déjà Vu, Harris and Ford: Exploring the Neoliberal Project in Ontario’s Education System Over Three Decades, Nicolle Alexander
A Narrative Inquiry of Teacher Candidate Experiences of Sexual Violence Prevention Education, Salsabel Almanssori
Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal Four (4) in Ghana: The Role of the Free Senior High School Programme, Bismark Edusei
Maintaining Cultural Values, Identity, and Home Language in Vietnamese Immigrant Families: Practices and Challenges, Xuan Le Nguyen
Teach a Person to Fish: An Examination of the Functionalities of Outdoor Classrooms in Windsor-Essex County, Loretta Marie Sbrocca
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Examining Environmental Risk Factors and Opportunities for Intervention in the Emergent Literacy Development of Low-SES Students in Windsor, Ontario, Beckie Berlasty
Running on Empty: Exploring Parent Perceptions of Special Education Processes, Aliyyah Datoo
Exploring the School Experiences of a Syrian Refugee Student in a Windsor, Ontario Secondary School: A Case Study, Fatima Fakih
An Investigation of the Self-Efficacy Development of Newly Hired Occasional Teachers in Southwestern Ontario, Dayna Haslam
Understanding School Bullying in Chinese Secondary Schools, Siqi He
A Study of STEAM Instruction and Its Impact on Female Students’ Underrepresentation in STEM Fields, Xin Huang
The Perceived Influence of Non-Cognitive Skills on the Student Post-Secondary Journey, Nicole Elizabeth Lee
French as a Second Language Teaching: Identifying Methods that Improve Adult Learners’ Competencies, Nicole Moussallem
Mitigating the Effects of Poverty in Elementary Schools in Windsor and Essex County, Jillian Rose Pizzo
Internationalization of Higher Education in China: A Case Study of the University System in Shandong, Ying Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Investigation of the Experiences of Syrian Refugee Students in Canadian Elementary Schools: A Mixed-Methods Study, Mohamad Ayoub
An Explorative Case Study of the Perceptions and Attitudes of Lebanese School Educators toward the Integration of Outdoor Education in the Teaching of School Curricula, Ziad Fawaz Dabaja
The Role of Bounded Rationality in School Improvement, Brandy L. Doan
Students’ Attitudes toward Disability: A Tripartite Intervention, John Ronald Russell Freer
Learning that Sustains the Use of An Appropriate Technology: A Case Study of Residential Solar Energy, Tracey Gurbin
Motherhood and Academia: Exploring the Experiences of Graduate Student and Faculty Mothers within the Southwestern Ontario Context, Kimberly Hillier
Investigating the Educational Experiences of Girls in Tanzania: The Efficacy of a Girls’ Leadership and Empowerment Program, Brianna Louise Jentzel
Institutional Factors That Influence Creative Arts Students to Pursue Further Education Post-Baccalaureate in An Education- Based Program, Kaitlyn Vivian Anne Karns
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Play-Based Full-Day Kindergarten: Educator Perceptions, Erica Miklas
The Influences of Canadian Outdoor Adventure Education on Personal and Spiritual Growth, Philip William Robson
Mental Health Literacy and Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers in Ontario, Mackenzie Tourigny-Conroy
Chinese Immigrant Parents, Their Children’s Language Learning, and Parent-Child Relationships, Sudan Yao
The Corporatization of Educational Materials and Its Effects or Influence on the Ways That University Instructors and Professors Teach in an Age of Globalization, Syed Ali Nasir Zaidi
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Chinese Visiting Scholars’ Academic Adjustment at a Canadian University, Pinge Ai
Chinese as A Foreign Language: A Narrative Inquiry into Canadian Teachers Reciprocal Learning in China, Yuhan Deng
Exploring the Connections between Streaming and Students' Self-Theories in an Ontario Elementary and Secondary Setting, Gregory John Driedger
Challenges faced by Nigerian-Trained Teachers Teaching in Schools in Southwestern Ontario, Canada: A Case Study, Ibhade Ebhaleme
Gender And The Body: Exploring The Relationship Between Eating Disorders And Sexual Activity, Emma Foong
Chinese International Graduate Students’ Perspectives of Individual Writing Consultations, Zhiqian Guo
Exploring the Mathematical Confidence and Self-Efficacy of Primary/Junior Pre-Service Teachers, Emilia Iacobelli
Service-Learning Projects: Impact on Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Teaching In-Risk Youth, Gillian Kornacki
Chinese Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Cross-Cultural Experiences in Canada: A Narrative Inquiry, Chunlei Liu
Developing a Multiliteracies Pedagogy in Mature Female English Language Learners In Iran, Yalda Mohiti Asli
Examining Factors, Supports, and Transitional Resources among Students Attending Agency Schools in Southwestern Ontario, Gelsea Pizzuto
Investigating the Transfer of Metacognition to Domains Distinct From Mathematics, Justin Teeuwen
A Study of Graduate Students’ Information Literacy Needs in the Electronic Resource Environment, Shuzhen Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Examining the Experiences of an International Service Learning Program in Tanzania for Canadian Teacher Candidates, Hassan Adan
Plagiarism education, perceptions, and responsibilities in post-secondary education., Julia Colella
Impact of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Motivation, Engagement and Attitude in Science, Dan Frezell
Animals Are Us: Applying the Common Ingroup Identity Model to Humane Education, Boguslawa Dorota Gatarek
Chinese Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Classroom Assessment at a Canadian University, Yue Gu
Female Underrepresentation in STEM Subjects: A Study of Female High School Students in China, Lizhi He
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants' Conceptions of Teaching, Betsy Keating
The Training of Newly Recruited Teachers in English Test Preparation Schools in China: A Case Study, Lan Ma
Exploring the Perceptions of Three Male Exceptional Students: A Hermeneutical Phenomenology, Bailey Andrea Regts