
Submissions from 2006

A variable structure controller for a class of uncertain systems with unknown uncertainty bounding function, Chen Weitian and Mehrdad Saif

Novel sliding mode observers for a class of uncertain systems, Chen Weitian and Mehrdad Saif

Unknown input observer design for a class of nonlinear systems: An LMI approach, Chen Weitian and Mehrdad Saif

Observer-based robust process fault detection and diagnosis for a satellite system with flexible appendages, Qing Wu and Mehrdad Saif

Robust fault diagnosis for a satellite large angle attitude system using an iterative neuron PID (INPID) observer, Qing Wu and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 2005

Actuator fault isolation and estimation for uncertain nonlinear systems, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif

An actuator fault isolation strategy for linear and nonlinear systems, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif


A novel fuzzy system with dynamic rule base, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif


Passivity and passivity based controller design of a class of switched control systems, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif

Unknown input observer of a class of switched control systems, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif

Observer design for a class of differential - Algebraic systems, Wen Chen, Mehrdad Saif, and Bahram Shafai

Neural adaptive observer based fault detection and identification for satellite attitude control systems, Qing Wu and Mehrdad Saif


Robust fault diagnosis for a satellite system using a neural sliding mode observer, Qing Wu and Mehrdad Saif

Robust fault diagnosis for satellite attitude systems using neural state space models, Qing Wu and Mehrdad Saif


Applying Unbalanced RSA to Authentication and Key Distribution in 802.11, Zhong Zheng, Kemal Tepe, and Huapeng Wu

Submissions from 2004


Observer design for linear switched control systems, Weitian Chen and Mehrdad Saif


Fault diagnosis in a class of differential-algebraic systems, Wen Chen, Mehrdad Saif, and Bahram Shafai


On the well posedness of singularly perturbed fault detection filters, Hossein Oloomi, Mehrdad Saif, and Bahrain Shafai

Submissions from 2003

Disturbance attenuation observer in time-delay nonlinear systems with application to automotive engine fault detection, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif

Fault Detection and Accommodation in Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif


Unknown disturbance inputs estimation based on a state functional observer design, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif


Routing protocols for self-organizing hierarchical ad-hoc wireless networks, Suli Zhao, Kemal Tepe, Ivan Seskar, and Dipankar Raychaudhuri

Submissions from 2002


A robust iterative learning observer based fault diagnosis of time delay nonlinear systems, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif


Robust fault detection and isolation in constrained nonlinear systems via a second order sliding mode observer, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif

Fault diagnosis based on equivalent control concept, Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 2001

An iterative learning observer-based approach to fault detection and accomodation in nonlinear systems, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif

Robust fault detection in uncertain nonlinear systems via a second order sliding mode observer, Wen Chen and Mehrdad Saif


Neural Network Based Direct Optimizing Predictive Control With On-Line Pid Gradient Optimization, Y. Tan, A. R. Van Cauwenberghe, and M. Saif

Robust and nonlinear fault diagnosis using sliding mode observers, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 2000

Variable structure adaptive observer approach for actuator fault detection and diagnosis in uncertain nonlinear systems, Wen Chen, Mehrdad Saif, and Yeng Chai Soh

Fault diagnosis using algorithmic redundancy, M. Ghetie, D. Sauter, H. Noura, and M. Saif


Observer design based on triangular form generated by injective map, M. Hou, K. Busawon, and M. Saif

PID gradient algorithm for neural network based generalised nonlinear PID controller, Yonghong Tan, Xuanju Dang, Achiel R. Van Cauwenberghe, and Mehrdad Saif


Neural-networks-based nonlinear dynamic modeling for automotive engines, Yonghong Tan and Mehrdad Saif


Output derivative free design of unknown input plus state functional observer, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif


Robust fault detection and isolation via a diagnostic observer, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif

Sliding-mode observer for uncertain systems. Part II: Nonlinear systems case, Y. Xiong and M. Saif

Sliding-mode observer for uncertain systems. Part I: Linear systems case, Y. Xiong and M. Saif

Submissions from 1999

Feedback control design for a class of nonlinear systems, K. Busawon, J. De Leon Morales, and M. Saif


A state observer for nonlinear systems, Krishna K. Busawon and Mehrdad Saif

Estimation and control of a class of Euler discretized nonlinear systems, K. Busawon, M. Saif, and J. De Leon-Morales

On-line fault detection and isolation using unbalanced residuals, Marius Ghetie and Mehrdad Saif

Robust diagnostic observer for bilinear systems, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif

Robust fault isolation observer design, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1998


An observer for a class of disturbance driven nonlinear systems, K. K. Busawon and M. Saif


A constant gain observer for nonlinear systems, Krishna K. Busawon and Mehrdad Saif

Fault diagnosis using balance equations methods and the algorithmic redundancy approach, M. Ghetie, H. Noura, and M. Saif

Many-state alarm generation using multiple binary decisions, M. Ghetie, D. Sauter, and M. Saif

Estimating and accommodating unknown actuator faults with PI observers, S. P. Linder, B. Shafai, and M. Saif

Novel design for robust fault diagnostic observer, Yi Xiong and Mehrdad Saif


Observer design and fault diagnosis for state-retarded dynamical systems, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1997

Discrete-time observer for a class of nonlinear systems, K. Busawon, M. Saif, and M. Farza

Nonlinear dynamic modelling of automotive engines using neural networks, Yonghong Tan and Mehrdad Saif


Fault detection and isolation for a class of nonlinear systems using an adaptive observer, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Robust observation and fault diagnosis in a class of time-delay control systems, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif


State observation, failure detection and isolation (FDI) in bilinear systems, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1996


Force and position control of grasp in multiple robotic mechanisms, Shahram Payandeh and Mehrdad Saif

Monitoring and diagnostics of a class of nonlinear systems using a nonlinear unknown input observer, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Observer design and fault diagnosis for retarded dynamical systems, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1995


Fault detection and diagnosis of a nuclear power plant using artificial neural networks, Boon C. Hwang, Mehrdad Saif, and Mohammad Jamshidi

Neural network based controllers for non-linear systems, D. Yan and M. Saif

Fault detection in a class of nonlinear systems via adaptive sliding observer, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Nonlinear adaptive observer design for fault detection, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

State observation, failure detection and isolation (FDI) in bilinear systems, Hanlong Yang and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1994

Disturbance accommodating estimator for bilinear systems, M. Saif

Robust discrete estimator with application to fault detection and identification, Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1993


Robust servo design with applications, M. Saif

Disturbance accommodating estimator for bilinear systems, Mehrdad Saif


Reduced order proportional integral observer with application, Mehrdad Saif


A New Approach to Robust Fault Detection and Identification, Mehrdad Saif and Yuping Guan

Neural network based controllers for non-linear systems, Desmond Yan and Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1992


Force control of multiple robotic mechanisms, Shahram Payandeh and Mehrdad Saif

Novel approach for optimal control of a pressurized water reactor, Mehrdad Saif


Optimal robust servo design with industrial and process control applications, Mehrdad Saif


Techniques in robust state estimation theory with applications, Mehrdad Saif


Decentralized state estimation in large-scale interconnected dynamical systems, Mehrdad Saif and Yuping Guan

Reliable control of nuclear power plants, M. Saif and M. Jalili

Submissions from 1991


A Novel Approach to the Design of Unknown Input Observers, Yuping Guan and Mehrdad Saif

Partially modal projective control of a nuclear power plant, M. Saif

Submissions from 1990


Design of a trajectory insensitive regulator with prescribed degree of stability, M. Saif

Sequential approach to pole assignment, Mehrdad Saif

Robust fault detection in systems with uncertainties, Mehrdad Saif and Yuping Guan

Submissions from 1989


Optimal modal controller design by entire eigenstructure assignment, M. Saif

Optimal modal control of a nuclear power reactor, M. Saif


A Novel Approach for Optimal Control of A Pressurized Water Reactor, Mehrdad Saif


Efficient optimal controller for nuclear power plants, Mehrdad Saif


Optimal linear regulator pole-placement by weight selection, Mehrdad Saif


Suboptimal Projective Control of a Pressurized Water Reactor, Mehrdad Saif

Submissions from 1987


Submissions from 1986
