Content Posted in 2024
01.02.2024, Motion M M-75 debated in the House of Commons, Jerry Barycki
1982 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1983 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1984 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1985 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1986 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1987 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1988 Windsor City Directory, Might's Directories Limited
1D/3D Electrochemical Thermal model of a Battery System at Cell and Modular Levels, Kieran James Johnson-Bujold
2nd Generation C-glycoside analogues of KRN7000-Simplifying access to potent invariant Natural Killer T-Cell activators, Amandeep Sehmbi
A battery chemistry-adaptive fuel gauge using probabilistic data association, G. V. Avvari, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
A biomarker identification model from protein protein interaction network using natural language processing and graph convolutional network, Zannatul Ferdoush
Academic Stress and Cultural Coping: The Moderating Effect of Heritage Language Proficiency on Well-Being in a Multilingual Sample, Noah Marcel Philipp-Muller
A case for restoring unity between biotelemetry and bio-logging to enhance animal tracking research, Steven J. Cooke, Robert J. Lennox, Jacob W. Brownscombe, Sara J. Iverson, Frederick G. Whoriskey, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Nigel E. Hussey, Glenn T. Crossin, Brendan J. Godley, and Robert Harcourt
Acceleration of a Web Server using FPGA, Belal Quamar
Accessibility & Efficiency: Insights into the impact of dedicated computational tools on Biophysical Research, Aislyn Ann Laurent
Accessibility, Quality, and Profitability for Personal Plight Law Firms: Hitting the Sweet Spot, Noel Semple
Access to Administrative Justice as an Administrative Law Value: Designing an Inclusive and Accessible Administrative Justice System, Laverne Jacobs
Access to post-secondary Education in Canada for students with disabilities, Laverne Jacobs
A Cognitive Workload Toolkit for Ergonomic Professionals, Babak Saberi
A comparative analysis of form and function in Centrarchidae hearing ability: Does otolith variation affect auditory responsiveness?, Taylor A. Bendig, Grace M. Dycha, Elise M. Bull, Roselia Ayala-Osorio, and Dennis M. Higgs
A Comprehensive Study on Electrospun Fibres: Application in High-Efficiency Face Masks and Coaxial Fibre Morphology Exploration, Grzegorz Gajewski
Acoustic similarity of flight calls corresponds with the composition and structure of mixed-species flocks of migrating birds: evidence from a three-dimensional microphone array, Zach G. Gayk and Daniel J. Mennill
A critical look at coulomb counting approach for state of charge estimation in batteries, Kiarash Movassagh, Arif Raihan, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna Pattipati
Active RFID Based Indoor Localization, Jingyu Wang, Ravindra Kumar Dhanapal, Priyadharshini Ramakrishnan, Balakumar Balasingam, Thiago Souza, and Roman Maev
Adaptive Model Selection in Stock Market Prediction: A Modular and Scalable Big Data Analytics Approach, MohammadEhsan Akhavanpour
Addressing the Barriers to Clinical Trials Accrual in Community Cancer Centres Using a National Clinical Trials Navigator:A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Caroline Hamm, Dora Cavallo-Medved, Devinder Moudgil, Lee McGrath, John Huang, Yueyang Li, Tyler W. Stratton, Tyler Robinson, Krista Naccarato, Stephen Sundquist, and Janet Dancey
Addressing the Rising Rates of Indigenous Incarnation: An Examination of The Use Of Restorative Justice in Canada, Katrina Hermle
A Decentralized Data Evaluation Technique in Federated Learning, Laveen Bhatia
A deep learning approach for Task Recognition of Industrial workers and RULA score calculation, Sonaila Hussain
A descriptive analysis of the upper body kinematics of conductors, Jessica Rosemary Flammia
A Digital Twin Framework for Enhanced Supply Chain Recovery and Resilience, Oluwagbenga Victor Ogunsoto
Adila: Fairness-informed Collaborative Team Formation, Hamed Ghasr Loghmani
A Dive into the Circadian Clock of Chinook Salmon, Maryam Thraya, Maha Hammoud, Alyssa Stephens, Hanna Chang, Daniel Heath, and Phillip Karpowicz
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being During their Transition to University, Kaylee Fishback and Lindsey Jaber Dr.
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being During their Transition to University, Kaylee Alissa Fishback
#ad on Instagram: Investigating the promotion of food and beverage products, Rebecca Reagan, Sonia Filice, Sara Santarossa, and Sarah Woodruff
A Dual-Transformation Strategy for Team Recommendation, Zahra Kheiryashkuh
Advanced Deep Learning Multivariate Multi-Time Series Framework for a Novel COVID-19 Dataset, SWASTIK BAGGA
Advanced Toll Information System and Toll Lane Configuration to Reduce Collision Risk, Farnaz Zahedieh
Advancement of an algorithm, Darin T. Dunham, Terry L. Ogle, Peter K. Willett, and Balakumar Balasingam
Adverse effects of Microcystis aeruginosa exudates on the filtration, digestion, and reproduction organs of benthic bivalve Corbicula fluminea, Zijin Hong, Xinyun Chen, Junxiang Hu, Xuexiu Chang, and Yu Qian
Advertisement as American Myth: The Great Gatsby and the Arrow Collar Man, Thomas Dilworth
Advocacy Coalitions and Canadian Energy Policy Decision: Navigating Four Pipeline Projects, Md Jannatul Ferdous Nayeem
Aerodynamics Enhancement in Automotive Industry by Implementing Plasma Actuator as an Active Flow Control Method, Shahab Shadmani
A Fast OCV Characterization Approach for Battery Reuse Applications, James Nguyen, Prarthana Pillai, and Balakumar Balasingam
Affordable Housing: A Solution to the Housing Crisis, Jana Jandal Alrifai, Walter Rischke, and Tanvir Kaur
Affordable urban air purification system using public transport in Delhi, Irene Patric, Varsha Sri Selvakumar, Waseem Zahir Ameenudin, and Kishok Rai David Raj
A first look at the metabolic rate of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) in the Canadian Arctic, Eric Ste-Marie, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Jayson M. Semmens, Marianne Marcoux, and Nigel E. Hussey
African Canadian Othermothering in the Urban Secondary School, Anne Rovers
African Indigenous Knowledge at the Intersect of Environmental Sustainability and Legal Precedent, Lila Iriburiro Happy
Aging Without Violence- Building capacity for trauma informed support for older women who have experienced violence, Amber Wardell
Ag(I) Therapeutic Coordination Polymers as Controlled Release Materials, Melissa Berberi
A hierarchical machine learning model to discover gleason grade-specific biomarkers in prostate cancer, Osama Hamzeh, Abedalrhman Alkhateeb, Julia Zhuoran Zheng, Srinath Kandalam, Crystal Leung, Govindaraja Atikukke, Dora Cavallo-Medved, Nallasivam Palanisamy, and Luis Rueda
A Historiography of International Harvester: How a Company Helped Spread American Culture and Products Across the World, Carl Sinnott
A Hybrid SAT and Lattice Reduction Approach for Integer Factorization, Yameen Ajani
Alebion carchariae (Copepod: Caligidae) host plasticity and distribution: A new host and locality record from Ascension Island, Danielle L. Orrell, Jennifer M. Questel, Caitlin A. Smoot, Tiffany Simpson, and Nigel E. Hussey
Algorithmic Personalized Pricing: A Personal Data Protection and Consumer Law Perspective, Pascale Chapdelaine
Algorithmic Search for Fair and Successful Collaborative Teams, Gabriel Rueda
Algorithms for Reading Line Classification, Xiaohao Sun and Balakumar Balasingam
A Linguistic Exploration of Modal Verbs in Billboard's Top Charting Songs, Xuan Tai Nguyen
Allusive Stanza Ten of Dylan Thomas’s ‘Poem on His Birthday’, Thomas Dilworth
A long way to go till 30 by 30? - An analysis of Canada's legal marine protection, Marianna Danner
Alphaherpesvirus infection in a free-ranging narwhal Monodon monoceros from Arctic Canada, Ole Nielsen, Thaís C.S. Rodrigues, Marianne Marcoux, Karine Béland, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Stéphane Lair, Nigel E. Hussey, and Thomas B. Waltzek
Alternatives for Greenbelt Development: A Comparative Study in Urban Planning, Iain Sutcliffe
‘Amazing’, ‘Forsaken’: Allusive Meanings in Auden’s ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’, Thomas Dilworth
A MEMS Planar Fresnel Lens for CMUT Array, Shivani Nilesh Upadhyay
Amex: Discord and Unity in the Canadian Vietnam-Era Anti-Draft Movement, 1969-1971, Doris R. Lanzkron-Tamarazo
A mock juror investigation of the influence of extralegal factors of juvenile defendants: Gender, attractiveness, psychopathology, and race, Jennifer A. Ranjit
A Multidisciplinary Design Methodology for Cyber-Physical Systems, Haider Al Fedhly
Analyses of Spirituality, Social Support, Community Cohesion, and Resilience of Parental-Intimate Partner Violence Exposed Individuals Using Structural Regression Models, Jenna Rose Emma Parsons
Analysis and Improvement of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Rohit Sengar
Analysis of Ecofascist Tendencies on Reddit, Shrey Vohra
Analysis of Public Interest in Rip Currents using Google Trends, Calli Stockwell
Analysis of Windsor-Essex County senior fitness and social programs., Bridget Taylor
Analysis on Covid-19 Public Restrictions Using Granger Causality and Machine Learning, Sara Khosravi
Analysis Towards Cross-Modal Global Electrification of Vehicles, Samantha Bartos, Aiswarya Balamurali, and Narayan Kar
An Analysis of Lancer Varsity Athlete Injuries: Prevalence, Trends, & Risk Factors, McKenna Dumouchelle
An Approach of Lip Synchronization in ECA for E-learning, Rajveer Singh
An Approach of Lip Synchronization with Facial Expression Rendering for an ECA, Mohammed Maaz Mohammed Shoieb Khan
Ancillary data from animal-borne cameras as an ecological survey tool for marine communities, T. K. Chapple, D. Tickler, R. C. Roche, D. T.I. Bayley, A. C. Gleiss, P. E. Kanive, O. J.D. Jewell, S. J. Jorgensen, R. Schallert, A. B. Carlisle, J. Sannassy Pilly, S. Andrzejaczek, M. Wikelski, N. E. Hussey, and B. A. Block
An EM approach for dynamic battery management systems, B. Balasingam, B. Pattipati, C. Sankavaram, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
An End-to-End Hybrid Approach to Automatic and Semi-Automatic Image Annotation, Roisul Islam Rumi
An Energy Harvesting Solution for IoT Sensors in 5G Network, Maryam Eshaghi
An Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Classification: A Case Study on Pituitary Tumors, Sumaiya Deen Muhammad
A New Resource Efficient Multi PUF Design, Sai Preetham Bonagiri
An Experimental Study of Thermal Comfort in the Offices of an Educational Building, Masoumeh Mazandarani, Jacqueline A. Stagner, and David S.-K. Ting
An Exploration of Encounters Between People with Lived Experience of Mental Illness and Police Officers, Sarah Faubert
An illicit artisanal fishery for North Pacific white sharks indicates frequent occurrence and high mortality in the Gulf of California, Daniel J. Madigan, Natalie S. Arnoldi, Nigel E. Hussey, and Aaron B. Carlisle
An interspecific foraging association with polar bears increases foraging opportunities for avian predators in a declining Arctic seabird colony, Andrew F. Barnas, Cassandra A.B. Simone, Erica A. Geldart, Oliver P. Love, Patrick M. Jagielski, H. Grant Gilchrist, Evan S. Richardson, Cody J. Dey, and Christina A.D. Semeniuk
An Introduction to the Importance and Implementations of Liquid Cooling in Electric Motors, Alexandre J. Bourgault, Eshaan Ghosh Dr., and Narayan C. Kar Dr.
An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Aircraft Engine Fan Casing Abradable Materials at Different Temperatures and Strain Rates, Andrew Domenico Hewitt
An IoT-Based Approach of Synthetic Data Generation with Reduced Reality Gap, Kavan Mehulkumar Dave
Anisotropic mechanical material investigation on moisture and strain rate sensitivity of direct compounded compression moulded Glass/PA6 LFTs, Pouya Mohammadkhani
Anomaly Detection in Large Datasets: A Case Study in Loan Defaults, Rayhaan Pirani
A Non-Racial Approach to Assessing Group Membership of Victims in a Mass Grave Using Cranial Data, John Albanese and Alyssa Di Iorio
A novel blind adaptive receiver for MIMO-OFDM systems, Balakumar Balasingam and Miodrag Bolic
A novel convolutional neural network based dysphonic voice detection algorithm using chromagram, Rumana Islam and Mohammed Tarique
A novel framework to protect animal data in a world of ecosurveillance, Robert J. Lennox, Robert Harcourt, Joseph R. Bennett, Alasdair Davies, Adam T. Ford, Remo M. Frey, Matt W. Hayward, Nigel E. Hussey, Sara J. Iverson, Roland Kays, Steven T. Kessel, Clive McMahon, Monica Muelbert, Taryn S. Murray, Vivian M. Nguyen, Jonathan D. Pye, Dominique G. Roche, Frederick G. Whoriskey, Nathan Young, and Steven J. Cooke
A Novel Pathological Voice Identification Technique through Simulated Cochlear Implant Processing Systems, Rumana Islam, Esam Abdel-Raheem, and Mohammed Tarique
A novel slip-kalman filter to track the progression of reading through eye-gaze measurements, S. Bottos and B. Balasingam
An SOA-Based Approach of Adaptive E-Tutoring Systems, Parth Hetalkumar Mistry
Anti-obesity Medications Prescribing Measures Utilized by Primary Care Practitioners: Scoping Review, Sahra Abdullahi, Edward Venzon Cruz, Laurie Freeman, and Eric Tanlaka
Apoptotic Potential of Synthite Tea Extract in Multiple Human Melanoma Cell lines, Joshua Mathews
Application of Computer Vision Techniques for Risk Assessment of Lifting Tasks: Analyzing Worker Facial Expressions and Physiological Signals, Afrooz Shakeri
Application of Pseudospectral Methods to Beta Decay, Two-photon Decay, and Tune-out Frequencies in Helium, Aaron Bondy
Applying Functional Data Analysis to Estimate the Mental Workload of the Human Driver, David OLORUNFEMI Eniyandunmo
Approach for Rigorous Evaluation of a Battery Fuel Gauge, Prarthana Pillai and Balakumar Balasingam
Approximating Average Bounded-Angle Minimum Spanning Trees, Patrick Stephen Devaney
A prospective longitudinal study of depression, perceived stress, and perceived control in resettled Syrian refugees’ mental health and psychosocial adaptation, B.C.H Kuo and Lance M. Rappaport
A Prototype Harvesting Solution for White Button Mushrooms Using Collaborative Robotics, Ava Recchia and Dora Strelkova
A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Neuropsychological Tests, Brette Lansue
Area-Efficient Finite Field Multiplication Using Hybrid SET-MOS Technology, Chen Zhang
A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Training a Spiking Neural Network Agent, Seyede Narjes Zamani
Are Ontario Educators Prepared for the Diverse Classrooms of Today?, Elaine Willick-Kerwin
A review of resiliency key factors & their relations to the components of multi-unit residential buildings, Bushra Marium Islam
A robust approach to battery fuel gauging, part II: Real time capacity estimation, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
A robust approach to battery fuel gauging, part I: Real time model identification, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Arterial blood pressure parameter estimation and tracking using particle filters, B. Balasingam, M. Forouzanfar, M. Bolic, H. Dajani, V. Groza, and S. Rajan
Arth: The Answer (A Short Documentary about Hinduism and India), Anushray Singh Mr.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Nuclear Features from the Fine Needle Aspirated (FNA) Tissue Samples to Recognize Breast Cancer, Rumana Islam and Mohammed Tarique
Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches for Analysis and Optimization of Complex Systems: Case Studies in Computational Epidemiology, Shaon Bhatta Shuvo
Artistic Organizations. Joseph Beuys' Claim: An Expanded Concept of Argument, Rose Marie Barrientos Galindo
A scaling approach for improved open circuit voltage modeling in Li-ion batteries, Mostafa Shaban Ahmed and Balakumar Balasingam
A scaling approach for improved state of charge representation in rechargeable batteries, Mostafa Shaban Ahmed, Sheikh Arif Raihan, and Balakumar Balasingam
A Season-Long Team-Building Intervention With A Collegiate Men's Hockey Team, Myles Mackenzie Jeffrey Doan
A simplified model for simulating flow around automotive fans using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Palak Saini
Assessing Adversarial Attack Feasibility and HybridMTD Defense Strategies in Machine Learning, Kimia Tahayori
Assessing Analogous Grounds: The Doctrinal and Normative Superiority of a Multi-Variable Approach, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Assessing Helmet Fit for University of Windsor Varsity Hockey Athletes, Julia Rossi and David M. Andrews
Assessing How Young Adults Utilize Eye Care Services, Emilia Slijepcevic
Assessing Responses for Hockey Teams Following Team Tragedy, Owen James Bravo
Assessing the effects of environmentally-mediated phenological matching of an Arctic-breeding songbird to its arthropod prey, Alysha Riquier
Assessing the impact of hurricane Fiona on the coast of PEI National Park and implications for the effectiveness of beach-dune management policies, Robin Davidson-Arnott, Jeff Ollerhead, Elizabeth George, Chris Houser, Bernard Bauer, Patrick Hesp, Ian Walker, Irene Delagado-Fernandez, and Danika van Proosdij
Assessing the post-release effects of capture, handling and placement of satellite telemetry devices on narwhal (Monodon monoceros) movement behaviour, Courtney R. Shuert, Marianne Marcoux, Nigel E. Hussey, Cortney A. Watt, and Marie Auger-Méthé
Assessment of the Ecological Health of Afrotropical Rivers Using Fish Assemblages: A Case Study of Selected Rivers in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya, Alfred O. Achieng, Frank O. Masese, Tracey J. Coffey, Phillip O. Raburu, Simon W. Agembe, Catherine M. Febria, and Boaz Kaunda-Arara
Associations Between Parent Stress, Parent Mobile Technology Use, and Parenting Behaviours on Children’s Psychological Functioning, Amy Wei Yan Tran
Assumption College High School 1929-1930, Assumption High School (Windsor)
Assumption College, Sandwich, Ontario, Canada: Souvenir, Assumption College (Windsor)
A Survey on Signal Processing Based Pathological Voice Detection Techniques, Rumana Islam, Mohammed Tarique, and Esam Abdel-Raheem
A Systematic Review of Commercially Available Sports Bras with Integrated Heart Rate Monitors, Natasha Sarkis and Brook-lyn Phelan
A systematic review of snake translocations to identify potential tactics for reducing postrelease effects, Jonathan D. Choquette, Jacqueline D. Litzgus, Joanne X.Y. Gui, and Trevor E. Pitcher
A tale of two mechanisms: Is the p53 modulator COTI-2 a zinc chaperone instead?, Irem Simsek
A Taste of Tradition: Exploring Geographical Indications and Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge in Canada, Rashveen Chawla
A Thermodynamic Analysis of Intake Valve Actuation in Internal Combustion Engines, Muyu Guo
Athlete Leadership in Sport: Meta-Analysis, Psychometric Evaluation, and Development of a Brief Questionnaire, Matthieu Boisvert
Attempted formulation of nutraceutical grade double emulsions using a simple bench-top protocol, Joseph O'Neil
Attitudes Regarding Science Knowledge and Clinical Trials, Omer Elkhidir
Automated Computer Hardware Security System, Ajay Maru
Automatic Construction of Ontology with Public-Domain Datasets for Personalized Tutoring with ECA, Asim Jamal
Automation of Flexible Materials Handling Systems with Soft Robotic Solutions: A Comprehensive Experimental and Simulation Study, Morteza Alebooyeh
Autonomous Heart Rate Tracking Methodology Using Kalman Filter and the em Algorithm, Thiago T. Souza, Balakumar Balasingam, and Roman Maev
Autonomous Inertial Based Vehicle Navigation Assisted by Convolutional Neural Network for Obstacle Avoidance, Adonay Tecle and Dr. Jalal Ahamed
Avian grape predation at vineyards in South Western Ontario: evaluating fruit preferences and non-invasive deterrent methods, Grace A. Bastien
A Visual Representation: The Chemosensory Systems in Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), Liessell Innes, Barbara Zielinski, Zeenat Aurangzeb, and Gianfranco Grande
Back to Baseline: Understanding the Complexities of Estimating Premorbid Cognitive Functioning in Sport-Related Concussion Assessment, Kassandra Helena Korcsog
Bacterial Bio-transformation to Optimize Catechin's Insulin Sensitivity, Sara Knezevic Miss, Maksymilian Dziura Mr, and Ali Barazi Mr
Banning Technology in a Circular Economy, Katie Soulliere
‘Barred Clouds’: Constraint in Keats’s ‘To Autumn’, Thomas Dilworth
Barriers To Adoption Of Collaborative Robots In Manufacturing, Alan Douglas
Barriers to Translational Research in Windsor Ontario, Justin B. Senecal, Indryas Woldie, Karen Metcalfe, and Lisa A. Porter
Batch-Sizing and Machinability Data Systems for Milling Operations: An Optimal Sustainable Cost of Quality Approach, Abdulnasser El-Gaddar
Battery charging optimization for OCV-resistance equivalent circuit model, A. Abdollahi, N. Raghunathan, X. Han, G. V. Avvari, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Battery health degradation and optimal life management, A. Abdollahi, N. Raghunathan, X. Han, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, Y. Bar-Shalom, and B. Card
Battery management systems-challenges and some solutions, Balakumar Balasingam, Mostafa Ahmed, and Krishna Pattipati
Battery Parameter Analysis through Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy at Different State of Charge Levels, Yuchao Wu, Sneha Sundaresan, and Balakumar Balasingam
BeComE - A Framework for Node Classification in Social Graphs, Akshay Gopan
Behavioural Threshold and Management of Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to Acoustic Stimuli, Victoria Heath
Behaviour of Volumetric Modular Unit under Transportation Loads, Mohamed Fasil Chulliyil
Beyond Argument? Addressing the Matter of Trust in Vaccine Hesitancy, Nicholas Kinnish
Beyond competencies: Naming librarians' capacity for research, Selinda Adelle Berg and Michelle Banks
Beyond the Skin: Women’s Lived Experiences with Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Kenzie Tapp
Biallelic Mutations in P4HTM Cause Syndromic Obesity, Sadia Saeed, Lijiao Ning, Alaa Badreddine, Muhammad Usman Mirza, Mathilde Boissel, Roohia Khanam, Jaida Manzoor, Qasim M. Janjua, Waqas I. Khan, Bénédicte Toussaint, Emmanuel Vaillant, Souhila Amanzougarene, Mehdi Derhourhi, John F. Trant, Anna-Maria Siegert, Brian Y.H. Lam, Giles S.H. Yeo, Layachi Chabraoui, Asmae Touzani, Abhishek Kulkarni, I. Sadaf Farooqi, Amélie Bonnefond, Muhammad Arslan, and Philippe Froguel
Biases in the NBA Draft, Shaumik Baki
Billing Without Bilking: Regulating Time-Based Legal Fees, Noel Semple
BIM Integrated Bid Proposal Evaluation Tool to Aid Sustainable Procurement of Water supply infrastructure projects, Dilusha Hemaal Kankanamge
Bioacoustic analyses reveal that bird communities recover with forest succession in tropical dry forests, Kiirsti C. Owen, Amanda D. Melin, Fernando A. Campos, Linda M. Fedigan, Thomas W. Gillespie, and Daniel J. Mennill
Biocompatible self-immolative polymers: Towards traceless medical devices, Kaitlyn M. Breault, Mohaddeseh (Mana) Dashti, and John F. Trant
Biofuels Production from Miscanthus Giganteus, Christina Jung
Biogas Recovery from Co-digestion of Wet Distillers' Grain and Raw Sludge in Batch and Semi-continuous Reactors, Rickel Hermay Williams
Biology of the Roughhead Grenadier (Macrourus berglax) in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Riley K. Beach, Amanda Barkley, Jena Edwards, Laurissa Christie, and Nigel E. Hussey
Biomechanical assessment of in-game North American youth football helmet impacts using a multi-camera video-based methodology, Danielle Gyemi
Blood pH Analysis in Combination with Molecular Medical Tools in Relation to COVID-19 Symptoms †, Hans Christian Siebert, Thomas Eckert, Anirban Bhunia, Nele Klatte, Marzieh Mohri, Simone Siebert, Anna Kozarova, John W. Hudson, Ruiyan Zhang, Ning Zhang, Lan Li, Konstantinos Gousias, Dimitrios Kanakis, Mingdi Yan, Jesús Jiménez-Barbero, Tibor Kožár, Nikolay E. Nifantiev, Christian Vollmer, Timo Brandenburger, Detlef Kindgen-Milles, Thomas Haak, and Athanasios K. Petridis
Boat Wake Attenuation through Artificial Vegetation - A Case Study from Peche Island, Jamie Kathryn Lilly
Body Dissatisfaction and Depression: Investigating the Moderating Roles of Maladaptive Investment in Appearance and Rumination, Mallory Forward
Born With Vomit Under Forked Tongues: For Ahidô Houêdo’s Orphan Daughters, Sarraounia Zannou
“Breaking bud”: the effect of direct chemical modifications of phytocannabinoids on their bioavailability, physiological effects, and therapeutic potential, Abhinandan Banerjee, John J. Hayward, and John F. Trant
Breaking the Stigma: The Role of Mental Health Literacy in Psychological Treatment-Seeking Decisions in Canadian Post-Secondary Students, Carly Biderman
Breast and Prostate Cancer Outcomes and Ethnicity in Windsor-Essex County, Richard JK Low Mr., Sanam Gurm Mr., Abdulkadir Hussein Dr., and Caroline Hamm
Breeding stage and tissue isotopic consistency suggests colony-level flexibility in niche breadth of an Arctic marine bird, Kyle J.L. Parkinson, Holly L. Hennin, H. Grant Gilchrist, Keith A. Hobson, Nigel E. Hussey, and Oliver P. Love
Bridging the Gap: Examining the Rhythmic Relationship Between Sleep and Skeletal Muscle Maintenance, Daniel L. Scurto
Bug-Eat-Bug World: Assessing two Canadian Dicyphus species (Hemiptera: Miridae) for their potential as novel greenhouse biological control agents., Carly Ann Demers
Bullying and Body Image: Body image disturbance in emerging adults with a history of bullying victimization, Rebecca Antonacci
Cabin Recirculation Optimization for Heating and Dehumidifying, Stephen Tyler Hook
Calcium-Ion Batteries: Identifying Ideal Electrolytes for Next Generation Energy Storage Using Computational Analysis, Dr. John F. Trant, Dr. S. Maryamdokht Taimoory, Nour Rehab ElKott, and Shakourian Fard
Calculation of High Harmonic Spectrum from a 1D periodic potential, Shubham Kukreja and Chitra Rangan
Calling songs of Neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Panama, Hannah M. ter Hofstede, Laurel B. Symes, Sharon J. Martinson, Tony Robillard, Paul Faure, Shyam Madhusudhana, and Rachel A. Page
Canadian Freshwater Fish Detectionwith Genetics, Linda Alrefaee
Can a successful Sexual Assault Resistance Program also Reduce IPV? Exploring IPV Reduction as an Outcome of the EAAA Program, Paula C. Barata, Charlene Y. Senn, Misha Eliasziw, H. Lorraine Radtke, Wilfreda E. Thurston, and Karen L. Hobden
Cancers, Cannabinoids, COVID and Autoimmune Disorders: Investigating Biological Activity by Computational Chemistry, Daniel Meister
Can Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) smell a toxic compound produced by Algal Blooms?, Alexia Piccolo, Gianfranco Grande, and Barbara Zielinski
Carbon Characterization as an Ecological Monitoring Tool in Essex, Ontario, Emily Browne, Lauren Weller, and Catherine Febria
Case Study of NEDC and WLTP Driving Cycle Test Methods on Inverter Efficiency and Losses, Dante R. Bisetto, Animesh Kundu, Eshaan Ghosh, and Narayan Kar
Catechin Extraction from Green Tea and Biotransformation of Catechin to Catechol in Gut Bacteria, Sara Alabed
Catechin to Catechol Biotransformation in Lactobacillus Hilgardii and Paracasei: Detection and Optimization, Keith Wong, Sara Knezevic, Mana Dashti, and Dr. John F. Trant
CBDC+: Why CBDC Proposals Need to Become More Comprehensive to Succeed, Muharem Kianieff
Characterization of Developed QCM Sensors with Novel Topologies, Utilizing Energy Trapping Effect for Improved Mass Sensitivity, Youssef Ezzat Youssef Elnemr
Characterizing Circadian Clock Activity in the Drosophila Midgut, Kathyani Parasram
Characterizing interacting partners and substrates of PLK4, Natalie Jessica Gosselin
Characterizing Laser-Ablated Surfaces with an AFM, Nikhil Shad
Characterizing Laser-Ablated Surfaces with an AFM, Nikhil Shad
Characterizing predator-prey relationships of Great Lakes fishes using targeted stomach content DNA analyses, Matthew Richard Charron
Characterizing the Anti-Cancer Efficacy of Paradise Tree Extract on Human Melanoma Cells, Siddhartha Sood, Karthik Baskaran, and Mansi Arora
Characterizing the Interaction Between Polo-like Kinase 4 (PLK4) and Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2) Proteins, Nima Malakoti-Negad
Chest X-Ray Images to Differentiate COVID-19 from Pneumonia with Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Rumana Islam and Mohammed Tarique
Children’s Social Competence: The Role of Maternal Scaffolding, Taffy Chan
Child Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study, Disha Rawal
Child Welfare Workers’ Biases in Decision-Making: The Potential for Influence on Disparity and Disproportionality, Natalie Beltrano
Chinese International Master’s Students’ Reticence in Engagement Within Business Classrooms, Bohui Liu
Circadian control of a time-dependent damage response in Drosophila melanogaster, Shahd Haddad
Circuit parameters extraction algorithm for a lithium-ion battery charging system incorporated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, S. M.Rakiul Islam, Sung Yeul Park, and Balakumar Balasingam
Cis-regulatory mutations with driver hallmarks in major cancers, Zhongshan Cheng, Michael Vermeulen, Micheal Rollins-Green, Brian DeVeale, and Tomas Babak
City Guarding with Cameras of Bounded Field of View, Mohammad Hashemi
Civilization and Culture: Imagery in Williams’ ‘The Red Wheelbarrow’, Thomas Dilworth
Classifying Galaxy Images Using Improved Residual Networks, Jaykumar Patel
Clean energy: Hydrogen production from glycerol via dark fermentation, Guochen Zhang
Clément Gascon, une force tranquille, Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly
Climate Adaptation Plans in Ontario: Small and Medium Municipalities Preparedness for Extreme Weather, Zakary Blomme
Clinical Trial Availability: An Analysis of Limited Clinical Trial Options for Cancer Patients in Ontario, Kayla Touma
COASTIE Citizen Science Program for Measuring Impacts of Hurricane Fiona, Cooper O'Rourke
Cochleagram to Recognize Dysphonia: Auditory Perceptual Analysis for Health Informatics, Rumana Islam, Esam Abdel-Raheem, and Mohammed Tarique
Coexistence, resource partitioning, and fisheries management: A tale of two mesopredators in equatorial waters, Danielle L. Orrell, Daniel Sadd, Kirsty L. Jones, Kate Chadwick, Tiffany Simpson, Darcy E. Philpott, and Nigel E. Hussey
Cognitive context detection for adaptive automation, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph Coyne
Cognitive context detection in UAS operators using eye-gaze patterns on computer screens, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph Coyne
Cognitive context detection using pupillary measurements, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph Coyne
Cognitive load estimation for adaptive human-machine system automation, P. Ramakrishnan, B. Balasingam, and F. Biondi
Cognitive video streaming, D. Pasupuleti, P. Mannaru, B. Balasingam, M. Baum, K. Pattipati, P. Willett, C. Lintz, G. Commeau, F. Dorigo, and J. Fahrny
Collective action is needed to build a more just science system, Aisling Rayne, Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, Bethany Cox, Murray P. Cox, Catherine M. Febria, Stephanie J. Galla, Shaun C. Hendy, Kirsten Locke, Anna Matheson, Aleksandra Pawlik, Tom Roa, Emma L. Sharp, Leilani A. Walker, Krushil Watene, Priscilla M. Wehi, and Tammy E. Steeves
Collective behavior in wild zebrafish, Delia S. Shelton, Sierra G. Shelton, Danita K. Daniel, Manickam Raja, Anuradha Bhat, Robyn L. Tanguay, Dennis M. Higgs, and Emília P. Martins
Colour as a Discrete Ground of Discrimination, Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Jonnette Watson Hamilton‡
Colours of Sound, Matthew T. Lepain
Combining telemetry and fisheries data to quantify species overlap and evaluate bycatch mitigation strategies in an emergent Canadian Arctic fishery, Daniel J. Madigan, Brynn M. Devine, Sam B. Weber, Angela L. Young, and Nigel E. Hussey
Comparative Analysis of Large Language Models for Polypharmacy Side Effect Prediction, Sadra Hakim
Comparative Assessment of Interior Wall Construction: A Life Cycle Thinking Based Evaluation, Kartik Rajendrakumar Patel
Comparative Property Rights and Eminent Domain Defenses, Thomas Oriet
Comparative Study of Different Surface Treated Brake Rotors at a Vehicle Level, Jingnan Tian
Comparison of concurrent cognitive load measures during n-back tasks, Prarthana Pillai, Balakumar Balasingam, Arunita Jaekel, and Francesco N. Biondi
Compatibility of Friction Materials of Brake Pads with Alumina-Coated Cast Iron, Yinting Liu
Computational Analysis Investigation of a Piezoelectrically Actuated Micropump for Air Sniffing Applications, Yameema Babu Lopez
Computational explanation of the ineffectiveness of kinase drugs in the clinic: Spy1 vs. CycA as activators of Cdk2, Teodora M. Secara
Computational Studies on Enzyme-Related Chemistry, Basel A. Mansour
Computer-supported online public deliberation, Waleed H. Mebane
Computer Vision-based Ergonomic Assessment of Dentists Using Different Dental Units, Seyedehfatemeh Sadeghi
Conductive Polymeric Fillers in Polyethylene for the Preparation of Novel Conductive Plastics, Renée B. Goodman, Michael U. Ocheje, and Simon Rondeau-Gagné Dr.
Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System, Yuheng Song
Constraint Poetry on Disability and Disability as Constraint, Leah Levy
Construction of Quot-Schemes, Majid Dehghani
Contrasting intra-individual variation in size-based trophic and habitat shifts for two coastal Arctic fish species, Harri Pettitt-Wade, Nigel E. Hussey, Colin P. Gallagher, Ellen V. Lea, Danielle L. Orrell, and Lisa L. Loseto
Control and Protection Solutions for Resilient Protective Relaying of Modern Power Systems, Abdallah Alaa Mohieldien Aboelnaga
Control Mechanism for Connected and Automated Vehicles: Enhancing Ride Safety, Comfort and Traffic Flow Efficiency, Dhwani Kamlesh Shah
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control using V2V Communication and Deep Learning, Haoyang Ke
Copyright and Open Access, Dave Johnston
Correction: Home sweet home: spatiotemporal distribution and site fidelity of the reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in Dungonab Bay, Sudan (Movement Ecology, (2022), 10, 1, (22), 10.1186/s40462-022-00314-9), Anna M. Knochel, Nigel E. Hussey, Steven T. Kessel, Camrin D. Braun, Jesse E.M. Cochran, Graham Hill, Rebecca Klaus, Tarik Checkchak, Nasereldin M. Elamin El Hassen, Mohammed Younnis, and Michael L. Berumen
Corrosion Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Wrought Stamped Al Alloy 6451, Moiz Abdul
Creating a peer-reviewed Open Access journal, Guoying Liu
Creating a Toolbox for the Asymmetric Alkylation of Isoindigo Based Polymers, Rachael Warner
Crisis and Calamity: Reimagining Canadian Ecopoetics in Response to Anthropocenic Disaster, Dakota Samuel Jabbour-Ormsby
Cross-Blockchain Technology for an Interoperable and Scalable Digital Contact Tracing, Farbod Behnaminia
Cross-brain Notch1 and VEGFA concentrations in response to hypercapnia and hypocapnia, Nicholas James Lester
CRPD - The Mariposa Community Centre, Logan Gillingham
Cultural Intelligence in a Tourism Industry: Differences in Cultural Perceptions in a Brazilian Host Community, Eduardo Armando Guadalupe
Cumulative cultural evolution and mechanisms for cultural selection in wild bird songs, Heather Williams, Andrew Scharf, Anna R. Ryba, D. Ryan Norris, Daniel J. Mennill, Amy E.M. Newman, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Julie C. Blackwood
Cumulative cultural evolution and mechanisms for cultural selection in wild bird songs, Heather Williams, Andrew Scharf, Anna R. Ryba, D. Ryan Norris, Daniel J. Mennill, Amy E.M. Newman, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Julie C. Blackwood
CURating Clinical Trials: Helping Patients Find Hope Through Clinical Trial Opportunities, Mahmoud Hossami and Rhonda Abdel-Nabi
Curriculum Development Of Network Practicum, Mohammed Usama Abdulwahab
Cybersecurity and Privacy Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Haesung Ahn
Cyber Sexual Aggression within Intimate Partner Aggression: Effects on Young Women, Samantha Daskaluk, Patti Fritz Dr., and Kathleen Wilson
Dandelion root and lemongrass extracts induce apoptosis, enhance chemotherapeutic efficacy, and reduce tumour xenograft growth in vivo in prostate cancer, Sahibjot Singh Grewal Mr
Dark and light personality traits behind influence tactics: Exploring their impact on employee psychological (un)safety in the workplace., Mahshid Soleimani
Data-Driven Municipal Infrastructure Planning for Healthy Communities, Teagan Grinwis
Dating apps and shifting sexual subjectivities of men seeking men online, Barry D. Adam, David J. Brennan, Adam WJ Davies, and David Collict
DC-Link Capacitor State-of-Health (SOH) Monitoring and Lifetime Extension for EV Applications, Cameron Pickersgill
Death and Pleasure in Wallace Stevens’ ‘The Emperor of Ice-Cream', Thomas Dilworth
Decadal migration phenology of a long-lived Arctic icon keeps pace with climate change, Courtney R. Shuert, Marianne Marcoux, Nigel E. Hussey, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Rune Dietz, and Marie Auger-Méthé
Decentralized Control of Unbalanced Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids for Maximum Loadability, Sami Al-Terkawi Hasib
Defending Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attacks, Ibraheem Aloran
Dehumanization and Genocide: the Beginning of the State, Hanan Zahrah
Density dependence mediates the ecological impact of an invasive fish, Emma M. DeRoy, Ryan Scott, Nigel E. Hussey, and Hugh J. MacIsaac
Design and Implementation of A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle(ROV), Reza Alirezaee, Michael Elachkar, and Shahpour Alirezaee Dr.
Designing and screening altered peptide ligands for the treatment of HLA type II autoimmune disorders using computational chemistry., Victoria Grandi
Detecting and Understanding Position Falsification Attacks using Explainable Artificial Intelligence., Mahesh Abburi
Detecting Volatile Organic Compounds from Cadaveric Decomposition using Polydiacetylene, Deanna Fisher
Detection and Classification of Bacterial Cells After Centrifugation and Filtration of Liquid Specimens Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Emma J. Blanchette, Sydney C. Sleiman, Haiqa Arain, Alayna Tieu, Chloe L. Clement, Griffin C. Howson, Emily A. Tracey, Hadia Malik, Jeremy C. Marvin, and Steven J. Rehse
Detection and Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in Blood Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, E J. Blanchette, E A. Tracey, A Baughan, G E. Johnson, H Malik, C N. Alionte, I G. Arthur, M E. Pontoni, and Steven Rehse
Detection and Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in Urine Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, E J. Blanchette, E A. Tracey, A Baughan, G E. Johnson, H Malik, C N. Alionte, I G. Arthur, M E. Potoni, and Steven Rehse
Detection of endangered fish in Dianchi Lake, Kunming, China, using eDNA and traditional fishing, Kai Zhang
Detection of Multiple Targets in an Image, Balakumar Balasingam
Determining the Anti-Cancer Effects of Long Pepper and Synthite Green Tea Extract Alone and in Combination with Standard Chemotherapy Using Two and Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Models of Human Glioblastoma and Neuroblastoma, Victoria Iannetta and Ibrahim Alsalkhadi
Determining the Essentiality of Spy-1 as a Novel Regulator of Mammary Cell Development Using CRISPR/Cas9, Catalin M. Gramisteanu
Develop and implement a field assessment protocol and corrosion detection approach to measure the effectiveness of corrosion prevention in mobile transportation, April R. Horvath
Developing New Strategies Towards the Fabrication of Flexible, Organic Electronics, Daniella Skaf
Developing Taqman Open Array Assays to test circadian clock gene expression, Aaryan Patel
Development of a Control Strategy to Reduce the Start-up Delay for Autonomous Heavy Trucks, Saeideh Esmaeili
Development of advanced coating for enhancing performance of internal combustion engine, Guang Wang
Development of a gold nanoparticle sensor to detect environmental DNA of invasive fish species in the Great Lakes, Meaghen Shiha
Development of a Methodology for Virtual Efficiency Evaluation of Electric Drive Modules, Luca Gonella
Development of an analytical model for rotational vector of a sphere using MEMS inertial sensors, University of Windsor Faculty of Engineering, University of Windsor Faculty of Engineering, and University of Windsor Faculty of Engineering
Development of an SPH solver for incompressible fluids with an interface to pre- and post-processing software, Riccardo Balducci
Development of a real-time path recognition method for autonomous micro aerial vehicles, Matthew Shamoon and Jalal Ahamed
Development of Copper Clad Aluminum Conductors for Electric Motor Applications, BRANDON Michael FINATERI
Development of Flexible Temperature Sensors for EV (Electric Vehicle) Batteries, Zifan Li
Development of M3-CMUTs with Different Middle Membrane Dimensions and Dynamic Control of Cavity Height, PAVITHRA MUNIRATHINAM
Development of Model-based Fault Diagnosis for in-Orbit Small Satellites in Constellation, Ailin Barzegar
Development of Thermally Stable and Environmentally Robust Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Based Accelerometers, Hasnet Eftakher Uddin Ahmed
Development of Virtual Methodology to Evaluate Electric Motor Losses, Giovanni Ricciardi
Differentiating Workaholic Subtypes on Health and Wellness Outcomes, Carolyn Francis
Digital Realization of Spiking Neural Network, Mahsasadat Seyedbarhagh
Direct current coil designs for a portable magnetic resonance scanner, Jordyn Matthews, Jean-Marc Beneteau, and Dan Xiao
Discourse and Controversy in the Israel-Palestine Conflict - A Review of the Literature, Irteza Atique
Dissecting the Consequence of Post-translational and Structural Alterations to the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Adam Christopher Pillon
Dissecting the Heterogeneous Nature of Brain Tumours, Alexander Rodzinka, Dr. Dorota Lubanska, and Dr. Lisa Porter
Distinct freshwater migratory pathways in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) coincide with separate patterns of marine spatial habitat-use across a large coastal landscape, Jack Hollins, Harri Pettitt-Wade, Colin P. Gallagher, Ellen V. Lea, Lisa L. Loseto, and Nigel E. Hussey
Distinct functions of a CNS/PNS-dependent protein kinase in nerve terminal growth and synaptic vesicle cycling, Jeffrey S. Dason, Aaron M. Allen, Oscar E. Vasquez, and Marla B. Sokolowski
Distracted worker: Using pupil size and blink rate to detect cognitive load during manufacturing tasks, Francesco N. Biondi, Babak Saberi, Frida Graf, Joel Cort, Prarthana Pillai, and Balakumar Balasingam
Divergent migration routes reveal contrasting energy-minimization strategies to deal with differing resource predictability, Courtney R. Shuert, Nigel E. Hussey, Marianne Marcoux, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Rune Dietz, and Marie Auger-Méthé
Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology, Samantha Andrzejaczek, Tim C.D. Lucas, Maurice C. Goodman, Nigel E. Hussey, Amelia J. Armstrong, Aaron Carlisle, Daniel M. Coffey, Adrian C. Gleiss, Charlie Huveneers, David M.P. Jacoby, Mark G. Meekan, Johann Mourier, Lauren R. Peel, Kátya Abrantes, André S. Afonso, Matthew J. Ajemian, Brooke N. Anderson, Scot D. Anderson, Gonzalo Araujo, and Asia O. Armstrong
Do beluga whales truly migrate? Testing a key trait of the classical migration syndrome, Luke Storrie, Lisa L. Loseto, Emma L. Sutherland, Shannon A. MacPhee, Greg O’Corry-Crowe, and Nigel E. Hussey
Does Mitigation Achieve Conservation? Evaluating the effectiveness of freshwater mussel species-at-risk translocations in southwestern Ontario, Lauren Damphousse
Does polar bear (Ursus maritimus) foraging on Common eiders (Somateria mollissima) facilitate predation risk from Herring gulls (Larus argentatus)?, Cassandra A. B. Simone, Christina A. D. Semeniuk PhD, Andrew F. Barnas PhD, and Erica A. Geldart Miss
Do SPY1 overexpressing brain tumors in mice recapitulate features of actual human glioblastomas?, Maheen Arshad, Dr. Frank Stringer, Dr. Dorota Lubanska, and Dr. Lisa Porter
Dune Toe Delineation Utilizing Machine Learning, Charlotte Wills
Dynamic material characterization of polymeric foam by means of experimental, analytical, phenomenological and numerical methods, Foad Rahimidehgolan
Dynamic Metal-Ligand Interactions in Semiconducting π-Conjugated Materials, Peter Blake Joseph St Onge
Dynamic Mode Decomposition as a Tool for Reducing Computational Time in Numerical Simulation of Complex Flows, Laura Amelia George
Early career researchers benefit from inclusive, diverse and international collaborations: Changing how academic institutions utilize the seminar series, Catherine M. Febria, Donna R. Kashian, Kory R.T. Bertrand, Brittanie Dabney, Matthew Day, Madison Dugdale, Kate O. Ekhator, Héctor J. Esparra-Escalera, Ryan Graham, Keira Harshaw, Darrin S. Hunt, Savannah Knorr, Katrina Lewandowski, Colleen Linn, Allison Lucas, Scott O.C. Mundle, Gelareh Raoufi, Chelsea Salter, Zoha Siddiqua, and Smita Tyagi
Ecoacoustic monitoring of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawning and its relation to anthropogenic noise, Dennis M. Higgs and Riley K. Beach
Ecological factors influence primate vocal behaviour in a Neotrpoical Dry Forest: Habitat and behaviour in three species of monkey, Alexis Wilder, Daniel J. Mennill, Katrina Switzer, and Kiirsti Owen
Economic Impacts of Establishing a Neutron Source Facility in Windsor, Abdur Rahman
Effectiveness of Using NamePrism to Identify Ethnicities, Aya Madi
Effect of Axisymmetric Confinement on Turbulent Jets, Jerry Adjetey
Effect of enrichment on gamete production, gamete quality, and spawning coloration in hormonally induced redside dace Clinostomus elongatus, Ashley M. Watt, Ali I. Mokdad, and Trevor E. Pitcher
Effect of incidence angle on the wake flow of a wall-mounted cylinder with a slot immersed in a shallow flow, John Agyapong Boamah
Effects of Political Transition on the Education System in Ghana: An Analysis of the Fourth Republic, Lovinger Yamoah
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cerebrovascular and Respiratory Function: A Pilot Study, Chris Tracey
Efficacy of chondroprotective food supplements based on collagen hydrolysate and compounds isolated from marine organisms, Thomas Eckert, Mahena Jährling-Butkus, Helen Louton, Monika Burg-Roderfeld, Ruiyan Zhang, Ning Zhang, Karsten Hesse, Athanasios K. Petridis, Tibor Kožár, Jürgen Steinmeyer, Roland Schauer, Peter Engelhard, Anna Kozarova, John W. Hudson, and Hans Christian Siebert
Efficient and Enhanced Text Summarization by Compressing and Data Augmentation for Transformers-Based Models, Ala Alam Falaki
Efficient blind decoding of MIMO using sequential Monte Carlo, Balakumar Balasingam and Miodrag Bolic
Efficient distributed resampling for particle filters, Balakumar Balasingam, Miodrag Bolić, Petar M. Djurić, and Joaquín Míguez
Electoral Reform in Canada, Jo Horn
Electrical Control of Magnetism in Kitaev Materials, Griffin Howson
Electric Motor Drive Control Optimization, Mahwish M. Khan Miss
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in an Ensemble of Three-Level Lambda Systems, Sara Moezzi
Electronic Nose for Gas Sensing Applications in Autonomous Vehicles, Gian Carlo Antony Raj and Aya Abu-Libdeh
Elements of a robust battery-management system: From fast characterization to universality and more, Balakumar Balasingam and Krishna Pattipati
Eliza Orme’s Ambitions: Politics and the Law in Victorian London, Leslie Howsam
Elucidating Microbial Mechanisms of Microcystin-LR Degradation in Lake Erie Beach Sand through Metabolomics and Metatranscriptomics, Chelsea Salter
Embodiment, intuitive eating and psychological resources: Exploring experiences of embodiment in a community sample of women, Zach Staffell
Embodying Equality: Stigma, Safety and Clément Gascon’s Disability Justice Legacy, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Emergency Department Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of Substance Use Disorders and Supervised Consumption Sites, Aleksandra Ilievska
Emergency Department Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of Substance Use Disorders and Supervised Consumption Sites, Aleksandra Ilievska
Emotional Intelligence and its Effect on Perceived Stress and Coping Ability during COVID-19, Katarina Kolobaric and Lori Buchanan Dr.
Emotion Predicts Treatment Outcome in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: An Observational Study of Client Process, Stephanie Nardone
Emotion profiles in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Early Observations Anticipate Treatment Outcome, Florencia Andrea Cristoffanini
Empirically testing the influence of light regime on diel activity patterns in a marine predator reveals complex interacting factors shaping behaviour, Luke Storrie, Nigel E. Hussey, Shannon A. MacPhee, Greg O'Corry-Crowe, John Iacozza, David G. Barber, and Lisa L. Loseto
Ending the Stigma in Environmental Law - The Sustainability of Menstruation Products, Thaniya Jeyachandra
Energetic connectivity of diverse elasmobranch populations – implications for ecological resilience, Oliver N. Shipley, Philip Matich, Nigel E. Hussey, Annabelle M.L. Brooks, Demian Chapman, Michael G. Frisk, Annie E. Guttridge, Tristan L. Guttridge, Lucy A. Howey, Sami Kattan, Daniel J. Madigan, Owen O’Shea, Nicholas V. Polunin, Michael Power, Matthew J. Smukall, Eric V.C. Schneider, Brendan D. Shea, Brendan S. Talwar, Maggie Winchester, and Edward J. Brooks
Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing by Wireless Sensor Networks, SeyedehMarieh MirzaaghaeianAmiri
Energy Performance and Life-Cycle Cost Optimization of a Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Facility, Gurpreet Khanuja
Energy Policy in the European Union Following the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Andrew Collier
Energy Savings from Retrofitting Residential Buildings with Phase Change Material Integrated Panel, Oselen Joseph Imafidon
Engagement, Satisfaction, and Positive Student Outcomes: The Most Prevalent Factors at Canada's Public Universities, Denise DeBlock
Engendering Justice for Migrant Women Fleeing Violence in the Canadian Refugee Determination System, Jennifer Caroline Prashad Ms.
Engine failures: A critical analysis of current clinical trial (CT) websites' search engines, Milica Paunic
Enhanced Mathematical Modeling and Novel Multiparameter Estimation Scheme for PMSMs Accounting for Nonlinearities, Sana Etemadi
Enhancing Breast Cancer Detection Through Combination of Contrastive Learning and Adversarial Domain Adaptation, Mahnoosh Torabi
Enhancing Marijuana Intoxication Detection by using Deep Learning-based Architecture and Image Augmentation, Puneet Jain
Enhancing Multiple Object Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles: Integrating Improved Deep SORT with Occlusion Management, Kimia Gholizadeh
Enhancing Power Usage, Security and Networking Capability of Internet of Things(IoT) Devices, Jainam Nihirkumar Shah
Enhancing Risk-Adjusted Returns in Stock Trading: A Node2Vec-RL Approach, Mohammed Farhan Baluch
Enhancing Security of Over-the-Air Updates in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using Blockchain, Zeeman Memon
Enhancing Student Partnerships within a Centre for Teaching and Learning, Jade Roy, Elizabeth Ismail, Laura Chittle, and Erika Kustra
Environmental drivers of phytoplankton community succession and cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms along a fluvial-lacustrine continuum, Emily Marcella Varga
Environmentally Responsible Use of Computers and its Sustainable Benefits, Kiran Puthan
Enzymatic Treatment of Cresols in Water Using Soybean Peroxidase, Mohammadreza Haghighatnama
Epigenetic Regulation of Cell-cycle Regulatory Proteins: A Multiple Myeloma Study, Keerthika Madhavan
Epistemic Beliefs and Open Learner Models, M. Johnson, S. Bull, P. Reimann, and N. Fujita
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Post-Secondary Science Classrooms, Sandra Hoang
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Science Classrooms, Sandra Hoang
Equity Walks for Inclusive Learning Environments, Reem Boudali and Tina Nguyen
Essex Hall – South Wing Revitalization, Kevin D. Francis
Establishing Multiple Myeloma drug screening platforms to predict patients' response to therapy (Extension project), Jodie Al-dandachi
Establishing the Feasibility of an English Adaptation of the Korean Transition Shock Scale for Newly Graduated Nurses, MaryRose Janisse
Estimation of katydid calling activity from soundscape recordings, Laurel B. Symes, Shyam Madhusudhana, Sharon J. Martinson, Ciara E. Kernan, Kristin B. Hodge, Daniel P. Salisbury, Holger Klinck, and Hannah Ter Hofstede
Ethnic Identity and Quality of Life in Emerging Adulthood, Angela Wang
Evaluating Soil Gas Migration Testing in the Energy Sector, Matthew Robert Arthur Day
Evaluating Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of Transport Stress in Hatchery-reared Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Dane Roberts
Evaluating the effect of automated driving systems on drivers' visual attention, Reem Jalal Eddine
Evaluating the efficacy of ethanolic lemongrass extract (citratus cympbopogon) in treatment of colon cancer and drug-drug interactions of lemongrass extract and chemotherapeutics for treatment of colon cancer, Benjamin Scaria, Ivan Ruvinov, Chris Nguyen, Ola Zaitoon, Jana Khanafer, Caleb Vegh, and Siyaram Pandey
Evaluating the Efficacy of Natural Health Products as a Treatment for Mechanisms Implicated in Parkinson's Disease, Mansi Patel, Bennett Grenier, and Bromleigh Dobson
Evaluation of field-level screening, sampling, storage, and laboratory analysis of hydrogen sulfide and reduced sulfur species in SAGD operations, Kaylee Colene Anagnostopoulos
Evaluation of the cell cycle regulation in Tuberin knockout cell lines, Jose Antonio Roye-Azar, Elizabeth Fidalgo Da Silva PhD, and Lisa A. Porter PhD
Evidence for Three Morphs of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) Present in the Marine Environment Off the Coast of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada, Teah G. Burke, Harri Pettitt-Wade Dr, Jack P.W. Hollins Dr, Colin Gallagher, Ellen Lea, Lisa Loseto Dr, and Nigel E. Hussey Dr
Examining environmental and life history correlates of winter and migratory movements in a nomadic Arctic-breeding passerine, Samuelle Simard-Provençal
Examining Factors Underlying the Women's Peace and Security Index Rankings, Megan McMahon
Examining Learning and Memory in Drosophila melanogaster Fragile X Mutants, Maryum Batool Chaudhry
Examining the Interpersonal Context of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Emotional Communication and Relationship Distress, Alexandra K. Wojda, Donald H. Baucom, Danielle M. Weber, Richard E. Heyman, and Amy M. Smith Slep
Examining the Relationship of Transformational Leadership and New Graduate Nurse Turnover Intention During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Becky Louise Goens
Exercise Equipment Development for Safe Activation of the Medial Deltoid, Selena Celic and Kimberly Miller
Expanding analytical capabilities in intrusion detection through ensemble-based multi-label classification, Ehsan Hallaji, Roozbeh Razavi-Far, and Mehrdad Saif
Experiential Learning is the Key to Developing Transferable Skills in Cancer Research and Education, Jake Frank, Kaila Wilson, Subidsa Srikantha, and Dora Cavallo-Medved
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Various Z Modular Connections, Babak Hajimohammadi
Experimental data on open circuit voltage characterization for Li-ion batteries, Mostafa Shaban Ahmed, Balakumar Balasingam, and K. R. Pattipati
Experimental Evaluation of Low-Cost Scrap Tire Pad Base Isolators, Mohammed Tanveer Shaik
Experimental set-up and procedures to test and validate battery fuel gauge algorithms, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Experimental study on the behaviour of a Magnetorheological (MR) damper and evaluation of numerical models, Shelair Sinjari
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach for Diagnosing Faults in an Induction Furnace, Sajad Moosavi, Roozbeh Razavi-Far, Vasile Palade, and Mehrdad Saif
Exploiting the Power of Wastewater Surveillance to Prevent Outbreaks of Respiratory Infections, Abdul Monem Al Riahi and Amr Labak
Exploration of Low-Level Features for Enhancing Movie Recommendation Systems, Jasmin Pankajkumar Patel
Exploration of the Relationship between Social Support and Healthcare Utilization Among Adult Immigrants to Canada, Naomi Ruth Levitz Shobola
Exploration of Word Embeddings with Graph-Based Context Adaptation for Enhanced Word Vectors, Tanvi Sandhu
Exploratory joint and separate tracking of geographically related time series, Balakumar Balasingam, Peter Willett, Georgiy Levchuk, and Jared Freeman
Exploring an Autoethnography for Outstanding Scholars on Exchange, Samantha Blackwell and Deborah Laze
Exploring Correlates of the Academic Entitlement Scale, Aleksandra Redko MA, Rebecca L. Grossman, and Dennis L. Jackson PhD
Exploring Paper as a Substrate for Printed Electronics, Lauren Jessica Renaud
Exploring Paradoxical Advantages of Latin Americans in Canada: Secondary Analytic Expositions of Contextualized Resiliencies and Vulnerabilities, Keren M. Escobar
Exploring Robots That Bend : Origami Inspired Grippers & Complaint Mechanisms, Dora L. Strelkova
Exploring SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, Linda Nguyen, Maira Chaudhry, Tegbir Singh, and Sahana Jayatilaka
Exploring the Effectiveness of Various Deep Learning Models in Skin Cancer Detection, Alireza Mirzabagheri
Exploring the Effect of Sport Employee Identification on Burnout Among Employees in Competitive Sport Settings, Janis Louwagie
Exploring the Effect of Sport Employee Identification on Burnout Among Employees in Competitive Sport Settings, Janis Louwagie
Exploring the Experience of Grief During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Daniel Di Palma
Exploring the Impact of Researching More Selective Initiation of Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells on Community Involvement, Sona Regonda
Exploring the Impact of Src-Directed Phosphorylation on hYVH1’s Intracellular Function, Griffin Lotze
Exploring the Post-Translational Landscape of Tuberin and its Function as a Cell Cycle Regulator, Adam C. Pillon, Paul Meister, Elizabeth Fidalgo da Silva, James Gauld, and Lisa A. Porter
Exploring the Potential for Metrics of Cognitive Workload to Measure Situational Awareness, PRANEET KUMAR SAHOO
Exploring the Relationship Between of Subjective and Objective Cognition among Older Adults Living in Canada, Astrid Dawn Coleman
Exploring the role of Cyclin B1 in Tuberin Stabilization, Depen Sharma
Exploring the Role of Spy1 in Driving Resistance to CDK4/6 Inhibitors in ER+ Breast Cancer, Tiana Victoria Visconti
Exploring the Role of Spy1 in the Onset and Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease to Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Lia Oschanney
Exposure and behavioral responses of tagged beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) to ships in the Pacific Arctic, Morgan J. Martin, William D. Halliday, Luke Storrie, John J. Citta, Jackie Dawson, Nigel E. Hussey, Francis Juanes, Lisa L. Loseto, Shannon A. MacPhee, Lisa Moore, Adrian Nicoll, Gregory O'Corry-Crowe, and Stephen J. Insley
Extending the work of DT-Fixup: Examining the Effects of PowerNorm and MADGRAD Optimization on DT-Fixup Performance, Prem Shanker Mohan
Eye-Gaze Metrics for Cognitive Load Detection on a Driving Simulator, Prarthana Pillai, Balakumar Balasingam, Yong Hoon Kim, Chris Lee, and Francesco Biondi
Fabrication and Characterization of Dye-Based Thin Films as Fluorescent Sensor for Formic Acid, Tala Seifi
Fabrication and Characterization of Dye-Based Thin films as Fluorescent Sensor for Formic Acid, Tala Seifi
Facilitating or Countering Hegemony: The Ontario 1989 Media Literacy Guide, Janet Elise Morris
Factors Influencing Post-Traumatic Growth in Emerging Adults with Chronic Medical Illness, Alana Marie Gyemi
Factors Influencing Post-Traumatic Growth in Emerging Adults with Chronic Medical Illnesses, Alana Gyemi and Jasmine Kobrosli
Fake News Detection with Retrieval Augmented Generative Artificial Intelligence, Mohammad Vatani Nezafat
Falling off the Agenda: Pandemic Planning and How Windsor-Essex Performs in Provincial Comparison, Linda Coltman
Familiarity and homogeneity affect the discrimination of a song dialect, Heather Williams, Sarah L. Dobney, Clint W. Robins, D. Ryan Norris, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Daniel J. Mennill
Fast Offline Battery Capacity Estimation Approach With Performance Bounds, Sneha Sundaresan, Sooraj Sunil, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Generation as Alternative Fuel for Vehicular Usage Along the 401 Corridor, Brent Charron, Ethan Lukan, and Rocco Soave
Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy for Detecting Inorganic Phosphate in the Great Lakes, Nathan Drouillard and TJ Hammond
Fermentative methane production from glycerol, Lu Cao and Jerald A. Lalman
Film- Sayram / Tianren Liu /, Tianren liu
First recorded occurrence of the parasitic barnacle (Anelasma squalicola) on a Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) in the Canadian Arctic, Eric Ste-Marie, Henrik Glenner, David J. Rees, and Nigel E. Hussey
Fitted filtration efficiency and breathability of 2-ply cotton masks: Identification of cotton consumer categories acceptable for homemade cloth mask construction, Ken G. Drouillard, Amanda Tomkins, Sharon Lackie, Scott Laengert, Allison Baker, Catherine M. Clase, Charles F. De Lannoy, Dora Cavallo-Medved, Lisa A. Porter, and Rebecca S. Rudman
Flourish Farms - Flourishing Sustainable Futures, Kennedy Murray
Follow the yellow model toad: an analysis of female choice on male colouration in a tropical toad using 3D printed hyper-realistic models, Nicole E. Shangi
For Better or Worse: Theorizing Adolescent Media Consumption, Hannah E. Smith
“For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People”?: The Imperial Nature of the United States National Park System, Mitchell MacDonald
For the Encouragement of Learning: The Origins of Canadian Copyright Law, Myra Tawfik
Fred Thomas in Baseball, Heidi LM Jacobs
Frequently used antiemetic agent dexamethasone enhances the metastatic behaviour of select breast cancer cells, Martin Crozier, Janice Tubman, Bre Anne Fifield, Rosa Maria Ferraiuolo, Jenna Ritchie, Katie Zuccato, Emily Mailloux, Indrajit Sinha, Caroline Hamm, and Lisa A. Porter
Functional Effects of Personality on Individual and Team Sport Success, Alexander I. McKenzie
Further Thoughts on Final Girls and Feminism, Zoe Justine Parco Miss
G1/S restriction point coordinates phasic gene expression and cell differentiation, Brian DeVeale, Leqian Liu, Ryan Boileau, Jennifer Swindlehurst-Chan, Bryan Marsh, Jacob W. Freimer, Adam Abate, and Robert Blelloch
Gender-Affirming Treatments among Transgender People: Meta-Analytic Evidence that they Alleviate Depression, Cassandra Armstrong
Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firms' Effectiveness: A Comparative Analysis Between Nigerian and Canadian Corporate Governance Framework, Blessing Chinyere Madu
Gender Equality & Female Empowerment in Central Asia, anastasia kulaga
Gender & Leadership: An Exploration, Jeannette Vanier
Generation of random graphs with applications to complex networks, Srivatsan Vasudevan
Generation of Ultrasonic Images from Resistance Spot Welding Using Deep Learning, Akshat Sharma
Geoforensic tracing of contaminants and emissions: Monitoring watersheds, petroleum, and helium operations, Meagan Beaton
Geo-location informed Team Formation using GNN, Karan Saxena
Getting Deep into Skates: Biology of the Arctic Skate (Amblyraja hyperborea) in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Monica Ann Sokolowski, Laurissa Christie, Jena Edwards, Amanda Barkley, and Nigel E. Hussey
Giving Better Presentations: Small Tweaks for Big Impact, Jacob McCourt
Glioblastoma Cancer Stem Cell Sensitivity Towards Natural Health Products Piper longum and Camellia sinensis, Karolina Konior
Global Politics in Crisis: 21st Century America and United Nations Security Council Reform, Lea Fazio
Going from STEM to STEAM with Communication Workshops, Alexis Jamil
Gone with the wind: Is signal timing in a neotropical katydid an adaptive response to variation in wind-induced vibratory noise?, Estefania Velilla, Matías Muñoz, Nicol Quiroga, Laurel Symes, Hannah M. ter Hofstede, Rachel A. Page, Ralph Simon, Jacintha Ellers, and Wouter Halfwerk
GPU Acceleration of Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Conversion, Emilio Ramon Quaggiotto
Graph-Based Aggregation of Experts-Skills for Team Recommendation, Puja Sharma
GraphWords: Enhancing Word Vectors using Graphs, Mrulay Sureshbhai Mistry
Green Cooling Solution for Buildings: Enhancing a Natural Ventilation and Passive Cooling System with Phase Change Material Integration, AMIRHOSSEIN KHAYYAMINEJAD
Greenhouse Cucumber Detection and Characterization for Harvesting Framework Implementation, Shahryar Ghorbanirezaei
Guest editors' introduction: Inclusive post-secondary education and persons with disabilities, Laverne Jacobs and Mark Bell
Guest-Mediated Self-Assembly of Deprotonated 2-Bromoresorcinarenes, Kwaku Twum, Khai-Nghi Truong, Frank Boateng Osei, Carolina von Essen, Sanaz Nadimi, John F. Trant, Kari Rissanen, and Ngong Kodiah Beyeh
Guest mediated ternary complexes: a new form of supramolecular materials, Dina Dilinaer
Guided Rotational-Based Graph Embeddings for Error Detection in Noisy Knowledge Graphs, Regina Khalil
Habitat Season, and Vocal Behaviour of Nocturnal Birds in a Neotropical Dry Forest, Haylee R. Begin-Dyck Ms, Daniel J. Mennill Dr, and Kiirsti Owen
Habitat, Season, and Vocal Behaviour of Nocturnal Birds in a Neotropical Dry Forest, Haylee R. Begin-Dyck, Daniel J. Mennill, and Kiirsti Owen
Hallo Polonia Warszawa, 29.05.2019, Jerry Barycki
Hand-arm Vibration Exposure in Drummers, Dylan Durward and Nadia Azar
Hardware Acceleration of Iterative Closest Point Algorithm using DPC++, Roche Periyanayagam Christopher
Hardware Design and Implementation of Polynomial Multipliers for Finite Field Arithmetic, Madhan Thirumoorthi
Harnessing the Potential of Care Aides in Long-Term Care Settings, Miranda Callen
Hazard Flagging as a Risk Mitigation Strategy for Violence against Emergency Medical Service, Justin Mausz, Dan Piquette, Robert Bradford, Mandy Johnston, Alan M. Batt, and Elizabeth Donnelly
Health care use experiences of ethnoculturally diverse immigrant older adults: a meta-ethnography, Lorna de Witt, Kathryn A. Pfaff, Roger Reka, and Noeman Ahmad Mirza
Hell and Unhappiness in Larkins’s ‘High Windows’, Thomas Dilworth
HepatoToxicity-in-a-Dish: Human Microphysiological System for Liver Injury, Lucas Joseph Aaron Marie Vajko Siddall
Heterogeneous hidden Markov models for context modeling through eye gaze observations, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph Coyne
Hibiscus flower extract selectively induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells and positively interacts with common chemotherapeutics, Alaina M. Pupulin
Highlighting the Role of Natural Stimuli in Consumers` Decision Making; Insights for Marketing Strategies, Hajar Fatemi and Jing Wan
High Radix and Efficient Hardware Implementation of Modular Integer Multiplication for IoT Cryptosystems, Fahimeh Pakzadalinodehi
Homelessness and Intimate Partner Violence: Women’s Barriers and Experiences With Accessing Formal Support Services and the Impact of Their Intersecting Identities, Marissa Marie Rakus
Home sweet home: spatiotemporal distribution and site fidelity of the reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in Dungonab Bay, Sudan, Anna M. Knochel, Nigel E. Hussey, Steven T. Kessel, Camrin D. Braun, Jesse E.M. Cochran, Graham Hill, Rebecca Klaus, Tarik Checkchak, Nasereldin M. Elamin El Hassen, Mohammed Younnis, and Michael L. Berumen
Honouring the Spirit of the Late Dudley George: Reviewing Ipperwash Inquiry Recommendations, Stephanie pangowish
Host-Agent-Neighbourhood? How Social and Physical Location Influences Health and Well-Being, Sydney Chapados
How Does Cyclin B1 Influence Cell Size, Jackie Fong, Elizabeth Fidalgo da Silva, and Lisa A. Porter
How Do You Want To Do This?: Dungeons, Dragons & Magic Ifs, Elissa Weir
How ESL Learner Are Affected by A Global Pandemic?, Samantha Marie Di Fazio
How many flukes do you need? Stories on breast cancer at the Ambassador Bridge, JANE E. MCARTHUR
How Perceptions of Space and Time Affect Classroom Experiences in Female Undergraduates with ADHD Symptoms, Jingqiao Yang
How Perceptions of Space and Time Affect Classroom Experiences in Female Undergraduates with ADHD Symptoms, Jingqiao Yang
How the Women of the SOE Were Made to Wage War: A Brief Account of Noor Inayat Khan’s Experience as a Biracial Female SOE Agent, Leah B. Veerasammy
Hybrid and Data-driven Fault Diagnosis of Reaction Wheels Onboard In-orbit Satellites, MohammadSaleh Hedayati
Hybrid Redundancy Mitigation Rules for Collective Perception Services, Arjit Malik
Hydrogen adsorption on magnesium-decorated (3, 3) and (5, 0) boron nitride nanotubes, Mehdi Noura, Maryam Kosar, Abbas Rahdar, and John F. Trant
Hydrolytic Depolymerization of Polylactic Acid and Polyhydroxybutyrate in Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid, Dylan Walter Szostopal
Identification and Elimination of Sources of Extraneous Background Signal in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Spectra of Bacterial Cells Deposited on Filtration Media, Sydney Christine Sleiman, Emma Jane Mary Blanchette, Jeremy Marvin, and Doris Rusu
Identifying and addressing a new barrier to community-based patients accessing cancer clinical trials, Melissa Fenech, Maegan Miklas, Abdulkadir Hussein, Youshaa El-Abed, Devinder Moudgil, Rhonda Abdel-Nabi, Kayla Touma, Mahmoud Hossami, Renee Nassar, Farwa Zaib, Sanghyuk Claire Rim, Roaa Hirmiz, Olla Hilal, Milica Paunic, Dora Cavallo-Medved, and Caroline Hamm
Identifying important habitat for northern bottlenose and Sowerby's beaked whales in the western North Atlantic, L. J. Feyrer, J. E. Stanistreet, C. Gomez, M. Adams, J. W. Lawson, S. H. Ferguson, S. G. Heaslip, K. J. Lefort, E. Davidson, N. E. Hussey, H. Whitehead, and H. Moors-Murphy
Identifying Molecular Markers of Progression to Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer, Benita Rangira, Bre-Anne Fifield, and Lisa A. Porter
Identifying Soil Gas Migration Issues Using Complementary Geochemistry and Microbial Bioindicators, Nadia Sultana Tarakki
Identifying strategies to support implementation of interprofessional primary care teams in Nova Scotia: Results of a survey and knowledge sharing event., Amy Grant, Rachel Giacomantonio, Kelly Lackie, Adrian MacKenzie, Elizabeth Jeffers, Julia Kontak, Emily Gard Marshall, Susan Philpott, Debbie Sheppard-LeMoine, Elizabeth Lappin, Alice Bruce, Amy Mireault, Deanna Beck, Lindsay Cormier, and Ruth Martin-Misener
Identifying tumorigenic non-coding mutations through altered cis-regulation, Zhongshan Cheng, Michael Vermeulen, Micheal Rollins-Green, Tomas Babak, and Brian DeVeale
Ignition Improvement via Plasma Impedance Control and Effective Energy Release, Linyan Wang
Illogical Disdain in Cummings’s ‘Buffalo Bill’s’, Thomas Dilworth
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of frontline hospital-based nurses: rapid review and meta-analysis, Diane I. N. Trudgill and Kevin M. Gorey
Impaired ECM remodeling and macrophage activity define necrosis and regeneration following damage in aged skeletal muscle, Fasih Ahmad Rahman, Sarah Anne Angus, Kyle Stokes, Phillip Karpowicz, and Matthew Paul Krause
Implications of Tumour Microenvironment on Aggressiveness, Invasiveness, and Therapy Response in Glioblastoma Multiforme, Carleigh A. Ross, Jon O'Beid, Dorota Lubanska, Ana deCarvalho, Swati Kulkarni, James Ewing, and Lisa Porter
Improvement to an existing multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with setup carryover, backlogging, and emission control, Rifat Bin Hasan
Improving Carbon Nanoparticle Formation Modeling by Incorporating Physical Phenomena through Advanced Simulation Approaches, Arash Khabazipur
Improving Extraction Procedure and a Comparative Analysis of Bioactive Molecules from Ganoderma Lucidum, Hericium Erinaceus and Cordyceps Mushrooms, Mohaddeseh Mansouri
Improving Stroke Disability Through Neural Reorganization, Christian Notte and Caroline Alionte
Increasing Awareness and Decreasing Stigma Surrounding Dementia in Ontario to Assist Caregivers, Sona Regonda, Linda Nguyen, and Adam Gaisinsky
Indigenous Legal Traditions and Community Legal Clinics: A Pathway to Enhanced Legal Services, Ilija Dimeski
Induction of selective apoptosis in human melanoma cells by a curcumin analogue compound A; positive interaction with standard chemotherapeutics, Siddhartha Sood and Krishan Parashar
Inexpensive DIY Pressure Transducer for Monitoring Waves in Coastal Systems, Ben Chittle
‘Infant Joy’, Blake’s Revolutionary Riddle-Poem, Thomas Dilworth
Inference in Generalized Mean Reverting Processes, Yunhong Lyu
Influence of lake volume on trophic position, carbon use, and resource partitioning in fish across a narrow range of ecosystem size, Alyssa Andersen
Influence of landscape and nutrients on stable isotope dynamics and food webs in a river prior to re-establishing fish migration, Selina Al-Nazzal
Influence of Traffic Signal Countdown Timers on Safety and Efficiency at Signalized Intersections, Vadhul Krishnan Veerakumar
Innovative Modeling and Exploration of Adaptive Characteristics in Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators, Hediyeh Sheikh
Inspecting the Integrity of Prefabricated Poly-carbonate Filters, Tristan Verschingel and Drew Marquardt
Integrated approach to assess the spatio-temporal foraging dynamics of a temperate marine predator, the copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus), Michael J. Drew, Paul J. Rogers, Nigel E. Hussey, and Charlie Huveneers
Integrated battery fuel gauge and optimal charger, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, A. Abdollahi, G. V. Avvari, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Integrated CAPP and Scheduling using a Combined ML and Optimization Approach for Smart Manufacturing, Syeda Marzia
Intelligent Fault Detection in Solar Panels, Faraz Talebpour, Reza Alirezaee, and Shahpour Alirezaee Dr
Intent Sharing-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems, Kanipakam Lahiri
Intent Sharing-Based Cooperative Perception for Connected Vehicles, Shishir Manjunatha
Internalized Oppression: Exploring the Nuanced Experiences of Gender and Sexuality in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Kathryn Kendal Ryan
Intestinal Stem Cells Exhibit Conditional Circadian Clock Function, Kathyani Parasram, Nathaniel Bernardon, Maha Hammoud, Hanna Chang, Li He, Norbert Perrimon, and Phillip Karpowicz
Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Among University Students: What Does it Look Like and How is it Constructed and Supported?, Nicole K. Jeffrey and Paula C. Barata
Introduction to the focused section on novel sensing and multi-sensor fusion in robotics, Zhenhua Xiong, Balakumar Balasingam, Min Li, Zhaojian Li, Min Liu, Hungsun Son, and Yancheng Wang
Inverse Characterization of Open-Circuit Voltage for State-of-Charge Estimation of Batteries, Sooraj Sunil, Sneha Sundaresan, Prarthana Pillai, and Balakumar Balasingam
Investigating biofouling on long-term, in situ, optic sensors: impacts on optical measurement integrity and insight into community dynamics, Rylie L. Robinson
Investigating Phosphorylation of the Myotubularin Family Members MTMR2 and MTMR5 Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Kaitlyn Susan Maureen Hand
Investigating Structural Determinants of the hYVH1-Hsp70 Interaction Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Adrian A. Luiso
Investigating the Anticancer Effects of Natural Health Products in Combination with Chemotherapeutics Against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Chris Raad and Lauren Miles
Investigating the Effect of Time-Restricted Feeding on Circadian Clock genes in the Colonic Epithelium and Tumours, Saahir Ahmad Bhunnoo
Investigating the Financial Implications of Converting Manufacturing from existing Portfolio to PPE Products During Covid-19 for Canadian Manufacturing Companies, Varun Charavanan
Investigating the impacts of storytelling on freshwater restoration science and communities of practice, Salma Al Ghazaly
Investigating the Optimization of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Procedures for the Analysis of Concrete Bridge Pier Spalling, Daniele Antonio Mognon
Investigating the Performance of Gammatone Filters and Their Applicability to Design Cochlear Implant Processing System, Rumana Islam and Mohammed Tarique
Investigating the Physical, Psychological, and Situational Factors Affecting Subjective Sleep Quality After Lung Transplantation, Jane Simanovski Peakovic
Investigating the role of the non-canonical cyclin-like protein Spy1 in regulating the Breast Cancer Stem Cell population in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Nick J. Philbin, Ellen M. Laurie, Bre-Anne Fifield Dr, and Lisa A. Porter Dr
Investigating Visual Vigilance following Chronic Behavioural Immune System Activation, Jessica Hurtubise
Investigation of Cooling Jets in a Rotational Field with Application Towards Electric Motor Cooling, Corey Klinkhamer
Investigation of Emission Enhancement in Dual-Pulse and Resonance-Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Robert Valente and Paul Dubovan
Investigation of flow past cylinder placed near a bed, Sabal Bista
Investigation of water-soluble coenzyme-Q10 combined with root extract of ashwagandha as a potential therapy for Alzheimer's Disease, Subidsa Srikantha and Anshika Jain
Ionic Co-Crystals as Drug Release Materials, Madeleine Chang
IPV experience, self-silencing, and compliance with unwanted sex among undergraduate women, Tanja Samardzic BA (Hons) and Charlene Y. Senn PhD
Isometric Exercise Training and Arterial Hypertension: An Updated Review, Jamie J. Edwards, Damian A. Coleman, Raphael M. Ritti-Dias, Breno Farah, David J. Stensel, Sam J.E. Lucas, Philip J. Millar, Ben D.H. Gordon, Veronique Cornelissen, Neil A. Smart, Debra J. Carlson, and Cheri McGowan
Isothermal Fatigue Investigations of Additively Manufactured Ti Metal Matrix Composite with TiB Particles, Thevika Balakumar
Isotopic Tracers Suggest Limited Trans-Oceanic Movements and Regional Residency in North Pacific Blue Sharks (Prionace glauca), Daniel J. Madigan, Oliver N. Shipley, Aaron B. Carlisle, Heidi Dewar, Owyn E. Snodgrass, and Nigel E. Hussey
Isotopic trajectories and interspecific niche partitioning in tropical pelagic sharks, Zezheng Li, Ziang Chen, Raul Costa-Pereira, Nigel E. Hussey, Yanxuedan Zhang, and Yunkai Li
“It’s the Best of Both Worlds!”: Investigating Bicultural Stress in Adult Bicultural Canadians, Carolyn Tran, Kathryn Lafreniere, B.C.H Kuo, and Kathryn Edmunds
‘Jesus, me’: ‘Suggestive Apposition in Cowper’s ‘Lines Written During a Period of Insanity’, Thomas Dilworth
Joint Estimation of Open Circuit Voltage and Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters Using State-Space Model Optimization, Sneha Sundaresan, Sooraj Sunil, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1937-1938, Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario)
Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1942-1943, Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario)
Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1948-1949, Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario)
Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1949-1950, Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario)
Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1956-1957, Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario)
Knowledge Informed Fake News Detection using Large Language Models, Jess Joseph Joseph Benny
Know Your Rights, Jo Horn, Mya Dahma, and Elyssa Leitch
Labor Market Behavior Differences between the Young and Old in a Search Theoretical Model, Zijun Fan
LADy: a system for Latent Aspect Detection, Christine Wong
LADy: Latent Aspect Detection via Backtranslation Augmentation, Farinam Hemmati Zadeh
Landsat Soil Moisture Data for Crop Productivity Assessment in the Great Lakes Basin, Southern Ontario, Hemali Patel
Language, a living organism., Hailee Gill
Language Proficiency Requirements and International Enrolment: A Systematized Review, Kennedy M. Wonnacott
LaSalle News 1949: December 10, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: December 17, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: December 24, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: December 3, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: December 31, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: February 26, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: February 5, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: January 8, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: November 12, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: November 19, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: November 26, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: November 5, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: October 1, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: October 15, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: October 22, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: October 29, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1949: October 8, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1951: September 8, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: April 11, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: April 18, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: April 25, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: April 4, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: August 1, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: August 22, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: August 29, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: August 8, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: December 12, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: December 19, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: December 22, LaSalle News
Lasalle News 1953: December 5, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: February 14, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: February 21, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: February 28, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: February 7, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: January 10, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: January 17?, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: January 24, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: January 31, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: July 11, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: July 25, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: July 4, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: June 20, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: June 27, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: June 6, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: March 14, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: March 21, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: March 28, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: March 7, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: May 2, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: May 23, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: May 30, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: May 9, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: November 14, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: November 28, LaSalle News
LaSalle news 1953: November 7, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: October 10, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: October 17, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: October 24, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: October 3, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: October 31, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: September 12, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: September 19, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1953: September 26, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1954: August 14, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1954: August 20, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1954: Brief History of the Dominion Bank, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1955: June 3, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1960: December 23, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1961: December 22, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1961: January 6, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1961: September 22, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: April 20, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: August 17, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: August 24, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: August 3, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: August 31, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: December 12, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: February 16, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: February 2, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: February 23, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: February 9, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: January 19, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: January 26, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: January 5, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: July 20, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: June 22, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: June 29, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: March 16, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: March 2, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: March 23, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: May 25, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: May 4, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: November 21, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: October 19, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: October 5, LaSalle News
LaSalle News 1962: September 7, LaSalle News
Latent Self-Immolative Polymers, A New Class of Materials Synthesized Through Active Templating, Sarah Nasri, Dr. S. Maryamdokht Taimoory, and Dr. John F. Trant
Layered Elastomer Composite for Wearable Electronics, Hannah Jessop
Leadership Development Techniques of Students in Core Schools in Southwestern Ontario, Stephanie Elizabeth Johnston
Learning to Belong: An Autoethnography on Acculturation and Identity Negotiations, Anita Toronyi
Leddy Library Open Access Lightning Talks Slide Deck, Selinda Berg, Pascal Vincent Calarco, Dave Johnston, Guoying Liu, Ashlyne I. O'Neil, Roger Reka, Amelia Ritchie, and Berenica Vejvoda
Leddy Library services: Scholarship & publishing, Pascal Vincent Calarco
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: avril 15 (Vol. 1: no 1), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: décembre (Vol. 1: no 7), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: juin 15 (Vol. 1: no 3), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: mai 15 (Vol. 1: no 2), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: novembre (Vol. 1: no 6), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: octobre (Vol. 1: no 5), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1957: septembre 9 (Vol. 1: no 4), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: avril (Vol. 1: no 11), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: février (Vol. 1: no 9), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: janvier (Vol. 1: no 8), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: juin (Vol. 1: no 13), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: mai (Vol. 1: no 12), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: mars (Vol. 1: no 10), Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: novembre, Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: octobre, Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1958: octobre 20, Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: avril 10 (no 4), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: décembre 18 (Vol. 2: no 4), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: février 20 (no 3), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: janvier, Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: janvier 7 (no 2), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: juin 12 (no 6), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: mai 8 (no 5), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: mai-juin, Société Saint Jean Baptiste, Windsor, Ont.
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: mars 3, Société St-Jean-Baptiste des villes frontières
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: novembre 20 (Vol. 2: no 3), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: octobre 21, Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Windsor
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: octobre 23 (Vol. 2: no 2), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1959: octobre 2 (Vol. 2: no 1), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: avril 22 (Vol. 2: no 8), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: décembre 16 (Vol. 3: no 4), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: février 19 (Vol. 2: no 6), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: janvier 15 (Vol. 2: no 5), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: juin 10 (Vol. 2: no 10), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: mai 20 (Vol. 2: no 9), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: mars 18 (Vol. 2: no 7), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: novembre 18 (Vol. 3: no 3), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: octobre 21 (Vol. 3: no 2), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1960: septembre 16 (Vol. 3: no 1), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste du pays des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: avril 21 (Vol. 3: no 8), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: février 17 (Vol. 3: no 6), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: janvier 20 (Vol. 3: no 5), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest d'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: juin 16 (Vol. 3: no 10), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: mai 26 (Vol. 3: no 9), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: mars 24 (Vol. 3: no 7), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: novembre 24 (Vol. 4: no 3), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: octobre 27 (Vol. 4: no 2), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Bulletin 1961: septembre 29 (Vol. 4: no 1), L'Association St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 10 (1976: mai 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 11 (1976: juin 14), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 12 (1976: juin 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 13 (1976: juillet 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 14 (1976: août 11), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 15 (1976: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 16 (1976: septembre 8), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 17 (1976: septembre 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 18 (1976: octobre 6), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 19 (1976: octobre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 20 (1976: novembre 3), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 21 (1976: novembre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 22 (1976: novembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 10: no 23 (1976: décembre 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 10 (1977: mai 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 11 (1977: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 1 (1977: janvier 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 12 (1977: juin 9), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 13 (1977: juin 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 14 (1977: juillet 11), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 15 (1977: août 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 16 (1977: août 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 17 (1977: août 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 18 (1977: septembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 19 (1977: octobre 5), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 20 (1977: octobre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 21 (1977: novembre 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 2 (1977: janvier 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 22 (1977: novembre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 23 (1977: décembre 2), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 24 (1977: décembre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 3 (1977: février 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 4 (1977: février 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 5 (1977: mars 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 6 (1977: mars 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 7 (1977: avril 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 8 (1977: avril 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 11: no 9 (1977: mai 2), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 10 (1978: mai 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 11 (1978: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 1 (1978: janvier 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 12 (1978: juin 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 13 (1978: juin 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 14 (1978: août 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 15 (1978: août 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 16 (1978: août 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 17 (1978: septembre 12), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 18 (1978: septembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 19 (1978: octobre 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 20 (1978: octobre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 21 (1978: novembre 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 2 (1978: janvier 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 22 (1978: novembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 23 (1978: décembre 5), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 24 (1978: décembre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 3 (1978: février 8), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 4 (1978: février 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 5 (1978: mars 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 5 (1978: mars 7) Encart: Zoom (1978: mars), Fédération des Francophones Hors Québec
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 6 (1978: mars 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 7 (1978: avril 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 8 (1978: avril 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 12: no 9 (1978: mai 2), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 10 (1979: avril 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 11 (1979: avril 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 1 (1979: janvier 9), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 12 (1979: avril 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 13 (1979: mai 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 14 (1979: mai 8), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 15 (1979: mai 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 16 (1979: mai 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 17 (1979: mai 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 18 (1979: juin 5), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 19 (1979: juin 12), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 20 (1979: juin 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 21 (1979: juin 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 2 (1979: janvier 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 22 (1979: juillet 3), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 23 (1979: juillet 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 24 (1979: juillet 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 25 (1979: juillet 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 25 (1979: juillet 24) Encart: Le Temps: Vol. 1: no 6 (1979: juillet), L'Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario à Ottawa
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 26 (1979: juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 27 (1979: août 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 28 (1979: août 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 29 (1979: septembre 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 30 (1979: septembre 11), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 31 (1979: septembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 3 (1979: février 5), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 32 (1979: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 33 (1979: octobre 2), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 34 (1979: octobre 9), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 35 (1979: octobre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 36 (1979: octobre 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 37 (1979: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 38 (1979: novembre 6), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 39 (1979: novembre 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 40 (1979: novembre 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 41 (1979: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 4 (1979: février 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 42 (1979: décembre 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 43 (1979: décembre 11), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 44 (1979: décembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 45 (1979: décembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 5 (1979: mars 6), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 6 (1979: mars 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 7 (1979: mars 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 8 (1979: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 13: no 9 (1979: avril 3), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 1 (1980: janvier 8) à Vol. 14: no 4 (1980: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 13 (1980: avril 2) à Vol. 14: no 17 (1980: avril 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 18 (1980: mai 7) à Vol. 14: no 21 (1980: mai 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 22 (1980: juin 4) à Vol. 14: no 25 (1980: juin 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 26 (1980: juillet 2) à Vol. 14: no 29 (1980: juillet 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 31 (1980: août 6) à Vol. 14: no 33 (1980: août 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 34 (1980: septembre 3) à Vol. 14: no 37 (1980: septembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 38 (1980: octobre 1) à Vol. 14: no 42 (1980: octobre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 43 (1980: novembre 5) à Vol. 14: no 46 (1980: novembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 47 (1980: décembre 3) à Vol. 14: no 50 (1980: décembre 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 5 (1980: février 5) à Vol. 14: no 8 (1980: février 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 14: no 9 (1980: mars 5) à Vol. 14: no 12 (1980: mars 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 1 (1981: janvier 7) à Vol. 15: no 4 (1981: janvier 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 13 (1981: avril 1) à Vol. 15: no 17 (1981: avril 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 18 (1981: mai 6) à Vol. 15: no 21 (1981: mai 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 22 (1981: juin 3) à Vol. 15: no 25 (1981: juin 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 26 (1981: juillet 1) à Vol. 15: no 29 (1981: juillet 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 30 (1981: août 5) à Vol. 15: no 33 (1981: août 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 34 (1981: septembre 2) à Vol. 15: no 38 (1981: septembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 39 (1981: octobre 7) à Vol. 15: no 42 (1981: octobre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 43 (1981: novembre 4) à Vol. 15: no 46 (1981: novembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 47 (1981: décembre 2) à Vol. 15: no 49 (1981: décembre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 5 (1981: février 4) à Vol. 15: no 8 (1981: février 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 15: no 9 (1981: mars 4) à Vol. 15: no 12 (1981: mars 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 1 (1982: janvier 6 à Vol. 16: no 4 (1982: janvier 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 14 (1982: avril 7) à Vol. 16: no 17 (1982: avril 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 18 (1982: mai 5) à Vol. 16: no 21 (1982: mai 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 22 (1982: juin 2) à Vol. 16: no 26 (1982: juin 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 27 (1982: juillet 7) à Vol. 16: no 29 (1982: juillet 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 30 (1982: août 4) à Vol. 16: no 33 (1982: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 34 (1982: septembre 1) à Vol. 16: no 38 (1982: septembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 39 (1982: octobre 6) à Vol. 16: no 42 (1982: octobre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 43 (1982: novembre 3) à Vol. 16: no 46 (1982: novembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 47 (1982: décembre 1) à Vol. 16: no 50 (1982: décembre 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 5 (1982: février 3) à Vol. 16: no 8 (1982: février 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 16: no 9 (1982: mars 3) à Vol. 16: no 13 (1982: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 1 (1983: janvier 5) à Vol. 17: no 4 (1983: janvier 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 14 (1983: avril 6) à Vol. 17: no 17 (1983: avril 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 18 (1983: mai 4) à Vol. 17: no 21 (1983 mai 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 22 (1983: juin 1) à Vol. 17: no 26 (1983: juin 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 27 (1983: juillet 6) à Vol. 17: no 30 (1983: juillet 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 31 (1983: août 3) à Vol. 17: no 34 (1983: août 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 35 (1983: septembre 7) à Vol. 17: no 38 (1983: septembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 39 (1983: octobre 5) à Vol. 17: no 42 (1983: octobre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 43 (1983: novembre 2) à Vol. 17: no 47 (1983: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 48 (1983: décembre 7) à Vol. 17: no 50 (1983: décembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 5 (1983: février 2) à Vol. 17: no 8 (1983: février 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 17: no 9 (1983: mars 2) à Vol. 17: no 13 (1983: mars 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 10 (1984: mars 7) à Vol. 18: no 13 (1984: mars 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 1 (1984: janvier 4) à Vol. 18: no 4 (1984: janvier 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 14 (1984: avril 4) à Vol. 18: no17 (1984: avril 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 18 (1984: mai 2) à Vol. 18: no 21 (1984: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 23 (1984: juin 6) à Vol. 18: no 26 (1984: juin 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 27 (1984: juillet 4) à Vol. 18: no 30 (1984: juillet 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 31 (1984: août 1) à Vol. 18: no 34 (1984: août 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 35 (1984: septembre 5) à Vol. 18: no 38 (1984: septembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 39 (1984: octobre 3) à Vol. 18: no 43 (1984: octobre 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 44 (1984: novembre 7) à Vol. 18: no 47 (1984: novembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 48 (1984: décembre 5) à Vol. 18: no 50 (1984: décembre 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 18: no 5 (1984: février 1) à Vol. 18: no 9 (1984: février 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: vol. 19: no 10 (1985: mars 6) à Vol. 19: no 13 (1985: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 1 (1985: janvier 2) à Vol. 19: no 5 (1985: janvier 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 14 (1985: avril 3) à Vol. 19: no 17 (1985: avril 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 18 (1985: mai 1) à Vol. 19: no 22 (1985: mai 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 23 (1985: juin 5) à Vol. 19: no 26 (1985: juin 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 27 (1985: juillet 3) à Vol. 19: no 30 (1985: juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 31 (1985: août 7) à Vol. 19: no 34 (1985: août 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 35 (1985: septembre 4) à Vol. 19: no 38 (1985: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 39 (1985: octobre 2) à Vol. 19: no 43 (1985: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 44 (1985: novembre 6) à Vol. 19: no 47 (1985: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 48 (1985: décembre 4) à Vol. 19: no 50 (1985: décembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 19: no 6 (1985: février 6) à Vol. 19: no 9 (1985: février 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 10 (1967: août), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 11 (1967: septembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 1 (1966: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 12 (1967: octobre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 2 (1966: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 3 (1967: janvier), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 4 (1967: février), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 5 (1967: mars), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 6 (1967: avril), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 7 (1967: mai), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 8 (1967: juin), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 1: no 9 (1967: juillet), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 10 (1986: mars 5) à Vol. 20: no 13 (1986: mars 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 1 (1986: janvier 2) à Vol. 20: no 5 (1986: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 14 (1986: avril 2) à Vol. 20: no 18 (1986: avril 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 23 (1986: juin 4) à Vol. 20: no 26 (1986: juin 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 27 (1986: juillet 2) à Vol. 20: no 31 (1986: juillet 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 32 (1986: août 6) à Vol. 20: no 34 (1986: août 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 35 (1986: septembre 3) à Vol. 20: no 38 (1986: septembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: vol. 20: no 39 (1986: octobre 1) à Vol. 20: no 43 (1986: octobre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 44 (1986: novembre 5) à Vol. 20: no 47 (1986: novembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 48 (1986: décembre 3) à Vol. 20: no 50 (1986: décembre 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 20: no 6 (1986: février 5) à Vol. 20: no 9 (1986: février 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 1 (1987: janvier 7) à Vol. 21: no 4 (1987: janvier 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 13 (1987: avril 1) à Vol. 21: no 17 (1987: avril 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 18 (1987: mai 6) à Vol. 21: no 21 (1987: mai 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 22 (1987: juin 3) à Vol. 21: no 25 (1987: juin 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 26 (1987: juillet 1) à Vol. 21: no 29 (1987: juillet 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 30 (1987: août 5) à Vol. 21: no 33 (1987: août 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 34 (1987: septembre 2) à Vol. 21: no 38 (1987: septembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 39 (1987: octobre 7) à Vol. 21: no 42 (1987: octobre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 43 (1987: novembre 4) à Vol. 21: no 46 (1987: novembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 47 (1987: décembre 2) à Vol. 21: no 50 (1987: décembre 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 5 (1987: février 4) à Vol. 21: no 8 (1987: février 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 21: no 9 (1987: mars 4) à Vol. 21: no 12 (1987: mars 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 1 (1988: janvier 6) à Vol. 22: no 4 (1988: janvier 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 14 (1988: avril 6) à Vol. 22: no 17 (1988: avril 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 18 (1988: mai 4) à Vol. 22: no 21 (1988: mai 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 22 (1988: juin 1) à Vol. 22: no 26 (1988: juin 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 27 (1988: juillet 6) à Vol. 22: no 29 (1988: juillet 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 30 (1988: août 3) à Vol. 22: no 34 (1988: août 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 35 (1988: septembre 7) à Vol. 22: no 38 (1988: septembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 39 (1988: octobre 5) à Vol. 22: no 42 (1988: octobre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 43 (1988: novembre 2) à Vol. 22: no 47 (1988: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 48 (1988: décembre 7) à Vol. 22: no 50 (1988: décembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 5 (1988: février 3) à Vol. 22: no 8 (1988: février 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 22: no 9 (1988: mars 2) à Vol. 22: no 13 (1988: mars 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 1 (1989: janvier 4) à Vol. 23: no 4 (1989: janvier 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 14 (1989: avril 5) à Vol. 23: no 17 (1989: avril 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 18 (1989: mai 3) à Vol. 23: no 22 (1989: mai 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 23 (1989: juin 7) à Vol. 23: no 26 (1989: juin 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 27 (1989: juillet 5) à Vol. 23: no 29 (1989: juillet 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 30 (1989: août 2) à Vol. 23: no 34 (1989: août 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 35 (1989: septembre 6) à Vol. 23: no 38 (1989: septembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 39 (1989: octobre 4) à Vol. 23: no 42 (1989: octobre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 43 (1989: novembre 1) à Vol. 23: no 47 (1989: novembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 48 (1989: décembre 6) à Vol. 23: no 50 (1989: décembre 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 5 (1989: février 1) à Vol. 23: no 8 (1989: février 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 23: no 9 (1989: mars 1) à Vol. 23: no 13 (1989: mars 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 10 (1990: mars 7) à Vol. 24: no 13 (1990: mars 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 1 (1990: janvier 3) à Vol. 24: no 5 (1990: janvier 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 14 (1990: avril 4) à Vol. 24: no 17 (1990: avril 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 18 (1990: mai 2) à Vol. 24: no 22 (1990: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 23 (1990: juin 5) à Vol. 24: no 26 (1990: juin 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 27 (1990: juillet 4) à Vol. 24: no 29 (1990: juillet 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 30 (1990: août 1) à Vol. 24: no 34 (1990: août 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 35 (1990: septembre 5) à Vol. 24: no 38 (1990: septembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 39 (1990: octobre 3) à Vol. 24: no 43 (1990: octobre 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 44 (1990: novembre 7) à Vol. 24: no 47 (1990: novembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 48 (1990: décembre 5) à Vol. 24: no 50 (1990: décembre 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 24: no 6 (1990: février 7) à Vol. 24: no 9 (1990: février 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 10 (1991: mars 6) à Vol. 25: no 13 (1991: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 1 (1991: janvier 2) à Vol. 25: no 5 (1991: janvier 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 14 (1991: avril 3) à Vol. 25: no 17 (1991: avril 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 18 (1991: mai 1) à Vol. 25: no 22 (1991: mai 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 23 (1991: juin 7) à Vol. 25: no 26 (1991: juin 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 27 (1991: juillet 3) à Vol. 25: no 30 (1991: juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 31 (1991: août 7) à Vol. 25: no 34 (1991: août 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 35 (1991: septembre 4) à Vol. 25: no 38 (1991: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 39 (1991: octobre 2) à Vol 25: no 42 (1991: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 44 (1991: novembre 6) à Vol. 25: no 47 (1991: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 48 (1991: décembre 4) à Vol. 25: no 50 (1991: décembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 25: no 6 (1991: février 6) à Vol. 25: no 9 (1991: février 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 1 (1992: janvier 8) à Vol. 26: no 4 (1992: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 13 (1992: avril 1) à Vol. 26: no 17 (1992: avril 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 18 (1992: mai 6) à Vol. 26: no 21 (1992: mai 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 22 (1992: juin 3) à Vol. 26: no 25 (1992: juin 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 26 (1992: juillet 1) à Vol. 26: no 29 (1992: juillet 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 30 (1992: août 5) à Vol. 26: no 33 (1992: août 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 34 (1992: septembre 2) à Vol. 26: no 38 (1992: septembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 39 (1992: octobre 7) à Vol. 26: no 42 (1992: octobre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 43 (1992: novembre 4) à Vol. 26: no 46 (1992: novembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 47 (1992: décembre 2) à Vol. 26: no 50 (1992: décembre 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 5 (1992: février 5) à Vol. 26: no 8 (1992: février 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 26: no 9 (1992: mars 4) à Vol. 26: no 12 (1992: mars 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 1 (1993: janvier 6) à Vol. 27: no 4 (1993: janvier 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 14 (1993: avril 7) à Vol. 27: no 17 (1993: avril 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 18 (1993: mai 5) à Vol. 27: no 21 (1993: mai 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 22 (1993: juin 2) à Vol. 27: no 26 (1993: juin 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 27 (1993: juillet 7) à Vol. 27: no 29 (1993: juillet 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 30 (1993: août 4) à Vol. 27: no 33 (1993: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 34 (1993: septembre 1) à Vol. 27: no 38 (1993: septembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 39 (1993: octobre 6) à Vol. 27: no 42 (1993: octobre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 43 (1993: novembre 3) à Vol. 27: no 46 (1993: novembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 47 (1993: décembre 1) à Vol. 27: no 50 (1993: décembre 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 5 (1993: février 3) à Vol. 27: no 8 (1993: février 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 27: no 9 (1993: mars 3) à Vol. 27: no 13 (1993: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 1 (1994: janvier 5) à Vol. 28: no 4 (1994: janvier 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 14 (1994: avril 6) à Vol. 28: no 17 (1994: avril 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 18 (1994: mai 4) à Vol. 28: no 21 (1994: mai 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 22 (1994: juin 1) à Vol. 28: no 26 (1994: juin 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 27 (1994: juillet 6) à Vol. 28: no 29 (1994: juillet 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 30 (1994: août 3) à Vol. 28: no 34 (1994: août 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 35 (1994: septembre 7) à Vol. 28: no 38 (1994: septembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 39 (1994: octobre 5) à Vol. 28: no 42 (1994: octobre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 43 (1994: novembre 2) à Vol. 28: no 47 (1994: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 48 (1994: décembre 7) à Vol. 28: no 50 (1994 décembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 5 (1994: février 2) à Vol. 28: no 8 (1994: février 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 28: no 9 (1994: mars 2) à Vol. 28: no 13 (1994: mars 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 1 (1995: janvier 4) à Vol. 29: no 4 (1995: janvier 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 14 (1995: avril 5) à Vol. 29: no 17 (1995: avril 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 18 (1995: mai 3) à Vol. 29: no 22 (1995: mai 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 23 (1995: juin 7) à Vol. 29: no 26 (1995: juin 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 27 (1995: juillet 5) à Vol. 29: no 29 (1995: juillet 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 30 (1995: août 2) à Vol. 29: no 34 (1995: août 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 35 (1995: septembre 6) à Vol. 29: no 38 (1995: septembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 39 (1995: octobre 4) à Vol. 29: no 42 (1995: octobre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 43 (1995: novembre 1) à Vol. 29: no 47 (1995: novembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 48 (1995: décembre 6) à Vol. 29: no 50 (1995: décembre 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 5 (1995: février 1) à Vol. 29: no 8 (1995: février 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 29: no 9 (1995: mars 1) à Vol. 29: no 13 (1995: mars 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 10 (1968: août), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 11 (1968: septembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 1 (1967: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 12 (1968: octobre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 19 (1986: mai 7) à Vol. 20: no 22 (1986: mai 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no. 2 (1967: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 3 (1968: janvier), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 4 (1968: février), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 5 (1968: mars), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 6 (1968: avril), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2 no 7 (1968: mai), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 2: no 8 (1968: juin), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart Vol. 2: no 9 (1968: juillet), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 10 (1996: mars 60 à Vol. 30: no 13 (1996: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 1 (1996: janvier 3) à Vol. 30: no 5 (1996: janvier 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 14 (1996: avril 3) à Vol. 30: no 17 (1996: avril 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 18 (1996: mai 1) à Vol. 30: no 22 (1996: mai 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 23 (1996: juin 5) à Vol. 30: no 26 (1996: juin 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 27 (1996: juillet 3) à Vol. 30: no 30 (1996: juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 31 (1996: août 7) à Vol. 30: no 34 (1996: août 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 35 (1996: septembre 4) à Vol. 30: no 38 (1996: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 39 (1996: octobre 2) à Vol. 30: no 43 (1996: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 44 (1996: novembre 6) à Vol. 30: no 47 (1996: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 48 (1996: décembre 4) à Vol. 30: no 50 (1996: décembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 30: no 6 (1996: février 7) à Vol 30: no 9 (1996: février 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 1 (1997: janvier 8) – Vol. 31: no 4 (1997: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 13 (1997: avril 2) à Vol. 31: no 17 (1997: avril 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 18 (1997: mai 7) à Vol. 31: no 21 (1997: mai 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 22 (1997: juin 4) à Vol. 31: no 25 (1997: juin 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 26 (1997: juillet 2) à Vol. 31: no 30 (1997: juillet 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 31 (1997: août 6) à Vol. 31: no 34 (1997: août 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 35 (1997: septembre 3) à Vol. 31: no 38 (1997: septembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 39 (1997: octobre 1) à Vol. 31: no 43 (1997: octobre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 44 (1997: novembre 5) à Vol. 31: no 47 (1997: novembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 48 (1997: décembre 3) à Vol. 31: no 50 (1997: décembre 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 5 (1997: février 5) à Vol. 31: no 8 (1997: février 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 31: no 9 (1997: mars 5) à Vol. 31: no 12 (1997: mars 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 1 (1998: janvier 7) à Vol. 32: no 4 (1998: janvier 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 1 (2002: janvier 9) à Vol. 32: no 4 (2002: janvier 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 13 (1998: avril 1) à Vol. 32: no 17 (1998: avril 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 18 (1998: mai 6) à Vol. 32: no 21 (1998: mai 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 22 (1998: juin 3) à Vol. 32: no 25 (1998: juin 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 26 (1998: juillet 1) à Vol. 32: no 30 (1998: juillet 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 31 (1998: août 5) à Vol. 32: no 34 (1998: août 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 35 (1998: septembre 2) à Vol. 32: no 39 (1998: septembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 40 (1998: octobre 7) à Vol. 32: no 43 (1998: octobre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 44 (1998: novembre 4) à Vol. 32: no 47 (1998: novembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 48 (1998: décembre 2) à Vol. 32: no 50 (1998: décembre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 5 (1998: février 4) à Vol. 32: no 8 (1998: février 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 32: no 9 (1998: mars 4) à Vol. 32: no 12 (1998: mars 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 1 (1999: janvier 6) à Vol. 33: no 4 (1999: janvier 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 14 (1999: avril 7) à Vol. 33: no 17 (1999: avril 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 18 (1999: mai 5) à Vol. 33: no 21 (1999: mai 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 22 (1999: juin 2) à Vol. 33: no 26 (1999: juin 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 27 (1999: juillet 7) à Vol. 33: no 30 (1999: juillet 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 31 (1999: août 4) à Vol. 33: no 34 (1999: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 35 (1999: septembre 1) à Vol. 33: no 39 (1999: septembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 40 (1999: octobre 6) à Vol. 33: no 43 (1999: octobre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 44 (1999: novembre 3) à Vol. 33: no 47 (1999: novembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 48 (1999: décembre 1) à Vol. 33: no 50 (1999: décembre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 5 (1999: février 3) à Vol. 33: no 8 (1999: février 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 33: no 9 (1999: mars 3) à Vol. 33: no 13 (1999: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 1 (2000: janvier 5) à Vol. 34: no 4 (2000: janvier 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 14 (2000: avril 5) à Vol. 34: no 17 (2000: avril 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 20 (2000: mai 17) à Vol. 34: no 22 (2000: mai 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 23 (2000: juin 7) à Vol. 34: no 26 (2000: juin 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 27 (2000: juillet 5) à Vol. 34: no 30 (2000: juillet 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 31 (2000: août 2) à Vol. 34: no 35 (2000: août 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 36 (2000: septembre 6) à Vol. 34: no 39 (2000: septembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 40 (2000: octobre 4) à Vol. 34: no 43 (2000: octobre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 44 (2000: novembre 1) à Vol. 34: no 48 (2000: novembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 49 (2000: décembre 6) à Vol. 34: no 50 (2000: décembre 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 5 (2000: février 2) à Vol. 34: no 8 (2000: février 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 34: no 9 (2000: mars 1) à Vol. 34: no 13 (2000: mars 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 1 (2001: janvier 10) à Vol. 35: no 4 (2001: janvier 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 13 (2001: avril 4) à Vol. 35: no 16 (2001: avril 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 17 (2001: mai 2) à Vol. 35: no 21 (2001: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 22 (2001: juin 6) à Vol. 35: no 25 (2001: juin 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 26 (2001: juillet 4) à Vol. 35: no 29 (2001: juillet 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 30 (2001: août 1) à Vol. 35: no 34 (2001: août 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 35 (2001: septembre 5) à Vol. 35: no 38 (2001: septembre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 39 (2001: octobre 3) à Vol. 35: no 43 (2001: octobre 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 44 (2001: novembre 7) à Vol. 35: no 47 (2001: novembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 48 (2001: décembre 5) à Vol. 35: no 50 (2001: décembre 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 5 (2001: février 7) à Vol. 35: no 8 (2001: février 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 35: no 9 (2001: mars 7) à Vol. 35: no 12 (2001: mars 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 13 (2002: avril 3) à Vol. 36: no 16 (2002: avril 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 17 (2002: mai 1) à Vol. 36: no 21 (2002: mai 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 22 (2002: juin 5) à Vol. 36: no 25 (2002: juin 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 26 (2002: juillet 3) à Vol. 36: no 30 (2002 juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 31 (2002: août 7) à Vol. 36: no 34 (2002: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 35 (2002: septembre 4) à Vol. 36: no 38 (2002: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 39 (2002: octobre 2) à Vol. 36: no 43 (2002: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 44 (2002: novembre 6) à Vol. 36: no 47 (2002: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 48 (2002: décembre 4) à Vol. 36: no 50 (2002: décembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 5 (2002: février 5) à Vol. 36: no 8 (2002: février 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 36: no 9 (2002: mars 6) à Vol. 36: no 12 (2002: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 1 (2003: janvier 8) à Vol. 37: no 4 (2003: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 13 (2003: avril 2) à Vol. 37: no 17 (2003: avril 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 18 (2003: mai 7) à Vol. 37: no 21 (2003: mai 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 22 (2003: juin 4) à Vol. 37: no 25 (2003: juin 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 26 (2003: juillet 2) à Vol. 37: no 28 (2003: juillet 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 29 (2003: août 6) à Vol. 37: no 50? (2003: décembre 17?), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 5 (2003: février 5) à Vol. 37: no 8 (2003: février 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 37: no 9 (2003: mars 5) à Vol. 37: no 12 (2003: mars 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 1 (2004: janvier 7) à Vol. 38: no 4 (2004: janvier 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 14 (2004: avril 7) à Vol. 38: no 17 (2004: avril 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 18 (2004: mai 5) à Vol. 38: no 21 (2004: mai 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 22 (2004: juin 2) à Vol. 38: no 26 (2004: juin 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 27 (2004: juillet 14) à Vol. 38: no 28 (2004: juillet 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 29 (2004: août 11) à Vol. 38: no 30 (2004: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 31 (2004: septembre 1) à Vol. 38: no 35 (2004: septembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 36 (2004: octobre 6) à Vol. 38: no 39 (2004: octobre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 40 (2004: novembre 3) à Vol. 38: no 43 (2004: novembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 44 (2004: décembre 1) à Vol. 38: no 46 (2004: décembre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 5 (2004: février 4) à Vol. 38: no 8 (2004: février 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 38: no 9 (2004: mars 3) à Vol. 38: no 13 (2004: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 1 (2005: janvier 5) à Vol. 39: no 4 (2005: janvier 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 14 (2005 avril ) à Vol. 39: no 17 (2005: avril 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 18 (2005: mai 4) à Vol. 39: no 21 (2005: mai 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 22 (2005: juin 1) à Vol. 39: no 25 (2005: juin 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 26 (2005: juillet 6) à Vol. 39: no 29 (2005: juillet 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 30 (2005: août 17) à Vol. 39: no 32 (2005: août 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 33 (2005: septembre 7) à Vol. 39: no 36 (2005: septembre 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 37 (2005: octobre 5) à Vol. 39: no 40 (2005: octobre 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 41 (2005: novembre 2) à Vol. 39: no 45 (2005: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 46 (2005: décembre 7) à Vol. 39: no 48 (2005: décembre 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 5 (2005: février 2) à Vol. 39: no 8 (2005: février 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 39: no 9 (2005: mars 2) à Vol. 39: no 13 (2005: mars 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 10 (1969: août), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 11 (1969: septembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 1 (1968: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 12 (1969: octobre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 2 (1968: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 3 (1969: janvier), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 4 (1969: février), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 5 (1969: mars), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 6 (1969: avril), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 7 (1969: mai), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 8 (1969: juin), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 3: no 9 (1969: juillet), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 1 (2006: janvier 11) à Vol. 40: no 3 (2006: janvier 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 13 (2006: avril 5) à Vol. 40: no 16 (2006: avril 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 17 (2006: mai 3) à Vol. 40: no 21 (2006: mai 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 22 (2006: juin 7) à Vol. 40: no 25 (2006: juin 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 26 (2006: juillet 5) à Vol. 40: no 27 (2006: juillet 26), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 28 (2006: août 2) à Vol. 40: no 32 (2006: août 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 33 (2006: septembre 6) à Vol. 40: no 35 (2006: septembre 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 37 (2006: octobre 4) à Vol. 40: no 40 (2006: octobre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 4 (2006: février 1) à Vol. 40: no 7 (2006: février 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 42 (2006: novembre 8) à Vol. 40: no 45 (2006: novembre 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 46 (2006: décembre 6) à Vol. 40: no 48 (2006: décembre 20), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 40: no 8 (2006: mars 1) à Vol. 40: no 12 (2006: mars 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 10 (1970: août), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 11 (1970: septembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 1 (1969: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 12 (1970: octobre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 2 (1969: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 3 (1970: janvier), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 4 (1970: février), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 5 (1970: mars), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 6 (1970: avril), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 7 (1970: mai), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 8 (1970: juin), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 4: no 9 (1970: juillet), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 10 (1971: août), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 11 (1971: septembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 1 (1970: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 12 (1971: octobre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 13 (1971: novembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 14 (1971: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 2 (1970: décembre), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 3 (1971: janvier), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 4 (1971: février), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 5 (1971: mars), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 6 (1971: avril), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 7 (1971: mai), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 8 (1971: juin), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 5: no 9 (1971: juillet), La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de l'ouest de l'Ontario
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 10 (1972: août 14), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 11 (1972: août 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 1 (1972: janvier), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 12 (1972: septembre 11), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 13 (1972: septembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 14 (1972: octobre 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 15 (1972: octobre 23), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 16 (1972: novembre 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 17 (1972: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 18 (1972: décembre 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 19 (1973: janvier 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 20 (1973: janvier 29), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 21 (1973: février 13), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 2 (1972: février), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 22 (1973: mars 6), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 3 (1972: mars), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 4 (1972: avril), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 5 (1972: mai), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 6 (1972: juin), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 7 (1972: juin), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 8 (1972: juillet 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 6: no 9 (1972: juillet 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 23 (1973: mars 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 24 (1973: avril 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 25 (1973: avril 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 26 (1973: mai 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 27 (1973: juin 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 28 (1973: juin 19), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 29 (1973: juillet 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 30 (1973: août 8), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 31 (1973: septembre 24), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 32 (1973: octobre 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 33 (1973: novembre 9), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 34 (1973: décembre 14), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 34 (1973: novembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 35 (1973: décembre 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 36 (1974: janvier 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 37 (1974: janvier 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 38 (1974: février 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 40 (1974: mars 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 41 (1974: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 42 (1974: avril), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 43 (1974: mai), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 44 (1974: juin), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 45 (1974: juillet 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 46 (1974: août), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 47 (1974: septembre 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 48 (1974: septembre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 49 (1974: octobre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 50 (1974: octobre 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 51 (1974: novembre 27), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 7: no 52 (1974: décembre 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 10 (1975: mai 12), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 11 (1975: mai 30), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 1 (1975: janvier 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 12 (1975: juin 16), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 13 (1975: juillet 14), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 14 (1975: août 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 15 (1975: août 25), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 16 (1975: octobre 8), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 17 (1975: octobre 22), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 18 (1975: novembre 12), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 19 (1975: décembre 10), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 20 (1976: janvier 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 21 (1976: janvier 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 2 (1975: janvier 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 22 (1976: février 4), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 23 (1976: février 18), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 24 (1976: mars 3), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 25 (1976: mars 17), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 26 (1976: mars 31), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 27 (1976: avril 14), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 28 (1976: avril 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 29 (1976: mai 12), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 3 (1975: février 15), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 4 (1975: février 28), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 5 (1975: mars 7), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 6 (1975: mars 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 7 (1975: avril 1), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 8 (1975: avril 21), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Le Rempart: Vol. 8: no 9 (1975: mai 5), Les Publications des Grands Lacs
Les géants du Web menacent la protection des données personnelles et la souveraineté culturelle du Canada, Pascale Chapdelaine
Letter from the Editors, Gregg French and Emma Grant
Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable End-of-Life Management Operations for Electric Vehicle Battery Pack, Natalia Di Vittorio
“Life Expectancy Analysis and Optimization of Electric Vehicle Traction Motors”, Donovan Thomas O'Donnell and Narayan C. Kar
Life in the slow lane: field metabolic rate and prey consumption rate of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) modelled using archival biologgers, Eric Ste-Marie, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Jayson M. Semmens, Marianne Marcoux, and Nigel E. Hussey
Life under and above water |Water Pollution|, Eric Joshi
Lines of Flight: The Digital Fragmenting of Educational Networks, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Bonnie Stewart, Lenandlar Singh, Sandra Sinfield, Tom Burns, Sandra Abegglen, Keith Hamon, Sarah Honeychurch, and Aras Bozkurt
LLMPred: Fine-Tuned Large Language Model Embeddings for Drug Side Effect Frequency Prediction, Siyam Sajnan Chowdhury
Local Forearm Heating Does Not Alter Concentrations of Circulating Notch1 ECD and HSPG/CD44, Khushali Shrenik Parikh
Localization of a point target from an optical sensor's focal plane array, Qin Lu, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Peter Willett, and Balakumar Balasingam
Locating Graves Using Ground Penetrating Radar, Nicole Sussens and Heidi Glithero
Loneliness, Risk-Taking, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rebecca Nurgitz
Lower nutritional state and foraging success in an Arctic seabird despite behaviorally flexible responses to environmental change, Alyssa Eby, Allison Patterson, Graham Sorenson, Thomas Lazarus, Shannon Whelan, Kyle H. Elliott, H. Grant Gilchrist, and Oliver P. Love
LPTN Modeling of Electric Motor Cooling Solutions for EV Applications, Alexandre Bourgault
Luna and the Departed Ancestor: A Case Study of Animal Embodiment, Non-violent Resistance, and Indigenous Rights in Canada, Samantha Wauthier-Paspuleti
Machine Learning Approaches for Healthcare Analysis, Bashier omar Elkarami
Machine Learning Technique for Data Fusion and Cognitive Load Classification Using an Eye Tracker, Aaron Collins, Parthana Pillai, Balakumar Balasingam, and Arunita Jaekel
MAD-GAN: Multi-Agent Decomposition with GANs for Time Series Forecasting in Manufacturing Systems, Syeda Sitara Wishal Fatima
Magnetic Resonance Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks, Tristhal Parasram and Dan Xiao
Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry with Neural Networks, Tristhal Parasram Mr and Dan Xiao Dr
Making Democracy Accessible: Making Canadian Political Processes More Inclusive, Katrina Hermle
Making Democracy Accessible: Making Canadian Political Processes More Inclusive, Katrina Hermle
Many-to-One: Transformer-based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization on Industrial Images, Naga Jyothirmayee Dodda
MAP3K19 regulatory variation in populations with African ancestry may increase COVID-19 severity, Zhongshan Cheng, Yi Cai, Ke Zhang, Jingxuan Zhang, Hongsheng Gui, Yu Si Luo, Jie Zhou, and Brian DeVeale
Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration, Tina Heger, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Catherine Febria, Johannes Kollmann, Stephen Murphy, Line Rochefort, Nancy Shackelford, Vicky M. Temperton, and Eric Higgs
Mapping Exceptional Points in Quantum Systems, Zach Manson
Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic, Charmain D. Hamilton, Christian Lydersen, Jon Aars, Mario Acquarone, Todd Atwood, Alastair Baylis, Martin Biuw, Andrei N. Boltunov, Erik W. Born, Peter Boveng, Tanya M. Brown, Michael Cameron, John Citta, Justin Crawford, Rune Dietz, Jim Elias, Steven H. Ferguson, Aaron Fisk, Lars P. Folkow, and Kathryn J. Frost
Markov modeling and analysis of team communication, Diego Fernando Martinez Ayala, Balakumar Balasingam, Sara McComb, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Marxism and the Animal-Industrial Complex, Theryn Arnold
Matches Made in Heaven or Somewhere: Personalized Query Refinement Gold Standard Generation Using Transformers, Yogeswar Lakshmi Narayanan
Material Behavior of Concrete Used in 3D Printed House, Siddharth Popli
Material dependence of the internal stresses developed during lithiation of battery electrodes in Li-ion batteries, Filippo D'Ugo
Maternal and embryonic trace element concentrations and stable isotope fractionation in the smalleye smooth-hound (Mustelus higmani), Juliana de Souza-Araujo, Ryan Andrades, Marcelo de Oliveira Lima, Nigel E. Hussey, and Tommaso Giarrizzo
Maternal Environment and Maternal Effects on Offspring DNA Methylation: Epigenetically-mediated Maternal Signals, James Watkins
Mathematical modeling and parameter estimation of blood pressure oscillometric waveform, Mohamad Forouzanfar, Balakumar Balasingam, Hilmi R. Dajani, Voicu Z. Groza, Miodrag Bolic, Sreeraman Rajan, and Emil M. Petriu
Mathematical Programming and Heuristic Design for Planning of Operating Rooms, Justin William Britt
Maximum Likelihood Detection in Focal Plane Arrays with Generic Point Spread Function (Poster), K. Kiani, B. Balasingam, and B. Shahrrava
Maximum likelihood detection on images, B. Balasingam, Y. Bar-Shalom, P. Willett, and K. Pattipati
McDougall Street Corridor, Willow Key and Irene Moore Davis
McLuhan as Medium, Thomas Dilworth
Measurement Extraction for a Point Target from an Optical Sensor, Qin Lu, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Peter Willett, and Balakumar Balasingam
Measurement of dispersion and index of refraction of 1-decanol with spectrally resolved white light interferometry, Nathan G. Drouillard and TJ Hammond
Mechanisms of Neuroprotection by Combined Formulation of Water-Soluble CoQ10 and Ashwagandha Root Extract, Gabrielle Walach
Mechanistic Studies of Inert Bond Functionalization by Mono and Polynuclear Ni Complexes, Jun Yang Liu
Medical Student Mental Health and Wellness Pilot Study, Sira Jaffri, Kenan Kassas, and Mohamed Farjalla
Medicinal Mushrooms: The Extraction and Analysis of Bioactive Compounds from Hericium erinaceus and Ganoderma lucidum Mushrooms., Jhanielle Amanda-Kaye James
Members of the Disability Community and their Perceptions of Disability Representation in the Media, Stephanie J. Cragg
Members of the Disability Community and their Perceptions of Disability Representation in the Media: A Qualitative Study, Stephanie Jasmine Cragg
MEMS based hydrophones for high resolution monitoring of underwater activities, Tara Ahmadi Ms., Mohammed Jalal Ahamed Dr., and Shahpour Alirezaee Dr.
Mental Health of Emergent Adults Living with Type 1 Diabetes in Canada: Aggregated National Survey, 2009 to 2019, Rachel R. Jewell
Mental Health, Sport-Related Concussion, and App-Based Mindfulness: A Pilot Study with Female University Student-Athletes, Taylor May McEachnie
Mental Illness Through the Eyes of Iraqi Ontarians: Unheard Voices for Conventional Mental Health Supports, Mohamad Musa
Metadata Extraction and Citation Automation (MECA), Sharjeel Mustafa
Metal-Ligand Interactions in Organic Semiconductors: Fine-tuning the Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers, Anita Hu, P. Blake J. St. Onge, and Simon Rondeau-Gagné Dr.
Microbial Water Quality Modelling of Recreational Beaches in Windsor Essex Region, Mohammad Madani and Rajesh Seth
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivities of As-cast Al-0.3Mn Alloy, Wutian Shen
Migrant Worker Health Care in Windsor-Essex County, Aya El-Hashemi and Genesis Flores
Migration patterns of Greenland halibut in the North Atlantic revealed by a compiled mark-recapture dataset, Mikko Vihtakari, Bjarki Pór Elvarsson, Margaret Treble, Adriana Nogueira, Kevin Hedges, Nigel E. Hussey, Laura Wheeland, Denis Roy, Lise Helen Ofstad, Elvar H. Hallfredsson, Amanda Barkley, Daniel Estevez-Barcia, Rasmus Nygaard, Brian Healey, Petur Steingrund, Torild Johansen, Ole Thomas Albert, and Jesper Boje
Mining for Product Recommendation on Document-Based NoSQL Big Data, Abdulrauf Aremu Gidado
Mining User Facebook Post Likes for Cross Domain Product Recommendations across E- commerce platforms, Emmanuel Jojoe Ainoo
Mitigating The Shortcomings of Language Models: Strategies For Handling Memorization & Adversarial Attacks, Aly Kassem
Mitigation of Asymmetrical Currents in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Unbalanced Stator Winding Impedance for Electric Vehicle Application, Khagendra Thapa
MMOSPA estimation with unknown number of objects, Balakumar Balasingam, Marcus Baum, and Peter Willett
Model-Based Estimation of Mental Workload in Drivers Using Pupil Size Measurements, Prarthana Pillai, Balakumar Balasingam, and Francesco N. Biondi
Modeling of Carbon Black Formation During Methane Pyrolysis, Matthew Veselinovic
Modelling and Experimental Optimization of the Matching Stage in Hot Plate Welding, Boris Novakovic
Modes of Action of Ubisol-Q10 Treatment in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease, Annie S. Kanwar
Molecular ecology of the sleeper shark subgenus Somniosus (Somniosus) reveals genetic homogeneity within species and lack of support for S. antarcticus, Laura E. Timm, Cindy Tribuzio, Ryan P. Walter, Wesley A. Larson, Brent W. Murray, Nigel E. Hussey, and Sharon Wildes
Monitoring biodiversity loss in rapidly changing Afrotropical ecosystems: An emerging imperative for governance and research, A. O. Achieng, G. B. Arhonditsis, N. Mandrak, C. Febria, B. Opaa, T. J. Coffey, F. O. Masese, K. Irvine, Z. M. Ajode, K. Obiero, J. E. Barasa, and B. Kaunda-Arara
Monitoring the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Dr. Beverly Jacobs
Monte Carlo Simulation for Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Measurements, Tristhal Parasram Mr and Dan Xiao Dr.
More than what meets the eye: An evaluation of Olympic and Paralympic athletes' Instagram posts., Fallon Mitchell, Sara Santarossa, and Paula van Wyk PhD
Mouthful, Maya Elizabeth Ann Jessop
Movement Optimization of Robotic Arms for Energy and Time Reduction using Evolutionary Algorithms, Abolfazl Akbari
Muddy Water: Remote Musical Collaboration through a Pandemic, Madeline G. Doornaert
Multi-camera video analysis of head impacts in youth hockey, Emily Roberts
Multicriteria Consensus Models to Support Intelligent Group Decision-Making, Hossein Hassani
Multidimensional Attitudes Toward Sponsorship Scale, Zachary Evans
Multimodal Contrastive Clustering: Deep Unsupervised Learning Approach for Cancer Subtype Discovery with Multi-omics Data, Achini Herath
Multi-Mode Robust Appointment Scheduling for Uncertain Service Time and Random No-Show Using Min-Max Optimization, Anik Chandra Dash
Multi-period, Multi-Platform Design and Lot-sizing for Hybrid Manufacturing Considering Stochastic Demand and Processing Time, Md Sadman Sakib
Multiple target tracking from images using the maximum likelihood HPMHT, Peter Willett, Balakumar Balasingam, Darin Dunham, and Terry Ogle
Multi-year acoustic tracking reveals transient movements, recurring hotspots, and apparent seasonality in the coastal-offshore presence of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus), Jena E. Edwards, Kevin J. Hedges, Steven T. Kessel, and Nigel E. Hussey
Multi-year soundscape recordings and automated call detection reveals varied impact of moonlight on calling activity of neotropical forest katydids, Laurel B. Symes, Shyam Madhusudhana, Sharon J. Martinson, Inga Geipel, and Hannah M. Ter Hofstede
Music as A Bridge to Literacy and Multiliteracies Development for Second Language Learners, Siyu Chen
Nanomaterial Solution Imbibition and Wicking in Porous Substrates, Lauren Renaud, Sara Mechael, and Tricia B. Carmichael
Navigating Regulatory Waters: The Impact of Policy in the case of Adderall, Jacob Theo Mihailides
Negative resistance and resilience: Biotic mechanisms underpin delayed biological recovery in stream restoration, Isabelle C. Barrett, Angus R. McIntosh, Catherine M. Febria, and Helen J. Warburton
Negotiations of Empire: Rooting out the American Citizenry in the Borderlands of Upper Canada, 1805-1820, Emma C. Grant
New Memristive Architecture for Digital Circuits Design, Farzad Mozafari
New Synthetic Strategies and Applications Using Nicholas Reaction Chemistry, Brent Andrew St.Onge
Nicolaus Copernicus Jubilee (550) in Canada 2023: The Final Report, Jerry Barycki
NKR-P1B Receptor Expression and Function in the Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells of the Lung, Lucas J. Vajko Siddall
Noise and Vibration Analysis of Traction Electric Machine Under Open-circuit Fault Operation, Pengzhao Song
Non-Hermitian physics achieved via non-local Gilbert damping, Trevor Joshua MacIntosh
No Poverty - An SDG Project, Alexander Agostinis, Rhyse Lamont, Lauren Pandolfi, and Bromleigh Dobson
No Query Left Behind: Query Refinement via Backtranslation, Delaram Rajaei
Novel Approaches to Cognitive Load Estimation in Automated Driving Systems, Prarthana Pillai Ms.
Novel geochemical approaches to manage greenhouse gas emissions from thermal oil operations, Karlynne Dominato
Novel Methods of Thermal Management in High‐Performance Induction Motors Using Direct Stator Winding Cooling, Alex Arangio
Novel Table-based Kalman Filter for State of Charge Estimation of Batteries, Sooraj Sunil, Sneha Sundaresan, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Numerical and Experimental Investigation into a Round Impinging Jet at an Intermediate Stand-off Distance, John Connor McGurn
Numerical Prediction of Tailored 22MnB5 and 37MnB5 Channels Under Three-Point Bending, Lauren Awad
Numerical simulations of decay of turbulence generated by fan in a constant volume combustion chamber, Gurpinder Singh Basra
Nurse Perspectives on Family-Centred Rounds in Adult Critical Care Units, Felicia Varacalli
Nurse Practitioner Opioid Prescribing and Safety Measure Utilization Patterns in Ontario, Sylwia Borawski; Gina Pittman MN, NP; and Jody Ralph PhD, RN
Nurses’ Experience of Family-Centered Rounds in the Intensive Care Unit, Kaitlyn Sheehan
Nursing Clinical Instructors’ Perceived Supports and Barriers to Reporting Medication Errors, Near Misses, and Discovered Errors, Karly Mendler
Nursing Perspectives of Family-Centred Rounds in Critical Care Units, Felicia Varacalli
Observation of marine mammal and bird interactions focused around a commercial fishing vessel in central baffin bay, nunavut, Kelsey F. Johnson, Nigel E. Hussey, and Steven H. Ferguson
Occupational Injuries Reported in a University Setting: A five year retrospective study (2017-2022), Mandy S. Brunet
Octaboraneyl bis(diphosphine)nickel(II)-hydride complexes: exploiting phosphine ligand lability for hydride transfer, Joseph A. Zurakowski and Marcus W. Drover Dr
Offshore wind energy development: Research priorities for sound and vibration effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates, Arthur N. Popper, Lyndie Hice-Dunton, Edward Jenkins, Dennis M. Higgs, Justin Krebs, Aran Mooney, Aaron Rice, Louise Roberts, Frank Thomsen, Kathy Vigness-Raposa, David Zeddies, and Kathryn A. Williams
On a Class of James-Stein’s Estimators in High-Dimensional Data, Arash Aghaei Foroushani
On Developing a Muslim Women's Resistance Collective, Ayesha Mian Akram
One informs the other: Unionid species at risk and benthic macroinvertebrate community monitoring data are complementary, Roland A. Eveleens, Todd J. Morris, Daelyn A. Woolnough, and Catherine M. Febria
On Limiting Distributions for Eigenvalue Spectra of Sample Correlation Matrices from Heavy-Tailed Populations: Literature Review, Sachini Sandhareka Wijesundara
Online anomaly detection in big data, B. Balasingam, M. S. Sankavaram, K. Choi, D. F.M. Ayala, D. Sidoti, K. Pattipati, P. Willett, C. Lintz, G. Commeau, F. Dorigo, and J. Fahrny
Online Anomaly Detection in Big Data: The First Line of Defense Against Intruders, Balakumar Balasingam, Pujitha Mannaru, David Sidoti, Krishna Pattipati, and Peter Willett
Online Flipped Classroom for English Enhancement Programs: A Literature Review, Li Ji
Online Platforms Challenge Personal Data Protection and Canada’s Cultural Sovereignty, Pascale Chapdelaine
Online playtime prediction for cognitive video streaming, D. Pasupuleti, P. Mannaru, B. Balasingam, M. Baum, K. Pattipati, P. Willett, C. Lintz, G. Commeau, F. Dorigo, and J. Fahrny
Online Social Influences and Men’s Acceptance of Violence Against Women, Brianna Wilson
On the Cost of Detection Response Task Performance on Cognitive Load, Francesco N. Biondi, Balakumar Balasingam, and Prathamesh Ayare
On the Identification of Electrical Equivalent Circuit Models Based on Noisy Measurements, Balakumar Balasingam and Krishna R. Pattipati
On the use of hidden Markov models for gaze pattern modeling, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph Coyne
-opathy, Heather McCardell
Open Access updates in the scholarly communications realm, Amelia Ritchie
Open circuit voltage characterization of lithium-ion batteries, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter: An Insight into Alternative Measurements of Intracranial Pressure, Danya Al-Hassani
Optimal battery charging, Part I: Minimizing time-to-charge, energy loss, and temperature rise for OCV-resistance battery model, A. Abdollahi, X. Han, G. V. Avvari, N. Raghunathan, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Optimal charging for general equivalent electrical battery model, and battery life management, A. Abdollahi, X. Han, N. Raghunathan, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, Y. Bar-Shalom, and B. Card
Optimal Kanban Number: An Integrated Lean and Simulation Modelling Approach, Angassu Girma Mullisa and Walid Abdul-Kader
Optimization of eDNA Surveys for Evaluating Freshwater Biodiversity and Invasive Species Populations, Ian Smith
Optimization of equilibrated headspace technique for compositional and isotopic analysis of dissolved gases, Michelle Tsuey-Yee Quan
Optimizing Current Profiles for Efficient Online Estimation of Battery Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters Based on Cramer–Rao Lower Bound, Prarthana Pillai, Sneha Sundaresan, Krishna R. Pattipati, and Balakumar Balasingam
Optimizing Detection of Viral Pathogens in Saliva, Maria Badalova
Optimizing LLMs: Harnessing Core Sub-Models in Transformers for Efficient Training on New Tasks, Prithvi Rao Muthineni
OSPA barycenters for clustering set-valued data, Marcus Baum, Balakumar Balasingam, Peter Willett, and Uwe D. Hanebeck
Osprey: Early Detection of Online Grooming via Conversational Features and Backtranslation Data Augmentation, Hamed Waezi
OsPreyOnline Predatory Conversation Detection, Ehsan Salimi and Reza Barzegar
Outcomes and Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Windsor Regional Hospital and Post COVID-19 Sequelae: A Single Institution Experience, Mohamed Farjalla
Outstanding Scholars Presentation SDG #1: No Poverty, Rachel Pitre, Berlyn Soulliere Soulliere, Krista Abdel Sater, and Evelyn Drago
Outstanding Scholars Present the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, Timothy A Brunet
Overloaded and at work: Investigating the effect of cognitive workload on assembly task performance, Francesco biondi, Angela Cacanindin, Caitlin Douglas, and Joel Cort
Painting the ‘Essential’ Green Activist: Critical Interrogations of Responses to Environmental Activism, Alex Jack Painter
Parameter Based PMSM Control Method for Maximum Efficiency, Daniel Dean Venuto, Aiswarya Balamurali, and Narayan Kar
Parametric automobile and open-jet wind tunnel models and their application to improved drag coefficient corrections, Matthew Fujs
Parental thermal environment controls the offspring phenotype in Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis): insights from a transcriptomic study, Ghizlane Banousse, Eric Normandeau, Christine Semeniuk, Louis Bernatchez, and Celine Audet
Partner Assault Response (PAR) Programs for Women An Ethical Dilemma, Joachim Ostertag and Bernice Connell
Pathways from Childhood Sexual Abuse to Sexual Risk Behaviour in MSM: A Mixed Methods Study, Daniel Provenzano
Patient and Systems Navigation: Resolving an Unmet Clinical Need, Mahmoud Hossami and Omer Elkhidir
Patterns of diversity in stream macroinvertebrate communities in the Sydenham River watershed (SW Ontario), Dante Aluccio Bresolin, Roland Eveleens, Alyssa Frazao, and Catherine Febria
Patterns of Herbivory in Neotropical Forest Katydids as Revealed by DNA Barcoding of Digestive Tract Contents, Christine M. Palmer, Nicole L. Wershoven, Sharon J. Martinson, Hannah M. Ter Hofstede, W. John Kress, and Laurel B. Symes
Peer-mediated social skill interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review, Lauren Sabourin
Peptide-induced modulation of synaptic transmission and escape response in Drosophila requires two G-protein-coupled receptors, Markus K. Klose, Jeffrey S. Dason, Harold L. Atwood, Gabrielle L. Boulianne, and A. Joffre Mercier
Perceived Physical Competence, Self-Esteem, and Leadership among Young Girls: A Program Evaluation of the Girls Organizing and Learning Sport (GOALS) Program, Bailey Amy Csabai
Perceptions of Emergency Department Nurses on Substance Use Disorders and Supervised Consumption Sites, Aleksandra Ilievska
Performance analysis of blind adaptive MIMO receivers, B. Balasingam, M. Bolic, S. Shahbazpanahi, and T. Kirubarajan
Performance Analysis of CNN Model for Image Classification with Intel OpenVINO on CPU and GPU, Md Maksud-Ul-Kabir Rico
Performance analysis of coulomb counting approach for state of charge estimation, Kiarash Movassagh, Sheikh Arif Raihan, and Balakumar Balasingam
Performance Analysis of Empirical Open-Circuit Voltage Modeling in Lithium-ion Batteries, Part-3: Experimental Results, Prarthana Pillai, James Nguyen, and Balakumar Balasingam
Performance Analysis of R-int Approximation in Battery Equivalent Circuit Models, Prarthana Pillai, Sneha Sundaresan, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Performance analysis results of a battery fuel gauge algorithm at multiple temperatures, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Performance Comparison of Open-Circuit Voltage Modelling of Li-ion Batteries at Different C-Rates, Prarthana Pillai, James Nguyen, and Balakumar Balasingam
Performance evaluation of the gazepoint GP3 eye tracking device based on pupil dilation, Pujitha Mannaru, Balakumar Balasingam, Krishna Pattipati, Ciara Sibley, and Joseph T. Coyne
Performance of UHPC and ECC Bridge Components, Erfan Zandi Lak
Personalized ECA Tutoring with Self-Adjusted POMDP Policies and User Clustering, Ashwitha Vichuly Jawahar
Personalized Group Itinerary Recommendation using Cultural Algorithm, Farzaneh Jouyandeh
Petrogenesis of 1.1 Ga carbonatite-kimberlite dykes and sills in the Schreiber greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada, Irmak YILMAZ
Phase dependence of Kerr-based parametric amplification, Nathan G. Drouillard and TJ Hammond
Phenotypic constraints at the top of the world: an Arctic songbird faces the cumulative cost of maintaining a winter-like phenotype during breeding, Audrey Le Pogam, Ryan S. O’Connor, Oliver P. Love, Kevin G. Young, Justine Drolet, Lyette Régimbald, Gabrielle Roy, Francis Robitaille, Dominique Berteaux, Andrew Tam, and François Vézina
Physician practice patterns on the use of inferior vena cava filters in venous thromboembolism, Rahman Ladak, Massimo Sementilli, Jillian Calandra, Alejandro Lazo-Langner, Deborah Siegal, Tzu Fei Wang, Rong Luo, and Andrea L. Cervi
Physiological and behavioural responses of Arctic-breeding shorebirds to weather and habitat conditions, Sara Bellefontaine
Plagiarism Detection in Source Code using Machine Learning, Sumisha Surendran
Plastic Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of AA5182-O Aluminum Alloy at Sub-Zero Temperatures, Taryn Coutts
Plasticizing Shellac for Biodegradable, Flexible Electronics, Lindsay A. Lesperance-Nantau, Tricia Carmichael, and Kory Schlingman
Poems from EDP, Bridget Heuvel
Point Cloud Upsampling with 3D Gaussian Splatting, Zichen Wang
Policy Brief on safe and affordable student housing, Isabella Choszczewski, Tina Beytollahisefidi, and Shakik Bin Munim
Political Extremism: An Argumentative Approach, Hareim Hassan
Politically Speaking: Participation of Indigenous Women in Canada and the Importance of Intersectionality and Indigenous Resurgence, Renee Grozelle
Politics of Resistance: On Muslim Women Advancing a Collective Critical Faith-Based Epistemic, Ayesha Mian Akram
Polymer-based Hybrid Sensor Array Leveraging Fringing Field Capacitance for VOC Detection, Gian Carlo Antony Raj
Population genomic response to geographic gradients by widespread and endemic fishes of the Arabian Peninsula, Joseph D. DiBattista, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Marek J. Piatek, Edgar Fernando Cagua, Brian W. Bowen, John Howard Choat, Luiz A. Rocha, Michelle R. Gaither, Jean Paul A. Hobbs, Tane H. Sinclair-Taylor, Jennifer H. McIlwain, Mark A. Priest, Camrin D. Braun, Nigel E. Hussey, Steven T. Kessel, and Michael L. Berumen
Post-process Semantic Segmentation of Ultrasonic M-scans from Resistance Spot Welding Using Deep Learning, Arseniy Chertov
PQRST Timing Detection and Heart Rate Feature Monitor, Andrew Michael Adoranti and Tara Ahmadi
Predator abundance drives the association between exploratory personality and foraging habitat risk in a wild marine meso-predator, Félicie Dhellemmes, Matthew J. Smukall, Tristan L. Guttridge, Jens Krause, and Nigel E. Hussey
Predator–prey interactions between gleaning bats and katydids, Hannah M. Ter Hofstede and Paul A. Faure
Prediction and management of aircraft noise annoyance around Canadian airports, Julia Georgieva Jovanovic
Prediction of Cell-cell Communication from Spatial Transcriptomics Data Using a Long Short-term Memory Graph Neural Network, Karan Kashyap
Pregnant Women's Preferences Regarding Image Content on Instagram, Samantha Monk
Preparation of a New Library of Thermally Sensitive End-Caps for Self-Immolative Polymers as a Potential Drug-Delivery Method, Emma Lauren Dennison
Preparing Nurse Entrepreneurs: The Current State, Jaclynn Morgan
Presentation and Outcome of Patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM), Single Centre Experience from Windsor Essex Regional Cancer Centre, Dalia Kashash, Eric McArthur, Caroline Hamm, Rasna Gupta, Sindu Kanjeekal, Mohammad Jarrar, Lisa A. Porter, John W. Hudson, Adam Renaud, and Indryas Woldie
Pre-settlement and Post-settlement Stressors and Mental Illness Among Immigrants from War-torn Countries in the Middle East: A Scoping Review, Mohamad EA Musa
Press Release Hon. Professor Józef Zając Senator of the Republic of Poland Visit to Windsor, November 20-25, 2019, Jerry Barycki
Princesses, Pirates, and an Empress: How Anachronistic Costumes Are Designed for Screen, Elissa Weir
Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning Model Development for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Armin Nejadhossein Qasemabadi
Programmatic SAT for SHA-256 Collision Attack, Al Nahiyan Bin Alamgir
PROGRAMME The 26th Annual Polish-Canadian Society Business Dinner, Jerry Barycki
Progress towards stimuli-responsive properties of self-immolative pseudopeptides, Mana Dashti
Progress Towards the Synthesis of Acetal-Free TF Antigens Anti-Cancer Vaccine Candidate, Emma J. Flynn
Proof-of-Presence: A Blockchain Based Traffic Data Collection System, Jiasong Liu
Properties and Failure of 3D-Printed H13 Steel Die Inserts, Qiang Zhang
Quanta tracking algorithm for multiple moving targets, Darin T. Dunham, Peter K. Willett, Terry L. Ogle, and Balakumar Balasingam
Quantifying survival and behaviour of hatchery-reared juvenile bloater stocked across bathymetric depths in Lake Ontario, Lydia L. Paulic
Quantifying the Relative Importance of Boat Wakes in Fetch-Limited Environments, Abigail Maria Carswell
Quantifying the Relative Importance of Boat Wakes in Fetch-Limited Environments, Abigail Carswell
Quantum Control Using STIRAP in Trapped-ion Quantum States, Zach Manson and Chitra Rangan
Quantum Control with Counter-intuitive Laser Pulse Sequences, Taylor Tracey Kyryliuk and Chitra Rangan
Quickest Detection of Abnormal Vehicle Movements on Highways, Jingyu Wang, Ravindra Kumar Dhanapal, Priyadharshini Ramakrishnan, and Balakumar Balasingam
Quiet in the nest: The nest environment attenuates song in a grassland songbird, Sarah L. Dobney, Mikayla M.K. Bornais, D. Ryan Norris, Amy E.M. Newman, Heather Williams, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Daniel J. Mennill
Quiet in the nest: The nest environment attenuates song in a grassland songbird, Sarah L. Dobney, Mikayla M.K. Bornais, D. Ryan Norris, Amy E.M. Newman, Heather Williams, Stéphanie M. Doucet, and Daniel J. Mennill
Race, Place, and Religion: African American Missionaries in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Kevin D. Hicks
Racial Trauma and the Impact on Black Girls in Canada, Keisha Evans
Radiofrequency Coils for Single-Sided Portable Magnetic Resonance, Doris Rusu, Dan Xiao, Jean-Marc Beneteau, and Jordyn Matthews
Raise the Humanity in Art, Ada Walman
Random finite set particle filter for source enumeration and direction-of-arrival tracking using sonar arrays, Balakumar Balasingam, Marcus Baum, and Peter Willett
Rapid degeneration of Polymers and it's Applications, Sarah Nasri
Rapid Review of Significant Findings from Safer Opioid Supply Programs, Leia Beland-Rawson
Rats’ Acquisition of Incidental Redundant Information While Performing an Explicit, Free-operant Signal Tracking Task, Dhanraj Shastri
Reading Line Classification Using Eye-Trackers, Xiaohao Sun and Balakumar Balasingam
Ready for Take-off: Student-Led Experiential Learning through a Student Employee Orientation Project, Marlene D. Sebastian and Lorna Stolarchuk
Real-time Battery Capacity Estimation Based on Opportunistic Measurements, Sneha Sundaresan, Prarthana Pillai, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
Real-time In-process Ultrasonic M-scan Segmentation Using Deep Learning For Adaptive Resistance Spot Welding, Vlad Tusinean
Real-time In-process Ultrasonic M-scan Segmentation Using Deep Learning For Adaptive Resistance Spot Welding, Vlad Tusinean
Real-time On-site OpenGL-based Object Speed Measuring Using Constant Sequential Image, Aiming Deng
Real-Time, Portable FTIR for In-Situ Measurements of Soluble Reactive Phosphorus, Nathan G. Drouillard, Thomas John Hammond PhD, Aaron Fisk PhD, and Jill Crossman PhD
Recipes for Life: Black Women, Cooking, and Memory, Elspeth McKay
Recurrence-free survival of stage 2 and 3 colon cancer patients managed with or without chemotherapy, Andrew Jeong, Abdulkadir Hussein Dr., Tarek Elfiki Dr., Sindu Kanjeekal Dr., John Mathews Dr., and Akmal Ghafoor Dr.
Recursive least square estimation approach to real-time parameter identification in li-ion batteries, Sheikh Arif Raihan and Balakumar Balasingam
Redesign and benchmarking of electric vehicle batteries for demanufacturing for secondary life applications in the circular economy, Abhay Singh Rathaur
Reduced Inequalities - A United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, Natasha Nakhle, Julia Sadler, Julia Archer, and Aleksandra Todorovski
Reducing Energy Usage for Residential Furnace Blowers: Blade Re-Design and Assessment of the Impact of Flow Non-Uniformity Elimination, Mohammad Mirmohammadi
Registered Nurse Retention in Long Term Care: A Qualitative Exploration, Brandi Lynne Livingstone
Regulation of natural killer cell responses by myeloid-derived suppressor cells in mouse mammary tumors, Mary Ibrahim
Reinforcement Learning-Based Data Rate Congestion Control for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, Gnana Shilpa Nuthalapati
Relative age affects among hockey draftees: An analysis of the Ontario Hockey League Priority Selection and Under-18 drafts., Kristen Swiatoschik, Laura Chittle, Jess Dixon, and Sean Horton
Relaunching Technovation Post-COVID, Laila Albalkhi
Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation, Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo da Costa, Ana M.M. Sequeira, Gonzalo Mucientes, António M. Santos, Francisco J. Abascal, Debra L. Abercrombie, Katya Abrantes, David Acuña-Marrero, André S. Afonso, Pedro Afonso, Darrell Anders, Gonzalo Araujo, Randall Arauz, Pascal Bach, Adam Barnett, and Diego Bernal
Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone, Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo da Costa, Ana M.M. Sequeira, Gonzalo Mucientes, António M. Santos, Francisco J. Abascal, Debra L. Abercrombie, Katya Abrantes, David Acuña-Marrero, André S. Afonso, Pedro Afonso, Darrell Anders, Gonzalo Araujo, Randall Arauz, Pascal Bach, Adam Barnett, and Diego Bernal
Reporting on Egyptian Education: Western Press Coverage and Misrepresentation of Egyptian Education Reform at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Shaymaa Zantout
Representations of Home: A Study of Memory and Trauma, Kianie Bernadine Nonis
Representations of Sexual Assault in News Media Coverage of Canada’s Extreme Intoxication Defence, Alanna Acchione
Resettlement of Refugees through the Lens of the Critical Race Theory, Aituaje U. Aizenobie
Resiliency Enhancement of Active Distribution Networks During Grid Faults and Cyber Threats, Saad Arshed Elias Pola
Revealing the Invisible Cage: Understanding Coercive Control through the Eyes of Survivors in the Era of COVID-19, Chloë Elizabeth Eidlitz
Rhetorical and Symbolic Form in Hopkins’s ‘To What Serves Mortal Beauty’, Thomas Dilworth
Rhythms in RNA and Proliferation in Intestinal Stem Cell Organoids, Kristina Skurvidayte
Riparian vegetational biodiversity and environmental gradients in Southwestern Ontario created wetlands, Rose Simard
Rip Currents and Beach Safety at Brackley Beach, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Kayla Jakobszen
Risk Management in Design of Distributed Supply Chains Using a Bi-Objective Optimization and Machine-Learning Approach, Shirin Shahsavary
Road Conditions & Driving Patterns during the COVID-19 Pandemic as Predictors of Distracted Driving Behaviors, Erika Angeline Lopetrone and Francesco Biondi Dr.
Road Side Unit (RSU) Misbehaviour Detection in VANET using Trust Model, Lavanya Nagaraju
Robust Approach to Battery Equivalent-Circuit-Model Parameter Extraction Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Marzia Abaspour, Krishna R. Pattipati, Behnam Shahrrava, and Balakumar Balasingam
Robust battery fuel gauge algorithm development, part 0: Normalized OCV modeling approach, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Robust battery fuel gauge algorithm development, part 1: Online parameter estimation, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Robust battery fuel gauge algorithm development, part 2: Online battery-capacity estimation, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Robust battery fuel gauge algorithm development, part 3: State of charge tracking, B. Balasingam, G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom
Robust collaborative learning by multi-agents, B. Balasingam, K. Pattipati, G. Levchuck, and J. C. Romano
Robust Visual Observer and Controller Design for System Modeled on SE(3) with Camera Measurements, Tong Zhang
Role of Autophagy Inhibition in Development of Alzheimer’s Disease: Resumption of Autophagy Leads to Neuronal Survival, Darcy James Wear and Rachel Marie Huggard
Role of Biological Sex on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Progression to Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Amy Llancari
Role of Intramuscular PAI-1 During Aged Skeletal Muscle Regeneration, Sarah Anne Angus, Fasih Ahmad Rahman, and Matthew Paul Krause
Roles of Skp2 and SAC in Preserving Genomic Integrity, Supriya Aryal
Romantic Relationships in Young Adults: The Influence of Parents and Friends, Jenna Elizabeth Thompson
Root System Response of Soybean to Microplastics of Varying Types and Concentrations, Deqa Farow
Rugburn, Mackenzie Jordan
S4H Bladder Cancer: Identifying a Genetic Signature that Predicts Progression to Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma, Jocelyne Cyrenne
Safety Practices in Long Term Care Facilities: A Review of the Literature, Maria Spagnuolo
Satellite-tracked sperm whale migrates from the Canadian Arctic to the subtropical western North Atlantic, Kyle J. Lefort, Nigel E. Hussey, Joshua M. Jones, Kelsey F. Johnson, and Steven H. Ferguson
Scale Evaluation of the North American Attitudes Towards Inclusive Physical Education, Semera Rose Riccardi
School leadership practices that enhance family involvement: Narratives of Chinese immigrant parents in Ontario, Canada, Yonglin Liang
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Huda Saleh, Faadel Al Asfari, Mariam Habana, and Zainab Naveed
SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals, Mareeta Shamoon, Kylie Pazner, Fadya Youssef, and Aiden Carr
SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, Kaitlin Ferraro, Zach Thomas, and Julia Rubino
SDG Goal 5 Gender Equality, Summer Elsawi, Dunia Roba, Grace Taylor, and Sara Al-Noor
Seagrass: Need of the hour, Eswar Vardhan Siddanathi, Pratyaksha Prabha, and Jashkaran Singh
Seamless Integration of Fast Charging Stations into Modern Power Distribution Systems with Renewables, Jacob Anthony Di Pietro
Search Strategy: Clinical Outcomes of Family Nursing Interventions on Patients and Family Members: A Systematic Review, Birte Østergaard, Sandra Eggenberger, Debbie Sheppard-LeMoine, Romy Mahrer-Imhof, and Adam Mulcaster
Secure and Energy-efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing, Xue Qin
Seeing through the Skull with Sound: Safety Testing and Field Mapping, Jordyn Matthews
Selection and validation of release sites for conservation translocations of temperate-zone snakes, Jonathan D. Choquette, Ali I. Mokdad, Trevor E. Pitcher, and Jacqueline D. Litzgus
#selfharn on Instagram: Understanding online communities surrounding non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) through conversations and common properties among authors, Jory Fulcher, Sarah Dunbar, Elizabeth Orlando, Sara Santarossa, and Sarah Woodruff
Semantic Embedded Sequential Recommendation for E-Commerce Products through Mining Customers’ Historical Interactions and Products’ Data, Mahreen Nasir Butt
Sense of Belonging and Academic Experiences of South Asian International Graduate Students in an Ontario Public University., Thivya Sriramachandran
Separation and Characterization of Bacterial Particles Using Low-Cost Microfluidic Lab-on-a-chip, Ashraf El-Khatib
Serpentine Spring Design for Sensitivity Enhancement of Dual-Axis Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer, Yanyu Li
Sexts and Gender: Social and Sexual Experiences in Social Media and Online Environments, Samantha Leeanne Levang
Sharing across the space: Introduction to a special issue on bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems, A. M. Muir, A. T. Duncan, K. Almack, N. Boucher, E. S. Dunlop, C. Febria, J. T. Ives, R. Lauzon, H. Lickers, W. P. Mattes, D. McGregor, H. McGregor, and A. J. Reid
Sheared Edge Formability of DP980 under Varying Die Wear Conditions, Thomas Slavik
Should Medical Assistance in Dying Extend to Include Mental Illness?, Michael Rossi
Signal Processing Based Pathological Voice Detection Techniques, Rumana Islam
“Silly Anecdotes”: From White Baselines to White Juries in R. v. Chouhan, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Silver Microparticle-Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Jeremy C. Marvin, Emma J. Blanchette, Sydney C. Sleiman, Haiqa Arain, Emily A. Tracey, and Steven J. Rehse
Similarity-Based Dual View Heterogenous Graph Neural Network Method for Drug Adverse Side Effect Prediction, Mayank Kumar
Simulation of Delta Winglets to Improve Heat Transfer in Solar Air Heaters, mehrnaz mehdizadeh farsangi
Single-stage few-cycle pulse amplification, Sagnik Ghosh, Nathan G. Drouillard, and TJ Hammond
Skin Cancer Detection by Deep Learning Algorithms, Faezeh Mohammadi Aydoghmishi
Sleep, Socioemotional Functioning, and Symptom Experience: An Experimental Sleep Restriction Study, Brandon Gerald Zuccato
Smart Manufacturing Execution System Framework for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises, Mohamed Mahmoud Masoud
Socialization Agents that Introduce, Encourage, or Pressure Women to Sell Sexual Services Online, Michelle Park
Social Theory From The Second Person Perspective, Connor Cosgrove
Sociological explanation of the social responsibility of the banking system and its relationship with social capital, Narjes Azizi
Solving the Student Housing Crisis in Ontario: An Analytical Policy Brief, Naga Jyothirmayee Dodda, Nourin Ahmed, and Achini herath
Song overlapping and matching during low-arousal singing and their relation to visual ornaments, parental care and breeding success in the great tit (Parus major), Nina Bircher, Daniel J. Mennill, Kees van Oers, and Marc Naguib
Song overlapping and matching during low-arousal singing and their relation to visual ornaments, parental care and breeding success in the great tit (Parus major), Nina Bircher, Daniel J. Mennill, Kees van Oers, and Marc Naguib
Songs of Old Assumption, Assumption College (Windsor)
Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Windsor Using Chemical Mass Balance Model, Nishat Tabassum Borsha
Spatio-Temporal Variability in White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Movement Ecology During Residency and Migration Phases in the Western North Atlantic, Bryan R. Franks, John P. Tyminski, Nigel E. Hussey, Camrin D. Braun, Alisa L. Newton, Simon R. Thorrold, George C. Fischer, Brett McBride, and Robert E. Hueter
Spectral broadening for pulse compression using liquid alcohols, Jacob A. Stephen, Chathurangani J. Arachchige, and TJ Hammond
Spectroscopic Techniques in Determining the Elemental Composition of Fish Otoliths, Christopher John Smit Heath
Spectrum Sensing Station Prototype and probabilistic model, Danilo Corral-De-Witt
Spirit: Bridging the Gap Between Actor and Character, Sofia Jarvis and Nicole Smieja
Sport as a Means of Socially Integrating Newcomer Girls into Canadian Society, Jumana Waez
Sport confidence as a mediator between imagery use and psychological resilience in student athletes, Samantha Anne D'Agostino
Spy1: A Closer Look at its Binding Mutants, Jared Miller, Lisa Porter PhD, and Bre-Anne Fifield PhD
Spy 1: A Potential Driving Force of the Breast Cancer Stem Cell Population, Nick Joseph Philbin
Spy1-Mediated Cell Cycle Effects Enhance Oncogenic Transformation by Selected Drivers in Human Glioblastoma, Emmanuel Boujeke
State-of-charge estimation of batteries using the extended Kalman filter: insights into performance analysis and filter tuning, Sooraj Sunil, Balakumar Balasingam, and Krishna R. Pattipati
State Sanctioned Poverty and Death for the Disabled: Durkheim's Fatalistic Suicide and Income Support Coverage for ODSP Recipients, Linda Coltman
Statistical consulting in academia: A review, Ke Xiao
Stator Winding Design of Traction Machines Using an Extended Winding Function-Based Model for Enhanced Traction Performances, Buddhika De Silva Guruwatta Vidanalage
Still Special After All These Years? Fundamental Questions in Legal Services Regulation, Noel Semple and Andy Boon
Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy with Widely Tunable Probe Pulse for Measuring Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus in the Great Lakes, Nathan Gregory Drouillard
Stopping Study in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Defining a New Paradigm for Ontario, Siri Ravipati and Waffa Bakheet
Strategies to Improve the Electrochemical Performance of Aluminum Anodes in Primary Alkaline Aluminum-Air Batteries, Razieh Kiani Harchegani
Structural and Energetic Features of Base–Base Stacking Contacts in RNA, Zakir Ali, Ambika Goyal, Ayush Jhunjhunwala, Abhijit Mitra, John F. Trant, and Purshotam Sharma
Structural Mapping of the Base Stacks Containing Post-transcriptionally Modified Bases in RNA, Zakir Ali, Sarabjeet Kaur, Teagan Kukhta, Abd Al-Aziz A Abu-Saleh, Ayush Jhunjhunwala, Abhijit Mitra, John F. Trant, and Purshotam Sharma
Structural Performance of Z Modular Bundled Column VectorBloc Connection, Qazi Shabihul Mateen
Student Nurses' Perception of Sleep Quality, Nicole Wall
Students’ Interpretations of Survey Questions about Sexual Experiences: A Think Aloud Study, Nicole K. Jeffrey and Charlene Y. Senn
Study and Analysis of Mirror-like Object Detection for Autonomous Indoor Navigation using a 2D LiDAR, Deeptha Damodaran
Study Opinion Dynamics of Migrated Individuals using Multi-layer Social Graphs, Sarvnaz Sadeghi
Subnetwork-Based Neural Network for Voice Pathology Detection, Zeng Li
Successes and failures in curriculum reforms: a case study of Québec’s system-wide curriculum reform (1996-2022), Simon Landry
Supercontinuum amplification by Kerr instability, Sagnik Ghosh, Nathan G. Drouillard, and TJ Hammond
Supporting a Community of Practise for Active and Experiential Learning in Science, Jahanvi Patel
Supramolecular and Covalent Crosslinking of Organic Semiconductors, Audithya Narasimha Nyaychavadi
Sustainability by Design: Carbohydrate Side Chain Engineering for Greener Semiconducting Polymers in Organic Electronics, Madison Mooney
Sustainable Development Goal 9, Folakemi Folami
Swallowing Exercises in Preterm Infants, Hassan Shaban
Synthesis of a more biologically active anti-tumour agent, Michael A. Qaqish
Synthesis of C-glycoside analog for Improved autoimmune response and clinical cancer treatment., Afeson beyene, John Trant, Michael Reynolds, and Aman Sehmbi
Synthesis of dendrimer antifreezes and applications in cryopreservations, Peter Bahnam, Greg Yousif, Sayed Iraj Sadraie Mr., and Dr. John F. Trant
Synthesis of Nano-Silicon Using Particle Pulverization for Li-ion Battery Applications, Sylvester Avijit Gomes
Synthetically Modified Cellulose Derivatives for the Remediate of Phosphate from Agricultural Wastewater, Liam LeClair
Synthite Tea Extract and Long Pepper Extract Selectively Induce Cell Death and Improve the Efficacy of Chemotherapeutics in Prostate Cancer Cells, Hannah Drew and Adam Gaisinsky
System Design-Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator Outstanding Scholars Research Project, Kimberly Rose Miller
Targeting the CD44 Receptor by Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles in Glioma: Exploring Functional and Molecular Mechanism of HA-CPNs, Alexandra Jaclyn Sorge
Targeting the Cell Cycle in the Treatment of Medulloblastoma, Philip Habashy
Tax Preferences: A Numerical Exercise, Isaac Babatunde Olatunji
t-Butylamine as a “new” agent for mild and selective deacetylation, Joy-Lynn Kobti and Dr. John F. Trant
Teaching and Social Presence in HyFlex Classrooms: Setting the Climate for Effective Group Cohesion, Erica L. Lyons
Temporal Analysis of Conditions in the Great Lakes using Data from Buoys in Lake Erie, Madison McKnight
Temporal Analysis of Driver Response Time and Physiological Performance Measures During Partial Automation and Manual Driving Modes, Mobina Mahmoodzadeh
Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Implicit Relation Prediction: Leveraging Timestamps and Confidence, Lida Mirzaei
Temporal organic matter dynamics in anthropogenically-impacted stream ecosystems, Shayenna Nolan and Catherine Febria
Temporospatial Characteristics of the Effect of a Sound on the Response to Another Sound in Neurons in the Rat Auditory Midbrain, Olivia Elizabeth Sauvé
Testing an algorithm to determine semantic distance between words, Rory A. Sutcliffe
Testing under communication constraints, Sora Choi, Balakumar Balasingam, and Peter Willett
Tether Length and Retention of Satellite Tags on Megafauna, Herman Singh Dayal
The Alchemy of Equality Rights, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
The Aphasia Friendly Business Campaign: Program Expansion and Evaluation, Julia Borsatto
The Association Between Dimensions of Mental Health, and Components of Attention in Young Adults, Emily O'Connor-Derikozis, Katie Hines, and Joseph E. Casey
The Association of Perceived Stress with Anxiety-related Symptoms during Use of the MindShift app, Emily Jerome
The Behavior of Shelf Angles Made With Various Connectors, Aarish Khan
The behavioural ecology of colour change in Neotropical yellow toads (Incilius luetkenii), Katrina Marie Gardner
The Big Bang and Paradise Lost in Michael Symmons Roberts’ “Last Words”, Thomas Dilworth
The Bouba/Kiki Effect on Gendered Objects in the Arabic Language, Ghadir Nassereddine
The Capitalistic Reproduction of Socio-Environmental Crises and Crisis Mitigating Inefficacy of Industrial-Capitalist Agricultural Techniques, Owen Richelmo Marino Bortolon
The changing landscape of journal publishing: Open Access agreements, Roger Reka
The characterization of riparian vegetation in agriculture drains impacted by Phragmites australis and drain management: A southwestern Ontario, Canada case study, Ryan Mackenzie Graham
The Charter of Whites: Systemic Racism and Critical Race Equality in Canada, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
The circadian calling activity of a lebinthine cricket with high-frequency calls is unaffected by cicada choruses in the day, Ming Kai Tan, Tony Robillard, and Hannah ter Hofstede
The circumpolar impacts of climate change and anthropogenic stressors on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and its ecosystem, Maxime Geoffroy, Caroline Bouchard, Hauke Flores, Dominique Robert, Harald Gjøsæter, Carie Hoover, Haakon Hop, Nigel E. Hussey, Jasmine Nahrgang, Nadja Steiner, Morgan Bender, Jørgen Berge, Giulia Castellani, Natalia Chernova, Louise Copeman, Carmen L. David, Alison Deary, George Divoky, Andrey V. Dolgov, and Janet Duffy-Anderson
The Coastie Initiative: Crowdsourcing Coastal Monitoring, Nathan Cherry
The Consequences of the Supreme Court of Canada's Approach to the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Labour Arbitrators, Petar Bratic
The consumption of shark meat in the Amazon region and its implications for human health and the marine ecosystem, J. Souza-Araujo, O. G. Souza-Junior, A. Guimarães-Costa, N. E. Hussey, M. O. Lima, and T. Giarrizzo
The Dating Study: Men's Opinions about Dating Relationships with Women, Nicole K. Jeffrey
The Debate Over Boycotts: The Effect and Effectiveness of Olympic Boycotts, Micaila Grace Mercedes Forte
The Depiction of Native Hawaiians in American Media, Lauren Lopez
The Development and Testing of a Psychometrically Sound Inventory to Measure Athlete Leader Fairness, Katherine Hirsch
The Development of a Clinical Predictive Tool to Increase Uptake of a Hypertension Prevention Treatment in at Risk Black Americans, Kiara De Simone
The Development of Sustainability Accounting Globally, Yang Yan
The Effect of Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Recovery on Resilience in Manufacturing Systems, Arina Kouchakzadeh
The Effect of Post-Injury Exercise Training on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria, Samuel Jacob Girard
The Effects of Biosolid Microplastics on the Microbial Community and Root Functioning in the Rhizosphere of Soybean Crops in Agricultural Soil, Rebecca Chloe Lebel
The Effects of Dexamethasone on Breast Cancer and Chemotherapeutic Treatment, Katie Zuccato, Martin Vance Crozier, and Janice Tubman
The Effects of Turbidity on Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) Olfactory Crypt Cell Sensory Neurons, Kimia Jafarzadeh
The Efficacy and Challenges of Lobbying Regulation in Canada: A Comprehensive Analysis, Zahra Khan
The Efficacy of Simarouba Glauca Extract on Brain Cancer, Vasudha Saini, Caleb Vegh, Christopher Nguyen, and Siyaram Pandey
The emergence of circadian timekeeping in the intestine, Kathyani Parasram, Amy Zuccato, Minjeong Shin, Reegan Willms, Brian DeVeale, Edan Foley, and Phillip Karpowicz
The emergence of circadian timekeeping in the intestine, Kathyani Parasram, Amy Zuccato, Minjeong Shin, Reegan Willms, Brian DeVeale, Edan Foley, and Phillip Karpowicz
The End Game of Foreign Policy:An Analysis of the Leading Participants in the Belt and Road Initiative, David Shanks
The Eye at Your Door: The Responsibilized Citizen-Consumer in the Expanding Surveillant Assemblage, Rebecca Anne Croucher
The Fall and Rise of Identified Reference Collection: It Is Possible and Necessary to Transition from a Typological Conceptualization of Variation to Effective Utilization of Collections, John Albanese, Abegail Dagdag, Carmen Skalic, Stephanie Osley, and Hugo Cardoso
The first total synthesis of a glycolipid from S. pneumoniae and the biological re-evaluation of their immunological activity, Khushali Parikh Miss
The Fish Perspective of Artificial Light at Night, Arshpreet Bassi
The Foucault Pendulum, Jake Stephen
The Graph Burning and The Firefighter Problems, Jilsa Chandarana
The Hidden Date in Yeats’s ‘Easter 1916’, Thomas Dilworth
The Impact of an Online Psychological Skills Training Program on the Mental Health of Varsity Athletes, Aidan Michael Kovacs
The Impact of Cognitive Reserve on Baseline Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Without Dementia, Jarod Joshi
The Impact of COVID-19 on Teacher’s Psychological Well-Being and Attrition: A Qualitative Post-Pandemic Exploration, Elizabeth Ann Jevdic
The Impact of COVID-19 on Teacher’s Psychological Well-Being and Attrition: A Qualitative Post-Pandemic Exploration, Elizabeth Ann Jevdic
The impact of HA-CPNs on CD44 pathway activation and stem cell properties of glioma, Sami Alrashed, Dorota Lubanska, Ana deCarvalho, Gage Mason, Simon Rondeau-Gagné, and Lisa A. Porter
The influence of drug treatment timing in triple-negative breast cancer, Emily Mailloux, Lisa Porter PhD, and Bre-Anne Fifield PhD
The influence of object size on the development of motor planning skills: Unimanual object manipulation with standard vs. choice object size, Sara Scharoun Benson
The Influence of Semantic Neighbourhood Density and Concreteness on Episodic Memory for Single Words, Brinna Fougere
The influence of spatiotemporal variation in food web models, Cecilia E. Heuvel
The Inventive Concept in Patent Law: Not So Obvious, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
The meaning of competitive sport in the lives of baby boomers navigating retirement, Dale Ashley Bellaire
The Millennial Influence on Border Crossings - Contemplating the Future of Canada's Economic Security, Monique Gill
The Minimum Consistent Spanning Subset Problem on Trees, Parham Khamsepour
The Missing Link: Reflecting the Social Fabric in the Legal Implementation Measures Against Female Genital Circumcision in Developing Countries, Anna A. Sallah Miss
The Neoliberal Implementation of Housing First Principles and Chronic Homelessness in Women, Natalie Weir
Then, Now, and Contrasting Sensations in Wordsworth’s ‘She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways’, Thomas Dilworth
The Outstanding Impact of Mentorship, Chitra Bidlon
The power of OER and how the Office of Open Learning can get you started, Ashlyne I. O'Neil
The Procedural & Symbolic Barriers to Justice in Nigerian Wrongful Conviction Cases, Chinyere Obinna
The Reallocation of Funding and the Integration of Support Programs in Dementia Caregiving: Improving the Dementia Epidemic, Navreen Dosanjh and Nima Malakoti-Negad
The Reciprocal Benefits of Library Researcher-in-Residence Programs, Virginia Wilson and Selinda Adelle Berg
The Registered Nurse Role in Primary Care: A Focused Ethnography, Faith Fauteux
The relational consequences of self-silencing for undergraduate women, Tanja Samardzic and Charlene Y. Senn PhD
The Relationship Between Metaphysics and Logic, Sofia Celeste Piknjac Phillips
The Right to the City in Windsor, ON, Polina Volkova
Thermal and behavioural responses to warming temperatures in an Arctic breeding songbird, Rebecca Jardine
Thermal modeling of second-life repurposed EV battery pack, Emanuele Lettieri
Thermal Performance Enhancement of a Crossflow PCM-to air and liquid Heat Exchanger, Saman Jalilian
Thermal tolerance depends on season, age and body condition in imperilled redside dace Clinostomus elongatus, Andy J. Turko, Colby B. Nolan, Sigal Balshine, Graham R. Scott, and Trevor E. Pitcher
Thermo-mechanical analysis of complex geometries manufactured by directed energy deposition processes using machine learning approaches, Seyedeh Elnaz Mirazimzadeh
The role of cell cycle regulators in neuroendocrine prostate cancer transdifferentiation and resistance in therapy, Martin K. Bakht MSc PhD candidate; Keith F. Stringer MD, PhD Candidate; Rosa-Maria Ferraiuolo PhD; Janice Tubman PhD candidate; Bre-Anne Fifield PhD; and Lisa A. Porter PhD
The role of NKR-P1B:Clr-b interactions in regulating natural killer cell homeostasis in murine mammary tumours, Karla Alnajm
The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in the Context of Increased Living Costs in Ontario, Hashem Al-Dimashki
The role of phosphatidylserine in synaptic development and plasticity at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction, Adam Sghaier
The Role of Self-Talk in Regulating Public Speaking Anxiety in Ethnically Diverse Young Adults in Canada, Clare Denise Russell Hinch
The Role of Speedy/RINGO in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis, Claudia Pecoraro
The Role of SPY1 in Mammary Involution and Oncogenesis, Isabelle Hinch, Bre-Anne Fifield Dr., and Lisa A. Porter Dr.
The Role of the Cyclin-like Protein, Spy1, on Cell Cycle Progression and Liver Cancer, Madison Curtis, Bre-Anne Fifield, and Lisa Porter
The role of the histone methyltransferase G9a in regulating expression of FORAGING and nociception in Drosophila melanogaster, Dunya Yasser Assaf
The Role of the Microenvironmental Landscape in Brain Cancer Progression and Therapy Resistance, Fatima Nadeem, Dorota Lubanska, and Lisa Porter Dr
The salience of students’ body language during in-person and online lectures at a Canadian university, Giuliana Salvato
The Self-Reference Effect on Memory Among 4- To 6-Year-Olds: The Role of Active Encoding and Cognitive Abilities, Alicia Nicole Bartlett
The Solid Phase Synthesis Approach to Making Peptides, Chitra Bidlon
The Stakes of Waiting: Philosophy, Hospitality, Argument, Jeffrey Brian Renaud
The state of low vision care in Ontario, Amy Basilious, Alfred Basilious, Alex Mao, and Cindy Hutnik
The Synergistic Effects of Rosemary, Long Pepper, and Synthite Tea Extracts with Chemotherapy on Reducing Toxicity to Non-Cancerous Cells in HCT-116 Colon Cancer Cell Line, Soniya Neupane and Enkela Musliu
TheTeacher's perspective of integrating STEM, iSTEM and STEAM in their classroom, Atiya H. Razi
The Temporal-Spatial Effects of Sounds in the Mammalian Auditory Midbrain, Sarah Tran, Syed Anam Asim, Pamela Stark, and Huiming Zhang
The Tumour Suppressor Tuberin and DNA Damage Response, Vanessa Vuong
The Tumour Suppressor Tuberin Coordinating DNA damage and Mitotic Onset., Kim Nguyen, Jackie Fong, Elizabeth Fidalgo da Silva, and Lisa A. Porter
The Use of Automation in the Greenhouse Industry, Medha Muppala
Thinking Global, Acting Local: Policy, Diversity, Ecosystems and Climate Change, Catherine Febria
Tied Hands? A Doctrinal and Policy Argument for the Validity of Advance Consent, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Time of Day of Skeletal Muscle Injury as a Critical Factor in Post-Regeneration Outcomes, Daniel Leonardo Scurto
Tipping the Scales: The Role of Spy1 During Involution of the Mammary Gland, Isabelle Hinch, Bre-Anne Fifield Ph.D., and Lisa A. Porter Ph.D.
To Be or Not To Be: The Relationship Between Economic Diversity and Unemployment Rates in Canadian Cities During the COVID-19 Induced Shock, Alphonse Yahaya
Torque Vectoring Controls for Multi-architecture Battery Electric Vehicles, Riccardo Ninfa
Towards A More Human-Centric Machine Learning Paradigm, Ehsan Ur Rahman Mohammed
Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Tissue Mass Prediction Tool for Living Men and Women, Zikra M. Nilam
Towards the Synthesis of a C-glycoside Serine Tn Antigen, Thomson Ly
Toxoplasma gondii: Comparing Vesicles from Healthy and Infected Cells, Deena Qaisi
Tracing carbon flow and trophic structure of a coastal Arctic marine food web using highly branched isoprenoids and carbon, nitrogen and sulfur stable isotopes, Rémi Amiraux, C. J. Mundy, Marie Pierrejean, Andrea Niemi, Kevin J. Hedges, Thomas A. Brown, Jens K. Ehn, Kyle H. Elliott, Steven H. Ferguson, Aaron T. Fisk, Grant Gilchrist, Les N. Harris, Katrin Iken, Kevin B. Jacobs, Kelsey F. Johnson, Z. A. Kuzyk, Audrey Limoges, Tracey N. Loewen, Oliver P. Love, and Cory J.D. Matthews
Tracking individual behaviors in networks: An experimental demonstration, Balakumar Balasingam, Peter Willett, and Yaakov Bar-Shalom
Tracking the Progression of Reading Through Eye-gaze Measurements, Stephen Bottos and Balakumar Balasingam
Tracking the Progression of Reading Using Eye-Gaze Point Measurements and Hidden Markov Models, Stephen Bottos and Balakumar Balasingam
Tracking the Trends of the Self-Represented Litigant Phenomenon: Data from the National Self-Represented Litigants Project, 2021-2023, Keerthi Chintapalli
Traffic Congestion Sybil Attack Detection in VANETs using Machine Learning Techniques, Sarthak Khanduja
Transcriptomics Signature from Next-Generation Sequencing Data Reveals New Transcriptomic Biomarkers Related to Prostate Cancer, Abedalrhman Alkhateeb, Iman Rezaeian, Siva Singireddy, Dora Cavallo-Medved, Lisa A. Porter, and Luis Rueda
Transient Thermal Simulation of Lithium-ion Batteries for Hybrid/Electric Vehicles, Nicholas Vinten
Transmission Power based Congestion Control using Q-Learning algorithm in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), Pooja Chandrasekharan
Trauma-Informed Practice in Ontario University Writing Centres, Kate V. Hargreaves
Trauma-Informed Practice in Ontario University Writing Centres, Kate Victoria Hargreaves
Triple Current Control of Transformer-less Distributed Generators for Optimal Protection Coordination and Power Oscillation Elimination, Johnny Msawbah
Truck Load Distribution Factors in Concrete Multicell Bridges, SHIVANSHI GUPTA
Trying For The Kingdom, Lauren Stiers
Twelve Angry (White) Men: The Constitutionality of the Statement of Principles, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
UAV Path Planning Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, Chang Wang
Ultrasonic phased array imaging and data post processing with applications to resistance spot welding, Milos Draskovic
Umbilical Discord, Rawand Mustafa
Uncertainty Assessment in Hydrological Modelling Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion, Rahul Narula
Uncertainty quantification in climate change impacts on hydrology using three-way ANOVA, Tejith Pogakula
Unconventional Strategies for Crafting Cyclic Compounds with a Twist: Peptides, Cavitands, and Crown Ethers, Sanaz Nadimi
Understanding models of care in cardiac rehabilitation programs to maximize outcomes in women, Alexa Lee Govette
Understanding Pandemic-Related Distress in International Students: An Ongoing Pilot Study, Serena Robinson
Understanding Teachers' Perceptions and Practices: Exploring the Integration of Social-Emotional Learning in Mathematics Education, ONOME PEACE ELUWA
Understanding Teachers' Perceptions and Practices: Exploring the Integration of Social-Emotional Learning in Mathematics Education., ONOME PEACE ELUWA
Understanding the difference in body composition assessment methods in university aged Canadian students, Natalie Adam
Underwater sound levels in the Canadian Arctic, 2014–2019, William D. Halliday, David Barclay, Amanda N. Barkley, Emmanuelle Cook, Jackie Dawson, R. Casey Hilliard, Nigel E. Hussey, Joshua M. Jones, Francis Juanes, Marianne Marcoux, Andrea Niemi, Shannon Nudds, Matthew K. Pine, Clark Richards, Kevin Scharffenberg, Kristin Westdal, and Stephen J. Insley
Underwater sound modelling and object localization, Faraz Talebpour, Reza Alirezaee, and Shahpour Alirezaee Dr
Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviours Among University of Windsor Lancer Men, Zach Staffell
Unification of internal resistance estimation methods for li-ion batteries using hysteresis-free equivalent circuit models, S. M. Rakiul Islam, Sung Yeul Park, and Balakumar Balasingam
Unitary Irreducible Highest Weight Modules of su(2,1) of Highest Weight λ - ρ Where λ is Integral Regular, Yasin Mobassir
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, Anmol Nagra, Isabella Anes Rangel, Miranda Canty, and Alice Seo
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2004 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2004 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2005 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2005 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2005 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2006 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2006 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2006 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2007 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2007 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2007 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2008 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2008 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2008 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2009 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2009 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2009 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2010 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2010 Spring, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2011 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2011 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2011 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2012 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2012 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2012 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2013 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2013 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2013 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2014 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2014 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2014 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2015 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2015 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2015 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2016 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2016 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2016 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2017 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2017 Spring, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2018 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2018 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2019 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2019 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2019 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2020 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2020 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2005 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2006 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2006 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2006 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2007 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2007 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2007 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2008 Fall Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2008 Spring Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2008 Winter Electronic Edition, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2009 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2009 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2010 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2010 Spring, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2011 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2011 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2011 Winter, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2012 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2012 Winter, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2015 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2015 Winter, University of Windsor
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University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2018 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2018 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2018 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2019 Fall, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2019 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2019 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2020 Spring, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Undergraduate Calendar 2020 Winter, University of Windsor
University of Windsor Varsity Athlete Sport Nutrition Knowledge: A Pilot Study, Brittany Van Hooft
“Unnatural, filthy, unclean and positively dangerous to health and life.”: Smallpox vaccine refusal and sectional violence in Montréal 1885, Mary M. Horman
Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers, Arnaud Foulquier, Thibault Datry, Roland Corti, Daniel von Schiller, Klement Tockner, Rachel Stubbington, Mark O. Gessner, Frédéric Boyer, Marc Ohlmann, Wilfried Thuiller, Delphine Rioux, Christian Miquel, Ricardo Albariño, Daniel C. Allen, Florian Altermatt, Maria Isabel Arce, Shai Arnon, Damien Banas, Andy Banegas-Medina, and Erin Beller
Unsupervised Bidirectional MR to CT Synthesis Based on Generative Adversarial Networks, Jiayuan Wang
US Arms Trade in the Middle East: A Complex and Dynamic Relationship, Mia-Maria Tabet
Using Harmonization to Examine Freshwater Mussel Species at Risk: A Sydenham River Watershed Case Study, Julia Ann Willsie
Using Sequential Multi-Behavior Product Features for E-commerce Recommendation, Saadhika Bandreddy
Using Silver to Enhance Spectroscopic Signals of Bacteria, Emily Tracey
Using the Tn Antigen as an Immunotherapeutic Cancer Treatment, Sabrina M. Piazza
Utilizing an Integrated Approach to Explore Niche in a Complex Equatorial System, Danielle Orrell